Category Archives: Prayer vs Affirming


P A C E – P R A Y

Early on in my practice of discovering Spirit as my very BE-ing, I did this thing I called “pace-pray”. It’s quite self-evident except that “pray” for me has always been Spiritual affirmations – lots of them!

Joel Goldsmith pulls it together very nicely with this reminder from “The Only Freedom”, Ch 8:

“Then, when we have thought and voiced all the truth that is within range of our immediate awareness, we sit and let the Father in and that completes the demonstration.”

I believe that Joel intended for us to sit in pure undisturbed SILENCE for a few minutes to allow everything to seal itself in our Consciousness.


Real prayer – JSG

Study & Meditation #49
From Joel Goldsmith
1960 Chicago Open Class (1:2A)
Tape 321 Side 2

Prayer becomes effective when you do not pray for anything! That is the basic law of prayer. Anyone can receive answers to prayer as long as they will release themselves from human desires for personal good or personal gain.

It is trying to make a “house of merchandise” of God that interferes with prayer, asking for food for me or for you – or asking for clothing or housing in spite of the Master’s teaching that you shall not pray for what you shall eat or what you shall drink or wherewithal you shall be clothed – that you shall not take thought for things.

When you pray, pray only that the Kingdom of God be revealed to you. Pray that the will of God be revealed to you. Pray only that God’s Grace reveal Itself within you and let that prayer result in whatever form of good is within the realm of spiritual Grace.

Correctly contradicting – a day in prayer

Why haven’t my prayers been answered?
“Thy kingdom come” = Spirit is, was and always has been here INSTEAD of the need.
You say you believe this but very soon you contradict this with another belief!
Spend an entire day in Spirit (the only place you can be) … that is, in the awareness of Spirit and nothing else!
You must consciously do the correct contradicting: “No! The truth is that God is all so you (the lie) are not, can not be!”

Abba, speak in Divine wordlessness*

When I ponder
God’s Omnipresence
Omniscience and Omnipotence
There are times my mind is Instantaneously freed to soar
And sing of His glories.
Other times, not so much.

Times I need to feel
His closeness, gently speaking
To the child of me,
Until I once again see:
The Christ in me
IS me
And I am He.

Abba, Papa, God in me
Speak in Divine wordlessness.
Calmly bring to remembrance
Your infinitude, Life and Love
Oneness, Allness, Is-ness,
I Am, Spirit and Soul,
The world knows not of.