Dealing with feelings

Are you having a helluva time reining in some unfortunate feelings you find yourself caught up in far too often?
Do you belittle your own sweet self for indulging yet again in stuff you’ve thoroughly dealt with many times?
Would you like to quit the whole kit ‘n caboodle and just be free … but can’t?
Well, I have wonderful, wonderful news for you!! Take a diametrically opposite approach. Here’s how:
You already love God with your whole heart, right? There’s precious little you wouldn’t do to be in His presence day and night, right?
How about this – next time those unwanted thoughts come a calling, look at them and say “Hey, I can even live with these unwanted thoughts for the rest of my life and still be happy – it’s a very small price to pay to be free! The “thoughts” come and hey they’re not so bad! They come again and they’re a little less bad. And again but not quite as often. In lay language, they no longer have a leg to stand on.
They’re actually interfering not one iota anymore because quite frankly you haven’t been resisting them. Don’t even start resisting the last vestiges of them now: don’t mock them or try to push them out. Just realize you’ve suddenly grown tremendously in stature and essence. God’s bounty of love has exploded on the inside of you and it’s getting all over everyone who comes into your eager consciousness.

Resist not evil