Category Archives: Definitions

No me,you,s/he/it

Haiku for the poor in spirit.

Even the Absolute is the dream.
The worded is the futile.
Meaning is dreamt.
‘Your life’ doesn’t exist.
What apparently lives is nullity.
Nothing realizes nothing.
This is breathtaking.
Seeing this is unbearable for the sense of self.
Nothing matters.
Understanding deludes.
There is no last resort.
No refuge.
Nirvana is a joke.
The Buddha lost his mind in an attempt to go beyond himself.
The Bodhi Tree farted.
Brain bursts into laughter.
The belly shakes.
The grass grows by itself.
The spring is coming…..

Wouter van Oord.

Does every post require a lengthy explanation re its background? -rjs

If you are interested in pursuing higher (or deeper) consciousness and
If you have read a sufficient amount of background on the topic and
If you have carefully weighed the various approaches to the topic and
If you can find the time to see it to its logical conclusion and
If you have the energy, the stamina, to proceed and
If you have the stick-to-itiveness to persevere and
If you can maintain a single focus throughout and
If you’ve dealt with issues of motivation and selfishness and
If you’re able to rearrange your life to accommodate this new program
You must blab blah blah blah.

QUESTION: Does a person need to preface every post with all of the above prior to writing a brief, encouraging meme? Isn’t there such a thing as a “GIVEN”?

[Confession: I often post encouraging directives without the laborious list above.]


Ego and I: clarification

अहमेकोsपि सूक्ष्मश्च ज्ञाता साक्षी सदव्ययः।

तदहं नात्र सन्देहो विचारः सोsयमीदृशः।।
As I am also the One, the Subtle,the Knower [the Supreme Knowerwho is ever present in all ourperceptions as consciousness,and who perceives even the ego],the Witness, the Ever-Existent andthe Unchanging, so there is no doubtthat I am “That” [i.e. Brahman].Such is this enquiry.
Adi Sankara[Aparokshanubhuti]

When I say, “I know that I exist,” the “I”of the clause ‘that I exist’ forms a partof the predicate and as such it cannotbe the same “I” which is the subject.This predictive ‘I’ is the ego, the object.The subjective ‘I’ is the Supreme Knower.
I, the ego, when stripped of all its limitingadjuncts, such as the body and the like,becomes one with “That,” the SupremeEgo, i.e., Brahman. In fact, it is alwaysBrahman; Its limitation being but thecreation of ignorance.
Swami Vimuktananda