One liner memes

You simply cannot add to a vessel that’s already full.

If you have been truly touched by Holy Spirit, you can never experience envy, bigotry, hate, revenge, jealousy, ad nauseum.

Are you finding yourself more and more dependent on God for validation, fulfillment, happiness? And less & less on the world?

= Nihongo for Spirit
[Nihongo = Japanese 😀 ]

Imagine the United Nations being peopled by God-loving members?
I M A G I N E !!!

If anyone comes to you for help and then they want to study from you, be sure to

Isn’t there someone who – in your subconscious mind, when your mind wanders a bit – you feel is guilty?
See him as Jesus does. rjs

Do people actually believe they are giving something to God? He’s the source of everything!!!

Grant me the grace to get over myself … I mean get OVER this whole dream of being a limited, flesh-driven mortal. Let me AWAKE

If I were to beg for anything it would be to be filled to the brim with the same commitment that Paul had – 100%

Let us pray with our ears instead of our tongues. Then we’ll know we’ve made contact.

😀 😀 😀

Isn’t it ‘neat’ when someone as eloquent as Jeff Turner writes the very thing that you’ve been puttering around trying to say!!!

Isn’t it wonderful to know that Spirit (God) cannot b skewed by our misapprehensions? Ruach [heb] th air we breathe is Holy Spirit

Every negative thought is about looking back. You couldn’t look forward with fear without first looking back. God is within u now!

All the attributes of God – all of them (bar none) are within you … and me …and that other “difficult” guy. They’re all there!

Don’t look back! Don’t, don’t, don’t look back! Don’t ever look back! Don’t do it!

Grace is the gift of God, the conscious awareness of His ever-presence within you. No words, no deeds, just listen.
There He is!

We all know that we mustn’t test God, right? But we certainly can reap many miracles that are better than all the tests!

The spiritual
Of life.

Beautiful pic w these words “keep the faith, God will provide”. NO !! Open your spiritual eyes & see that He has ALREADY PROVIDED

Praying for something? Then checking to see if God moved? Praying again?
STOP !!!! Focus on God instead of problem.

You’ll love the Bible more than you ever thought possible once u start to read it correctly, knowing when it was written & to whom

God is my father.
How ’bout you, bro?

When’s the last time you entertained a negative thought? Did you weigh the cost? No, Silly, not in $$, but in contact with God.

All the good that is manifested through you are qualities of God finding expression and outlet through you or anyone else.

Oh, m-a-a-a-n, if we could just remember our own complete ignorance 3 seconds before ‘getting’ what someone was really saying!

D’ya ever feel that human language fails the simplest questions? Exactly how do we fear not? TURN Completely to God FOREVER.

Don’t be scared. That’s an order. It’s also the beginning of the end of the problem. Jesus says “fear not” and he means it!
😀 🙂

Did you know that the limitations of human language is responsible for great, great deal of our missing out on Jesus’ revelations?

When we hear something that sounds a little ‘new’ are we not waaaay too quick to judge? Are we even able to hear God say it’s His?

Be still and know that I am God.
Listen with your heart and you’ll sense God’s presence. Feel the