
Man: I can’t stand it when …
Self: Who is doing the feeling?
Man: I am.
Self: Who is this “I”?
Man: Huh?
Self: Where are you located – in your feet? Legs? Torso? Lungs? Heart? Head? Where can you be found?
Man: I don’t know.
Self: Let’s look for you, shall we? You said you can’t stand something. Never mind who or what you can’t stand – that’s all garbage. We know you are present because this feeling is evident. But the You that you really are – right down to your very essence – unencumbered by perceptions, judgements, desires, fears – that You – is God, Absolute perfection, your Self.

Man: Then You’re me talking to me?

Self: Yes, that’s what is really going on. But the onus upon us is to get crystal clear on who and what this “self” that is You is. Once we acknowledge that it is not localized in your body, we can start to conceive of what and where it is … and then revisit that awful question “who or what is it that can or can’t stand something? ”

Man: I’m starting to see that I’ve got to think outside the box – spiritually.

Self: What and where is the box?

Man: That would be matter!

Self: Bravo! What does it consist of?

Man: A kind of etherealized matter?

Self: Pretty good. Eventually we’re going to see that it’s unreal, just something that your body-mind dreamed up. This non-existent container holds all your fears and phobias, anxieties, dramas and yes even your so-called short-lived pleasures. When you let it go a kind of shaking will take place because the body is loathe to surrender its foothold, but don’t let that frighten you in the least. After all, you have just fully aligned yourself with God for the first time – ever!