New Age vs. Quantum Physics

I’d like to clarify here that neither supernatural healing nor individual applications of quantum theory are the domain of the New Age movement. Jonathan Welton shares his experience with the former:

“I also began to research the New Age movement. I found it fascinating that people without religion were operating in the supernatural. Through my research, I discovered the movement had its beginnings inside Christianity, and only over time did it grow apart. This pattern has repeated itself often; a very high percentage of those in the New Age grew up in Christian families and later left. Their reason for leaving is one that none of us want to hear. Inside the Church, they felt rejected and uncomfortable being supernatural individuals. Thus, both individual New Agers, as well as the whole history of the movement, started within Christianity and developed out and away from it because the supernatural was unwelcome at church. This is not just a random coincidence. The fact that the six major founders of what has morphed into the modern New Age movement essentially had Christian roots is a sign of something significant.”
Jonathan Welton
New Age Masquerade

It is my (rjs) hope to help bring much-needed separation and clarification to somewhat muddied waters where a system and a religion and a science all tend to get intermingled and ultimately terribly confused.

New Age vs. Quantum Physics
New Age vs. Quantum Physics