Category Archives: Be still

The Perfect Answer! Conflict ceases to arise.

Were lies the conflict for “you”? “I” makes out/is the energy that continues/is continued in the search for the difference. The happening of searching belongs/is “I”…

When energetical position (“I”) is no longer happening, no such question arraises. Without that energetical position that makes the “i” no thing matters…


Tomas Agren

Thoughts like sparklers burn out


You want to enjoy perfect silence – even stillness – in full Soul consciousness but as usual there’s a lot of racket going on! Try this: as with a 4th of July sparkler sending sparks in every direction, just watch them – the thoughts that sparkle off every which way. Watch them with no interaction – no response whatsoever. They will burn out very quickly and You Will Be Free!!Now you can enjoy total, unobstructed peace with no more world mind craziness! You don’t even need words at all – it’s just you and God … until you feel that you have disappeared entirely! drrobinstarbuck .com

Hey, quit shoving!

Stop trying to use truth to overcome these mental images. Stop trying to push out these negative images and replace them with good images. Stop it, stop it! It will not work! Let us stop all this mental pushing and shoving. The stone will not be moved. To experience the Glory of God, the power of God, the Son of God, it is only necessary to be still. “Be still and know that I am God.”
~ Bill Skiles


You just said – silently – but
More emphatically than ever before
“I want nothing else but God.”
Your eyes are closed but stuff
Wants to invade – don’t let it!
There’s only the perfection of
Spirit here and everywhere.

Slowly … very slowly now …
No, don’t open your eyes … slowly
‘See’ a little something, ‘See’ it
As it really is, in Spirit. Perfect.
‘See’ that your oft repeated
Request is fully full-filled.

See in God, don’t vacillate, don’t
Waver, see clearly now.
Let another thought in and
CATCH IT !! Don’t start thinking
You as a limited being must do,
Do, do anything. Don’t you know
This realm of infinite awareness
Is the only realm there is
Coz it’s the only ONENESS alive!

The still, small voice RJS

Please don’t think of me as a weirdo but
I hear it all the time!
Oh yes, I still hear the yammerings
Of the world (flesh) mind
But I promise you there’ll soon be a time
I’ll be reporting a cessation of the latter!
True, the timbre of the two voices
Is not altogether dissimilar
But the feeling … oh the feeling within me
There’s no mistaking them there!

You too can have this heavenly
Ever-present Friend, Companion, Guide
Who will walk with you & talk with you.
You can feel the smile in its voice.
And when you wander off your path
You can still hear, albeit increasingly
Faintly “Come back, come back to Me,”
‘Cause ‘Me’ is none other than
Your very own precious Still Small Voice.
DrRobinStarbuck .com

How to still the mind, study and heal oneself

Your questions are very good but they require a deeper study to get the real meaning. Simple answers cannot possibly convey the more complex background in which everything begins to make perfect sense You could lead your whole community into a deeper understanding of glorious Spiritual enlightenment by starting a study of it. You could teach people how to heal themselves by explaining to them that their real being is in God, especially their mind. Right where they feel limited to a material body and brain the absolute fact is that they are Spiritual beings instead.

Spiritual rest

You have come so very far
in your spiritual awareness.
Don’t let a human sense of ‘rest’ slip in:
you need no human ‘rest’, but vigilance
and keen spiritual awareness, which
surpasses the sublimest so-called
rest that the body ever knew!

Incessant, unwanted thoughts?

Are you struggling
with incessant unwanted thoughts?
Do you further punish yourself for
having such thoughts and feelings?
Dear precious reader,
you’re not alone and there’s help.
You want to love better but these
unhappy, unhealthy, unloving thoughts
just won’t take a permanent hike.
Guess what? They never will.
You must determine to do whatever it takes to replace them with reality …
and then God will do it for you!
But left alone these thoughts & feelings
will grow and multiply and literally destroy your otherwise happy, healthy immortal life.