Category Archives: Letter for YOU

Stream-of-consciousness: Healing 4 u

Stream-of-consciousness: Healing 4 u
You can do it! You know there’s something more to life than what you’re experiencing, right? What you may not know is that there is a whole lot more available to you right here and now, the moment you determine to see spiritually. Everything changes! You feel a filling up of fresh oxygen and an emptying out of fear which has been engendering selfishness. It’s all leaving, Can you feel it now? What’s more important to you, to be applauded as a winner or to be consciously aware that you’re very mind is the mind of God? Do you need to know what your mission is for the rest of your life? You’d better be ready to take a lot of notes because your life is eternal! Better yet just let go, listen serenely, joyfully, expectantly. Have you ever thought that by having the mind of Christ you lose all sense of creativity, spontaneity, the element of surprise? If so you’d be wrong, wrong, wrong! The mind of Christ is your real mind! You want to know what that other mind is? It is a chronically severely hypnotized mortal mind that was never your mind. You never asked for insecurity, fear, doubt, joylessness, struggling, pain, disease, death. That’s not your mind and it’s not your life. Your very life is God. You can have that one hundred percent right now. I mean right this instant. I would dare anyting to try to interrupt you right this instant because right this instant you know what is most important for you and for starters it is not to be interrupted! Secondly the good health, happiness, security, sense of purpose, companionship, love, joy, they’re all yours now! Can you see it?

“Help me!” Part II

HELP ME (Part II) !!!
Sure, “I” (God) can help “you”
If that’s what you need.
You be “you” and I’ll be “I”
And I’ll talk to you and
You’ll heed My voice.

But soon’s you’re ready
Let’s get Us back to pure
Unencumbered reality
Where there are no longer
Two of us talking and
Listening and heeding,
Ofttimes missing the mark.

Let’s try another mindset:
What exactly is God?
All-presence, All-power,
Everywhere at once. All.
Spirit, Substance, Mind,
Principle, Soul, Love, Life.

When You truly put Me first
That frightening possibility
Of going off again and
Imagining your worldly whims
Bursting, nourishing, satiating,
Collapsing, spent and lost …

No longer looms large
On the horizon of your hope.
Who was it you were listening to
And why are you so scattered?
The “I” that you wanted to pray To
Is the “I” of you, Me and all Life.

Now we see that “help me”
Becomes a fait accompli
No further action is ever
Required. All IS unqualified
Movement and you, yes you
Are resting atop glorious victory!

Got the poop on someone?

Have you something on someone
and you’re keeping it safely
Think now! It’s not unusual!
We all do it – and it’s absolutely
Devastating to our fully awakening!
We’ve got the poop on someone
And by Jove we’ll use it if pressed.
That! That right there is blocking you
From going all the way in .. and home.
Oh no, you’ve got the skinny, right?
That’s your insurance all paid up.
You’re covered, you’ve suffered
Long and hard, and you’re guarding
Their nasty secrets, stowed away
For a rainy day. Crocodile tears, that
Rainy day is always right here.

Stream-of-consciousness letter for you

What I want for you with my whole heart is that you come into an awareness that supersedes any that I have ever known! I have been blessed with the truth at a young age but I never pursued it anywhere near as much as I wish I had and like I said I wish it even more for you. Don’t think for a moment that it doesn’t involve effort. It involves great effort to get yourself fully aware there’s much to undo to Free Yourself and open the floodgates of pure consciousness! I could have fully awakened long ago but I clung to the hideous notion that I wanted to truly live my mortal life to the fullest so that that desire always dogged me even as I pursued the truth Lo these many many years!

Who You are

– Y – O – U –
Thou art the Bright Messenger – the Shining One, the being of pure Spirit. Thou art not the man thou hast been, lo these many years. Thou art new – born, fresh, clean, and pure. Thou art not an old creature patched up by various treatments. Thou, Bright Messenger, Golden One, hast never descended to the level of belief, and therefore hast not consorted with the shadows of the play – life. Thou art the Bright Messenger, with winged feet, who goeth where he will, and knoweth no obstruction, nor condition. Thou art the unconditioned, the untrammeled, the free – the individualized yet inseparable manifestation of the All God. Thou art the Bright Messenger. Thou art full of light – bathed in All Light. Whithersoever thou goest is light – not consciously projected, but unconsciously conveyed; a natural effect of thy presence. Thou art the Bright Messenger. Thine eye is single to the Allness of God, the Oneness of creation. Thou therefore seest with the eye of light. Thou lookest into a universe of All Light, and seest through the shadows of belief. Thou seest the world in a world, the rose in a rose, and the Man in a man. Thou perceivest with thine eye of Light that which IS and always has been – not that which shall be changed by begging, beseeching, or praying to a tyrant called God to make whole. With the eye of Light thou seest nothing to heal, for thy sight is perfect in the understanding: ” I AM of too pure eyes to behold iniquity. ” Thou art the Bright Messenger – the being of light. In the touch of thy hand is light. As the warmth of Spring touches the frozen earth, so thy touch of light causes the seed to swell and burst and the flower to leap from her chalice. Thy touch of light is like the soft rain on the parched desert, which causes it to bloom as a rose. Whomsoever thou touchest – in the true sense of the word – thou transformest, instantly, gloriously, freely, joyously.
~ Walter C Lanyon

(Thanks Rowland Blythe’s favorite)

Stop romanticizing love

When it becomes possible for each one of us to stop romanticizing Love, we’ll then discern Love’s spiritual meaning thus realizing that It (real LOVE) constitutes the very foundation of the relationship that exists throughout the universe, which itself is none other than Spirit made infinitely manifest. “Love ye one another, for by so doing you are loving ME.” 🌺
John F. Drewery, Sr.

Wasting or cherishing your life?

So … you’re young and handsome and have the world in the palm of your hand, huh?
You want to get your mix of the Spirit and material working just right for you? And you wonder if someone who’s been there, done that would sanction your approach?
Come all the way out from egotism and false glory and see just what you’re missing with your mixing mechanism. Can you not even see a ‘world’ free of selfies and pleasure-seeking? A world in which you as a separate entity simply don’t exist?
Hey I’m not putting you down … no way Jose!! Remember I’ve been there done that. I had a pretty good mix going … or so I thought! The mind was clear – fuzzy – clear – fuzzy! That’s euphemistic for being led around by one’s whims.
Do you have the gumption to focus all your precious attention on a non-material life? I don’t know, do you?

Not from above?

I must make it very clear that I neither believe nor subscribe to the concept that loved (or hated) ones who have passed on are looking down on us from a now fully-enlightened vantage point.
But – STRICTLY FANTASY – if they were, could you imagine them saying “Ooooh looook YOURNAME is just beginning to catch on! It won’t be long now before s/he fully understands why I had to do what I did! There was no other way to get you to where YOU really wanted to be.