Category Archives: SCRIBE FOR JESUS

Write your revelation

When you’ve just realized something brand new
Or something clicks for you that you’ve always kinda ‘known’
Try describing the experience.
That’s right – set it to words for the rest of us.
The reason?
There was a little bridge you just crossed
That we’re not yet privy to
And you might be inclined to assume we know
What you’re referring to.
Your describing what just came
Clear as a bell
Could be just that link that someone else needs.
‘Sides Papa’ll be prompting you on
And the outpouring of love is sometimes wonderfully overwhelming!
As an example,
the world needs to know
That when we’re discussing spiritual things
We’re not subject to the dreamy limitations of the flesh.
Put your whole heart into it and tell us
What the Spirit is enabling you to see.
Oh dear! I guess I should also say
that there are times when a revelation
Is so fresh and so sacred
That even God will tell you
“Let it marinate a while first, My Scribe,
Capture it in writing and check with Me before sending.”

When you feel a nudge

When you’re fully plugged in … aww c’mon you know what I mean … when you’re fully aware of your at-one-ment with God and THEN a desire comes to you, seemingly from left field, THAT’S God! He’s got the fulfillment of that desire right there. If you feel a nudge telling you “write!” hey you’d better do it! It’ll be so much fun! If He says “sing!”, open up and listen to what comes out! It’s all You coz it’s all God! A ‘desire’ welling up from the depths of God in you is a win-win like you’ve never experienced before! Selah

A nudge from God