Monthly Archives: June 2016

Science (finally!) validates the Bible!

Scientist are now saying that they have found an ocean of water underneath the surface of the earth several hundred miles deep…

Well, guess what? …The BIBLE already said that thousands of years ago in Genesis 7:11 by saying that when God flooded the earth in Noah’s day, that He opened up all the FOUNTAINS OF THE GREAT DEEP under the earth, which sprung up into the air and flooded the whole earth.

I love it when science proves that the Bible is RIGHT; and therefore proving that it’s really God’s Word and not just written by mere men…. Selah.
Cayce Talbott

Cayce Talbott: When science validates the Bible!
Cayce Talbott: When science validates the Bible!

No other Gospel

The Gospel of Christ is the Gospel of grace. There is no other gospel
James Carter

And all the brethren which are with me, unto the churches of Galatia: [3] Grace be to you and peace from God the Father, and from our Lord Jesus Christ, [4] Who gave himself for our sins, that he might deliver us from this present evil world, according to the will of God and our Father: [5] To whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen. [6] I marvel that ye are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel: [7] Which is not another; but there be some that trouble you, and would pervert the gospel of Christ. [8] But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed.
Galatians 1:2-8 KJV

James Carter
James Carter

Q & A : Massacre in Orlando

God never has, and never will use a bullet to solve a problem. He does not call upon the psychotic to dispense his wrath, or punish sin. If he did, any outrage we felt at the actions of such individuals would be a form of rebellion. But all images of the divine who do such things I’ll gladly join a rebellion against.
Jeff Turner

It took me a couple of times reading this to understand what you’re saying. I think I agree, provided that the problem to be solved is dispensing wrath or punishing sin. Aren’t there other problems that can be solved with a bullet? For example, taking out the psychotic who imagine themselves as called to dispense wrath or punish sin before they get very far along in actually doing it?
Robert Ingle

Not sure how helpful this may or may not be, but I’ll take a stab at it. Man, with limited knowledge of the divine nature, reluctantly uses temporary expedients, knowing full well that they are abhorrent to God. Of course the quickest and best way to realize the perfection of Christ in us is to turn our full attention to Him and keep it there. In a specific instance, shooting a killer while he’s reloading is far preferable to … well, you get the picture. But what I think we’re here for is to come away with the conviction that turning wholeheartedly to God within ushers us instantaneously to His perfect kingdom.

Q & A : The kingdom has come

David Duncan:
What is it that is blinding Christians today from realizing that Jesus has already brought the kingdom and that the kingdom is here?
Bad Teaching. What version of the new covenant have you been taught?

I think that man’s tendency to want to reduce God Almighty in any way is the culprit. Human apprehension can reach to the stars but God Himself cannot be compelled to do anything, given that He has done all that needs to be done.

The notion that one has it all together is cause for alarm.

I am afraid of Christians that think they have it all and are not pursuing more. This is one of the biggest dangers of modern Charismatic Christianity. It is a reaction against the orphan hearted Charismatic prayer movements which always seem to be crying out to an absentee God. Yet there is a tension between being complete in Christ and pressing on toward the high calling and drawing near which causes Him to draw near. He is a rewarder of those that diligently seek Him.
Jonathan Welton, Ph.D.

□ NOTE: “Charismatic” is a type of Christianity that emphasizes personal religious experience and divinely inspired powers, as of healing, prophecy, and the gift of tongues.

We’re no longer mere humans.


… Paul would rebuke the Corinthians by saying, “Stop acting like mere humans” (see 1 Cor. 3: 3). Later in the same letter, he rebuked them again by saying, “Do you not know we will judge angels?”(1 Cor. 6: 3). He was rebuking them for not understanding who they really were, for not comprehending the level to which they had been raised through the new creation. No longer were they mere humans.
Jonathan Welton
Understanding the Whole Bible

Wanting You to use me to the utmost

Dear God, As You know I haven’t been asking for much lately – because I’ve been so busy accessing the bounty that you’ve already given me. I am so overwhelmed and overjoyed on a moment-by-moment basis that it’s hard to even imagine wanting more. Oh, I could dazzle my friends with a list of all the things that they have and I DON’T have; but I thank You for putting me in the best situation possible to hear You and see You as You are! So now I am begging You to use me to the utmost to reach as many receptive souls as possible (and even a few non-receptive ones) — for this is my greatest joy! Amen and amen.
Love, Robin

You can SEE, using your God-directed imagination.

One can “see” God and His advancing kingdom so much better when s/he closes the eyes and allows spiritual (God-directed) imagination to happen.

Seeing beyond the so-called here and now to where heaven and earth meet … there’s nothing quite like it! Literally seeing another’s good as MORE important than our own … this is where Jesus smiles, the “enemy” joyfully surrenders … and not one person remains unblessed.

Just to show you we’re all human …

Last time I checked I was human. That being the case, I have the occasional day or twenty in which the only things I can really see about myself are my failures. My inability to be better at relationships. My lack of business and entrepreneurial savvy. My past mistakes. My present mistakes. My busted window A/C unit, held together by duct tape, my ’99 Buick Regal that manages to produce dubstep sounding tracks without the radio even being on, and a sometimes anxiety-inducing lack of “wealthy” status.

Hey, like I said, I’m a human being. And I, like everyone else, have those days (or months).

In such moments, I wish I could honestly claim the confession of the late Brennan Manning as my own, when he said, “My deepest awareness of myself is that I am deeply loved by Jesus Christ and I have done nothing to earn it or deserve it,” but alas, as comforting as the sentiment is, the honesty part is not always present.

But it will be present here…

Sometimes my deepest awareness of myself is that I’m a failure. I know, I know, it’s not the actual truth, and what I do doesn’t define me, and so on and so forth. I know all of that, have memorized every cliche’ that goes along with that, and may have coined a few of them myself. But the truth is that those things simply are not my deepest awareness of myself all of the time.

I swear to you, sometimes I just want to quit, and have just had enough. One does not exactly become Scrooge McDuck by challenging people to think outside of the boundaries of the comfortable, but one does accumulate a vault filled with hate mail, personal attacks, and the like, which they find themselves swimming in far more often than they’d wish. Some days that sort of constant sock in the gut, coupled with the lack of reward, is all that I’m aware of, and all I’d like to do is give up.

On those days, my deepest awareness of myself is my own weakness; my own inadequacy.

But while my deepest awareness might not exactly be in line with God’s, it is still his awareness that remains true. The truest thing about me is that I am, in spite of and in light of everything else, deeply loved by something, someone, beyond me. I am caught up in a dance that has been shaking the foundations of the cosmos since their creation. I live within an embrace that I did nothing to earn an invitation into, and I daily inhale an atmosphere that first exhaled me, in love, into being.

That is the truth that I’m rarely aware of, but am constantly saved by. If its truth depended on my awareness, I would be damned, and to be pitied above all. I would be without hope or salvation in this world. If my head always had to be on straight, in the game, and thinking in perfect agreement with a God whom I’ve yet to even catch a true glimpse of, I’d might as well check out now.

But it’s not based on what I know. It *is*, even if I feel it isn’t. It’s reality, even when I’m feeling suffocated by an alternate one.

And that’s Good News.

If you’ve been told that you must *know* in order for the truth to be made true, you’ve been told a lie. The deepest truth about you remains true even if you haven’t the strength to stand in the midst of it, or believe it.

And thank God for that.
Jeff Turner