Category Archives: Awakening

The awakened woman

If you choose to love an awakened woman, understand that you are entering into new, radical and challenging territory.

If you choose to love an awakened woman, you cannot stay asleep.

If you choose to love an awakened woman, every part of your Soul will be aroused, not just your sexual organs or even your heart.

Frankly, if you prefer a normal life, stick with a normal girl.

If you want a tame life, seek only a woman who has allowed herself to be tamed.

If you only want to dip your toe into the flowing waters of Shakti, stay with the safe, tamed woman who has not yet plunged into the wildness of the Sacred Feminine ocean.

It is comfortable to love a woman who has not yet activated her inner sacred powers, because she does not push your buttons.

She will not challenge you.

She will not press you into becoming your highest Self.

She will not awaken the forgotten and numbed-out parts of your Spirit that urge you to remember that there is more to your Life here than this.

She will not look into your weary eyes and send a lightning bolt of Truth through your body, jolting you awake and stirring long-lost desires for Soul Love within you.

A safe, unawakened woman will be wonderfully satisfying and soothing to your ego, heart, and body. She will walk quietly beside you and make you feel needed, responsible, like you are fulfilling your manly role.

If this is enough for you then accept it, love her with all your heart, remain faithful to her and thank her daily for the gift of her mild, unthreatening feminine presence in your life.

If this is not enough for you – if your heart, body and spirit is only craving the ‘other kind of woman’, the Wild One – then know that you are on the cusp of Soul-Shifting transformation.

Know that you are making a serious choice with karmic consequences.

If you choose to step into the aura and body of a woman whose spiritual fires are blazing, you are accepting that you need a certain level of danger and risk in order to grow.

Once you begin to love a woman of this nature, you must accept total responsibility for the life-changes that will then ensue.

Your life will not be sleepily comfortable all the time. Your life will not allow you to stay stuck in old ruts and stagnant routines.

Your life will take on a radically-new flavour and scent. You will be ignited by the presence of the Wild Feminine, and it will begin to send electric shockwaves of spiritual Light through your entire chakra system, attuning you to the Call of the Divine.

Choosing to be sexually and romantically-intimate with an awakened woman takes masculine courage to walk fearlessly into the Unknown. But it will reap rewards beyond your mind’s comprehension.

She will take you into undiscovered worlds of mystery and magic.

She will lead you, mesmerised and half-drunk with love, into the wild forests of sensual ecstasy and wonder.

She will show you sacred skies so full and burning with stars that you will start to wonder if you are still living on the same planet that you were born on.

She will break and tear you open so that your fierce, passionate heart drives you half-mad with longing. You will want to consume and penetrate her on every level so that your Masculine Essence can consume and penetrate the world – illuminating the Universe with your devoted Love.

She will see you like you’ve never been seen before.

She will trust you.

She will appreciate you.

She will acknowledge your efforts to make her happy.

She will value everything good that you do, and everything good that you are.

She will not run from your darkness, because your darkness does not scare her.

She will embrace, kiss, caress and love you back to Life. She will speak words that your Soul understands. She will not punish you for your mistakes.

It is a monumental risk to love an awakened woman, because there is suddenly no place to hide. She sees everything, therefore she can love you with a depth and presence that your heart and body have yearned for so hard, so long, so fiercely…that you wonder whether you have actually been alive for all the time that she has been away.

Loving a woman like this is a choice you make to start living with your Soul on fire.

Your life will never be the same again once you’ve invited her energy in.

Take this risk on yourself, or step back, stay with the normal girl and accept a different, safer, more comfortable and somewhat calmer life.

Just make sure that if you choose the latter, you don’t spend the rest of your days with your eyes looking back over your shoulder, straining to see once again the hazy vision of Feminine Mystery that has now disappeared from view.

She has long gone..spiralling back up to the Stars, the distant Galaxies and the Heavens…from where She came.
~Sophie Bashford

Can’t stop posting!

N O P E !! . S O R R Y !!

No can do! I cannot stop posting spiritual thoughts of non-religious encouragement. Way too many people are telling me they’re beyond inspired! I’m seeing new names too – everyday – of people whose very life received such an impetus; so no, discontinuing won’t be happening anytime soon!

With all my love,

Flesh mind gets scared

” I N . T H E . W O R K “

When you’re ‘in the work’
(completely committed) as we are,
the flesh mind starts getting scared:
its days are nearly over!

If we turn on this false ‘mind’ immediately
with protestations of glorious Truth
again and again and again and again,
it will quit, and major victory is ours!

Then we can just repeat
what we’ve already proven
… every day … forever!


Finally found your path

W H E N . Y O U ‘ V E . F I N A L L Y . F O U N D . Y O U R . P A T H

You’ve kept your eyes so far open for so long you thought they would burst, right? You’ve kept reading and reading and reading and listening and listening and listening and you finally say “I found my way, why do I have to keep searching for it?”

Are you sure you found exactly the right method, means and motive for your final search into the finale of all things? Don’t you think you should read another 50 or 100 books and listen to many, many, many more lectures and seminars and interview every possible person on the planet that has anything to say about anything before you can actually say “I’ve found my way; I’m ready to commit to it and put it into practice”?

Some say thinking is the way to get to the bottom of all things and others say thinking is exactly that which kills the ascertainment of same! What say you? Do you really think you have the right grasp on things here? And if so shouldn’t you be pursuing it with all due passion here and now instead of reading this diatribe on how everybody’s meanderings are not a sign that enlightenment is anywhere near in sight!

When you really find your way you won’t be stumbling in the dark anymore, you won’t be doubting your commitment to what you found anymore. You simply know that you have the pearl of great price. You’ll see others’ advice on how everyone and their uncle should open their eyes, open their ears, open everything, let in everything and there’s just never any end to it. What about putting into practice the things you’ve been learning and weeding out what you don’t need, what’s no longer serving your higher purpose?

WHAT MOST PEOPLE ON THIS PLANET ARE SORELY MISSING IS A SOLID FOUNDATION IN … ANYTHING !! They’ve dug up all their roots anywhere that they had them and they don’t have the slightest inkling what it’s like going forward with a foundation under them! They think it’s cool, it’s smart, it’s the modern way to reject anything and everything that has been tried and proven and solidified by much application!

They think it’s smart to blaze the trails to something newer and newer and newer, never valuing how much smarter it might be if it were added to some kind of a foundation, something dependable, something tangible.

When you find a teaching for example that really says everything for you, why in the world do you think you need to go all the way to the opposite extreme and check it out and re-check it and re-check it, using your Wikipedia and all kinds of encyclopedias to flesh out fancy knowledge – knowledge of all kinds of things that remotely touch on what you really want? Once you’ve found your way, isn’t it time to shore it up, polish it up, apply it and grow from it, grow deeply, grow with roots, grow with sincerity, grow with honesty and appreciation?


D E A L I N G . W I T H . O U R . O W N . H Y P N O T I S M

The first step for every single one of us is to own up to our own state of hypnotism and be willing to see it subside at last. Joel Goldsmith offers great encouragement to our endeavor:
“Every human being is hypnotized into accepting appearances as reality. It is only as a person learns to abide in the Word that he becomes less human and more divine and eventually is able to subordinate his humanness and live more and more and more in the divinity of his being.
“No one can yet claim that he is abiding twenty-four hours of every day in the full and complete realization of his spiritual identity, but forgetting most of the earth’s problems of the past and even of the present, he can look forward to a greater attainment of spiritual awareness than he has now. It never will be attained, however, except in proportion to what takes place in his consciousness now. The spiritualizing of consciousness cannot be put off until an hour from now. That has to be done in this instant.
“When you are busy about your own affairs and this awareness has dropped from your conscious thinking and all of a sudden it comes back, you cannot say, “Ah, tonight I will spend an hour in divine consciousness.” No, the moment that push comes, regardless of what else you are doing, regardless of what your body or your mind is doing, somewhere in your consciousness there must be a return to this realization: “I and the Father are one; therefore, I have meat.” Then you are ready to go on about your work again. You have fulfilled yourself.
“It takes only a few seconds of anyone’s time to return to the Father’s house. This is not accomplished in time or space; it is not anything that takes a long time. It takes only the willingness to remember any moment of now this truth:
“‘I have meat. Silver and gold I may have none, but I have meat, and wine, and water, and bread. I have the spiritual staff of life. In fact, all that the Father has is mine: all of the Spirit, all of spiritual truth, all of spiritual reality.'”
Joel S. GoldsmithLiving By The WordChapter Nine


Don’t look back

D O N’ T . LOOK . BACK !!!

No matter how hard it is to humanly imagine,
the fact is that ‘matter’ never happened.
Your whole dream … in spiritual reality … never happened!
If you get the tiniest glimpse of this, your entire life could change.

You’ll begin to see spiritual connections and precious illuminations.
Things will start coming together for you in miraculous ways.
The world will seem sweeter … and then you’ll see it wasn’t the world at all.

You’ll start blessing people’s lives in ways that are too numerous
and too glorious to recount.
You’ll feel God’s love everywhere –
right where injustice once had the audacity to seem to be!


Counter- productive

C O U N T E R – P R O D U C T I V E

Just wanted to tell someone of my deep distress, thinking their sympathy would lessen the pain. Guess what – it did! For a brief spell, and then it came flooding back worse than before. And I had succeeded in rendering my friend powerless to help.

At what point are you ready to make your commitment stick? Next week? Next attack? Next year? Next lifetime? 2-3-4,000 years from now?

People are always looking for the easy way out and they’re the ones who need good, strong spiritual discipline the most!

All of the above can prove to be the best news you could possibly imagine. You’re being given the opportunity to go way, way beyond anything this little mortal, so-called life can afford.

I know I have to say this again and again, so I will: YOU DON’T NEED TO DO ANYTHING TO BECOME ENLIGHTENED, CONSCIOUS OR DESERVING !!! Okay??? And my first-hand lifelong knowledge does not make me an ego-maniac.

Back to the topic. If you’re not a great reader (1) that can be healed as it was with me. (2) you can listen to seminars with great eagerness and expectancy. YOU need to DO something!

You can discover that you are a powerful force in the world by seeing through the entire illusion of the world – just like Jesus did/ does.

You can discover it IMMEDIATELY so that any further discussion on what to do is absolute total sheer joy. You’ll hardly be recognizable as you let all your former burdens, failures and disappointments evaporate! You’ll love like you’ve never loved before and it’ll be amazingly genuine. Every single care you had been harboring lifted, you are NOW FINALLY FOREVER FREE !!


If it is true

I F . I T . I S . T R U E

If it is true that Spirit, God, is all as Quantum Physics’ “non-existence of matter” implies, then doesn’t it behoove us to dig a little deeper spiritually? Wouldn’t you like to know what really is going on and how much more its awareness can impact your life?

Let’s revisit the illusion now since that’s where we walk everyday. Like it or not, our awakening is gradual – not necessarily slow – but graded. We need to eat and sleep, work and play. But as we learn just how illusory it all is we can embark on the most exciting journey of our life: our exit from this world.

Going deeper into the illusion, we come face to face with the issue of death and reincarnation. How is that not the destiny of all material so-called life? And what’s the deal with karma? It also makes perfect sense for any unenlightened mortal!

Am I whetting your appetite for something better? It’s all about awakening. To your consciousness. Which is what you are! Imagine yourself expanding: you contain the room, the building, the country, the world. That’s what being Spirit means.

But what about reality? Baby, that is reality! – the only reality! It’s everybody’s present and permanent reality but most people won’t awaken in this lifetime.

How about you?
