Monthly Archives: February 2018


Not by might, not by power, but by my Spirit, says the Lord.
The disturbance is in you – a concept that you entertain

Years ago I wondered:
Why didn’t/doesn’t JESUS fix everything supernaturally?
He did, he showed mortal life to be unreal.

“Ye must be born again” said JESUS, but not way religion teaches.
Clear from your thinking everything denies ur already spiritual.

The Light shines in the darkness but the darkness comprehends it not.
We cannot afford to be in darkness any longer.

JESUS said “I have overcome the world (belief of life in flesh)”
Spiritual awareness establishes us as residents of kingdom of God

To realize your immortality you must give up all
mortality – good and bad!
All that God has is yours. #DEHYPNOTIZE

Ya gotta know the truth and know the truth & know the truth until mortality gives up!
The end of false life is not death but Life.

God NEVER sends us evil – absolutely not!
But would you want a challenge removed before attaining your spiritual breakthrough?

God’s will is that you BE what you are – Spirit.
Sl-o-o-o-w-ly we become aware we have been, and for most part are, still asleep.

● You are the Light of the world.
● Let your Light shine.
God can educate you exactly how to #AWAKEN
#TheTruthThatHeals #NoDualism

Christ in all of us never dies.
Mortality appears real but we experience Spirit of God - omnipresent Christ.

Christ in you
- I S -
the kingdom of God.
Human lifespan vs. ETERNAL LIFE !!! (Not in the physical world.) #ThisCanHealYou

Christ within has been taking care of everything perfectly - right up to point where you interfered!
Let Christ decide everything.

When the Spirit gets inside your thought it is because you have "opened out a way for the hidden splendor to escape [Browning]"

If you wish to entertain a negative train of thought, the kingdom of God is not 4u
Such thought couldn't enter or survive

We are One Being.
Formless = incorporeal.
When we attain this level, how can we think we're sick, dying mortals?

Every miracle of Christ Jesus happened because he was in a spiritual body.
You have that same spiritual body.

You are the light of the world.
No disease can withstand this amazing Light.
Whatever you want to do ... is done.

I just realized that the problem of staying in Spirit is exactly this question:
Answer: YES !!

Some challenges in life REQUIRE more stick-to-it-iveness than other issues. Sometimes we need get downright fanatical.

What does #radical trust look like - to the unwary?
"If your right eye causes you to stumble gouge it out & throw it away."

The Christ is the living Spirit of God.
For most people it takes l-o-o-o-ng time to awaken to the fact that they are the Christ.

We -f-e-e-l- the presence of the Presence!

In spiritual universe there is no time.
Anything you want is at your fingertips.
Your thinking is lucid, your decisions glorious!

I just figured out what you need (coz it's just what I need)
Much, much deeper and far more often
I-Spirit = my opener

If you were to discover you had been hypnotized a long time ago & ur environment has fed into it all these years, what would u do?

How many children does God have?
A gazillion-trillion?
Nah! - only one,
And we're it! #SpiritualUniverse

All too often people tune in to voice of Spirit, receive perfect counsel & instruction & then heed dictates of their own self-will

Can you feel the infinite structure of your being?
It's a whole different you.
Not localized.
Unspeakable freedom !!!

You've got to see the Spirit in everyone you associate with.
You must always be in the Spirit of God.

In Spirit you cannot - CANNOT - look at anyone with human judgement.
Rise to your spiritual integrity & become true to who you are

Love not the world nor the things of the world or else love of the Father is not in you.
They are unreal!

How can you possibly love everyone, bar none?
Love God, Spirit, in them coz that immortality is who they are

When you are able to clear your mind of all human thinking - all of it - you're then ready to hear the

There's nothing we can "do" to get Spirit to speak to us.
But, don't despair...
Just shut out all yammering of human mind & listen

When you find your secret place of the Most High,
treasure it.
It will weed out everything you don't need & add whatever u do need

It is impossible to adequately describe how important it is to turn off our human mind.
Okay okay I confess this message is to me!

No longer 'in time':
No more seasons, no money, no competition, no pain, fear, death.

When I have a problem, I know it's the residue of my own material thinking. I then need to do whatever it takes to get my self out

The type of living that we're wanting to do needs to be pruned and tweaked constantly!


When you really, really want to clear your mind of all unnecessary junk, what can you do?
Want it badly enough and focus on God.

One thing Joel drove home for me big time yesterday is to turn my consciousness directly to God for

Identity is powerful!

I had a simple
little sentence
I wanted to say –
but correctly –
so that I could
work with its contents.
Had the hardest time
getting it out though.
Started out “I need …”
[Watch your identity.]
“I-Spirit need …”
Had just wanted to add:
” . . . illumination
. . . guidance
. . . silence
. . . clarification”.
Yeah I guess right identity
does take care of everything.


RJS (me): Great question! I love it!
To tell the truth that was/is meditation in its purest form. You see, I never “needed” (lacked) anything at all. I [Robin] had/have the very thing I thought I wanted. With a whole new awareness (new every day) I see that I include the fullness of God AS MY IDENTITY. I’m not a vulnerable mortal, but am complete and already ONE. Every question I thought I had above is now answered in and AS Spirit. Basking in all this joy is meditation-plus!


Try to imagine an invisible incorporeal self: corporeality cannot harm you coz it can’t find u! Lol
Now realize that is the real u

God’s grace, love, power, abundance, substance and intelligence are
I N F I N I T E.
Why don’t we believe God?

How do u get to know God better?The human mind can never know God.
We must use our Christ-mind to understand God’s ONEness with us

Ever been healed of a gnawing addiction?
Life is suddenly sweeter & full of promise?
Pray for others by ‘seeing’ them free as well

I have zero personal power: my only function is a clear channel for grace of God, the only substance in kingdom of God everywhere.

That insatiable human ego keeps us out of the very kingdom we seek.
Personal Identity
= E G O
and is infinitely worse than vanity.

Are you relatively content, sometimes happy, occasionally ecstatic with your human life?
Even with pain fear & death?

“Before Abraham was, I am.”
Birth is the beginning of the mortal dream.
Anyone can wake up to the immortality Jesus came to teach.

When you mediate, don’t pussyfoot around.
Go directly to the kingdom of God which BTW is within you!
Renew your immortal strength

The purpose of Jesus Christ is to break the mortal dream.
The purpose of world mind is to maintain the mortal dream.

to Christ in you is what will break the world dream of mortality, including sickness, pain, fear, death

Living in separation from God?
Got lotsa conflict and distress?
Wondering what’s it all about?
You’re ready for full awakening 😀

I T’S T I M E !!!
to put all your eggs in one basket.
That basket is

I must be immortal coz I can’t be human and divine.
Can you say with me
Your before-birth self is present.

Knocking at the door
Want to get inside
Knock knock knock
The door opens to show me – I’m already inside.~Rumi (Mooji paraphrased)

Who did hinder you?
The answer is always some form of hypnosis.
Let’s free ourselves – & mankind in turn – of world mind.

“Take no thought” vs. “Remember this & that”:
(1) QUICKLY remember relevant truths.
(2) APPLY them & dismiss the lie

Become detached to belief in anything outside of God, & ‘seeming’ outer world will find a way to conform to your growing awareness

In order to heal u must see Christ in the other person.
Always perfect & immortal.
Don’t be fooled by appearances.

When someone needs your help they’re really saying “On the inside I know I’m the Christ but on the outside my mind doesn’t see it”

Can you imagine having twice as much faith, or awareness, as u do now?
Imagine seeing thru every sickness, every disease?

Have you been looking, fearing, grieving through glass darkly (thru material sense)?
Did you know God never created that universe?

Now that you have accepted Christ mind, you can do things in the kingdom of God.
It’s ur secret life until ur very competent at it

When you have a problem turn to the Christ within you which is no stranger to you, and ask “Do You have this problem??”

” F – E – A – R ”
has basis in illusion.
Every illness is false belief of life in matter.
Get rid of false belief & illusion

You know that body we’re always talking about?
Well, guess what?
U were never IN that body!!

Christ comes to the world through our awareness.
We bring this healing influence to bear as we take no thought.

It’s amazing how CHRIST,
speaks to us bringing miracles into our lives with such impeccable timing

The past and the future don’t exist: they’re the parentheses in infinity.
The ‘form’ you think is you … isn’t! #ThisCanHealYou

Keep on with profound study
Keep transforming your life away from matter basis.
Accelerate ur spiritual progress by helping others

God never created anything that’s not entirely perfect

Jesus only appears on earth but Christ has no beginning.
Christ was the whole light which Jesus represented
Christ was/is infinite

Q: How can we follow Jesus, the Light, Christ?
A: We must be the Light.
Transformation only happens when we r ready for next level

All communication with God is in the split second of the
N – O – W

” N – O – W ”
is a wonderful glorious word: it’s God’s exclusively.
How hard is it to revel in this holy instant of God’s
N O W ?

<3 HAPPIEST BIRTHDAY EVER !! <3 ...To receive all my posts of ENCOURAGEMENT and ENLIGHTENMENT simply go to my profile (Robin Starbuck), click "friends", then click "see first". JESUS said "I have overcome the world." I = Spirit of God. The same I that is in you = the same I that IS you! #ThisCanHealYou The profundity of this statement escapes most people: The WAY to APPLY teachings of healing Truths is to claim "I DO see that..." To enter kingdom of heaven you've got to understand you're not a material corporeal body NOT in Time NOT in Space NOT in this body The Spirit of God never, never stops coming to Itself. You'll start knowing things before they happen. How's that for preparation? (1) Accept your identity as Christ. (2) Be true to your identity as Christ. #NoDualism #ChristInUsNow #TheTruthThatHeals Everything JESUS did in the Bible is there because you can do it - but you'll never be able to do it if you're in a corporeal body Nothing in God's universe is ever wrong. Have you been entertaining thoughts of a counterfeit universe? #JustaQuestion #TIMETOQUIT You're not in the presence of God if you're not aware of being in the presence of God. Ditto for the protection of God. I AM = God

Spiritual search is over

“THE GREATEST HAPPINESS I know that my search is over.
I am always consciously aware of the Presence of Spirit.
I have discovered the great reality.
I am awake to the realization of this Presence. There is but one life. Today I see it reflected in every form, back of every countenance, moving through every act.
Knowing that the divine Presence is in everyone I meet, the Spirit in all people, I salute the good in everyone. I recognize the God-life responding to me from every person I meet, from every event that transpires, in every circumstance in my experience. I feel the warmth and color of this Divine Presence forevermore pressing against me, forevermore welling up from within me- the wellspring of Eternal Being present in the eternal Now!-”
Ernest Holmes

Renew the mind – in a flash – Keathley

Absolutely love it – especially “instantaneous”! Looking back for a second I see how right you are: the revelations or illuminations never really came gradually; they were always the full result of having awoken. And it was always like a flash!

Renewing your mind is not a life long, never achieved process of religious gymnastics. The renewed mind happens with the instantaneous revelation, that you possess the mind of Christ, in the now.
~Don Keathley

Litmus Test of being in Self – Magdi

I read on FB the following question: “What is the litmus test of being established in/as the Self?”
It’s a relevant question that arises at a certain time in our contemplation.

Sri Atmananda Menon’s reply to the question about the ‘litmus test of being established in/as the Self’ goes something like that:
When no thought, no perception or sensation, no event can take you away from the causeless peace of the Self.

Francis Lucille often quotes Atmanada’s reply by adding the following: When 99.99% of the time world/body/mind events do not take you away from your essential nature that is peace and happiness.

The litmus test in my experience is the end of the roller coaster ride of the personal mind impression. The end of personal mind impressions. Well, 99.99% of the time 😉

Peace, Love, Freedom, Happiness, Beauty, Truth, the qualities of the Self, shines of their own once the veil of identification dissolves.

~Magdi Badawy

When I look at you I see myself! – Magdi

Whenever I use the term I AM
I am referring to universal beingness/awareness
And not to a personal ego form

Thou are That
Universal beingness

When I look at you I see myself

It is important to clarify that being knowingly the Self does not make any person special. There is no separate self. All impressions of being special, whether it refers to me or some special someone else, are false.

We are all special
No one is special
Everything is special
Nothing is special

Truth is not at the mind level
It shines onto the mind
But it is not sourced in the mind. <3 ~Magdi Badawy

Silence – Isha Das

Small Practices Bring Great Love

As our spirituality deepens, our subtle practices become increasingly important. Surely, nothing is more important than approaching life from a spirit of silence. Such silence is not the absence of noise but a prayerful watchfulness and a childlike openness to what is. Silence is the choice to not take ourselves and our opinions so seriously. Silence is embracing a degree of solitude, which can be as simple as turning off the car radio, the television, the iPhone, and the news. Silence is talking less and listening more. Silence is letting go of our psychological defenses. Silence is making room for both discomfort and joy. Silence is remaining content with moments of emptiness. Silence is bowing to the truth, without the need for commentary. Silence is trusting the process of God’s providence. Silence is breathing with awareness from the depths of our souls. Silence is paying attention to that still small voice percolating within our interior depths. Silence is the place where we encounter ourselves and God. “Silence is,” as Yogananda tells us, “the altar of Spirit.”

Isha Das

Welcome, Silence.