Monthly Archives: June 2020

If something makes you happy, watch out! -RAdams

“This world can never make you happy, it’s impossible. It may appear to make you happy for a while because you’re gaining something that you want. But it will only last a short time. True happy…true happiness comes from nothing. When your happiness arises from nothingness then you’re really happy, because nothing made you happy and nothing can take it away.

If something makes you happy then if something take it away you will be miserable. But if you learn to achieve happiness from nothing this is everlasting. It will never leave you because there is nothing to change.”

~ Robert Adams (20th century American Advaita mystic)

Acclimitising To our new understanding -RSpira

The tiger wasn’t really running after the villagers – it was on the screen. The screen represents consciousness and experience is the activity of consciousness – all thinking, feeling, sensing and perceiving. The tiger veiled the screen in the 1st instance but after the manager ran out and told the villagers about it not being a real tiger coming after them they came back in and enjoyed the movie so the tiger had lost its power to veil reality. Consciousness itself conceals itself with its own activity. That’s Maya. All there is to experiencing is the knowing of it. At that stage experience loses its capacity to veil itself but instead shines with it. Experience becomes a revealing power instead of a concealing power. The only SUBSTANCE to experience is the presence of it and that is knowing. To investigate your true nature you go directly to your true nature and you’ll find it to be pure eternal whole perfect. That’s the culmination of the self inquiry process. And then you begin to allow that knowledge of yourself to permeate all realms. That’s Transfiguration. It’s the allowing this true self to permeate al your experience and then your experience becomes outshined by the light of your self. This is very very difficult and requires effort and maintenance. The separate self is the unnatural condition. It’s an acquired state and not your natural state. Being acquired requires constant effort and maintenance because we are so accustomed to making this effort that we no longer realized that we’re doing so because we think that it’s our default state but it isn’t. Therefore from the perspective of our separate self returning to our self requires effort. We’re not talking about going to some lofty place and then having to come back to reality we’re talking about a better way of dealing with the demands of everyday life. You should visit that lofty place seemingly that we went to more and more and more until you can acclimatize to it and it will become your new norm. All there is is infinite individual whole made out of pure consciousness. We need not only to understand this but to feel it and not only to feel it but to act in the world and relate with others in a way that is consistent with this infinite understanding. Now what we need to do is after meditation or an infilling like this we just had is to spend 5 minutes in silence to solidify everything and to start to prepare to go out into our everyday life and then the preparation gets us ready to for example go to the kitchen and take the inspiration with you and prepare what you need and keep that inspiration going and bring it into the living room and keep the inspiration going and going and going. RJS There is a TRANSITION period where our old way of thinking, acting, perceiving, etc, is infused with our new understanding. It takes a few years for this new understanding to release and percolate through all of our experience. Your experience is entirely intimate with the screen and yet it has no effect on it. (15+ min) You’ll have total intimacy and total freedom. BE RELENTLESS ABOUT ERODING ALL THE THOUGHTS AND DEMANDS INTENDED FOR THE SEPARATE SELF. Your thoughts will become an expression of who you really are and they will be liberated and wonderful.

Be in consciousness, not in mind- body -NM

If you abide in consciousness,
everything will be happening
spontaneously. If you are
still at body-mind level, you
will think that you are doing
something. Consciousness
can never remain inactive,
it will always be busy –
that is its nature.

My Guru told me that
consciousness alone
is the Guru, all other
developments sprouted
within me. The fruit should
grow on your own plant.

Nisargadatta Maharaj

No humanhood, concentrate on what is -RAdams


There are no accidents. Everything is right just the way it Is. There are no mistakes. You are in your right place going through those experiences that are necessary for you. There is nothing wrong.

When you begin to appreciate this you will realize that the universe does not punish you, there is no God that punishes you, there is no world that is against you.

Things appear to happen in your lives because it’s necessary for your spiritual unfoldment at this time. What appears to be bad is really a blessing in disguise. What appears to be good may be a hindrance to you. This is why you should never judge yourself. You have to have faith in the powers that be. As you have faith enough you will become happy, just by being yourself.

To the extent that you see everything wrong in your life, to that extent do you perpetuate the condition, and it becomes difficult for you not to react. It becomes most difficult for you to practice self-inquiry, for you are letting the world show you how things are, and you are responding to the world. This is a great mistake.

The secret is to allow the world to show you what it will, and for you not to react to anything. Have no opinion for or against. Just by doing this alone, you come to the state where you can see and feel that the whole world, the whole universe, is simply an emanation of your own mind.

Forget what you read in the papers, what you watch on TV. Do not take the world too seriously. And above all do not take your life too seriously. There is nothing that wants to hurt you. You can never know your self as the self if you keep reacting to your world. Absolute reality is only revealed to you when you begin to see that the world is an image. Thoughts become things. They have no reality of their own, but through your thinking process you have
given them life, and then you begin to feel the pressure of the life form that you have created.

Compare yourself to no one. You are unique in your own right. Everyone appears on this earth because of karmic conditions, and you can never know that karma does not exist until you stop reacting to it. What’s the use of my telling you that nothing exists, that karma does not exist, that the world does not exist, that the universe does not exist, if you continue to react to conditions. You never know how much time you’ve got left in your body, so to speak. You may drop your body tomorrow, next week, next year. And if you do not realize the truth about yourself, you will continue to come back again and again, you will appear to come back again and again. You will be stuck on the wheel, until the time comes when you give up your reaction.

Think how many times today you were disappointed over something, or despondent, or angry, or upset, and you
believe that you have the right to be that way. It was because of this or because of that, or because of someone, because of something. Yet you are forgetting that everything is your friend. The mineral kingdom, the vegetable kingdom, the animal kingdom, the human kingdom, everything is your friend. Especially your so-called enemies, for that’s the motivation for you to see yourself in action. Your so-called enemy is really your best friend. The person you don’t get along with is doing you a favor, for he or she is teaching you not to react.

There are many lessons to learn, but for whom? For you? Who are you? As long as you believe you are a human being and you are part of the earth, then you do have many lessons to learn. But as soon as you give up the idea of your humanhood and start investigating the truth, that you are never born and you never die, until that time you will appear to suffer. You will appear to go through predicaments, through situations, through rebirth, through different experiences.

But I say to you tonight that you do not have to do this. You merely have to recognize that your personal I is the
culprit. It is not you. It is your idea of I. It is the I-thought that causes every problem in your life. It is the I-thought that causes you misery, unhappiness, misunderstanding and whatever. You merely have to destroy, annihilate, the I-thought.

This is the reason you came back to this planet, so it appears, to find the I and destroy it. This is what you should have been concentrating on all the time. This is your purpose. There is no other purpose.

~ The Collected Works of Robert Adams.
There is nothing wrong.


“The substratum of all existence is bliss. You come from bliss and you go to bliss. It is your real nature.”

~ Robert Adams (20th century American Advaita mystic)

I am not in my body, I and my Father are One and the same
HEALING AND FRUITAGE ALWAYS HAPPENS WHEN THE WORK IS DONE. I AM IS THE BASIS OF ALL SPIRITUAL THOUGHT. I ALREADY AM. IM NOT A SEEKER. IF YOU CONTINUE IN THE BELIEF YOU HAVE A DEMONSTRATION TO MAKE, YOU WON’T MAKE IT. ●●● I REFUSE TO DO ANY WORK ON A CONDITION. I STAND AND STAND AND STAND ON THE ABSOLUTE PERFECTION AND COMPLETENESS OF GOD NOW. EVERYTHING IS ALREADY DONE NOW. THE TEMPTATION COMES TO BELIEVE IN A SELFHOOD SPAT FROM GOD. GOD HAS NEVER FAILED. THE KINGDOM OF GOD IS INTACT HE AND NOW. TRAIN YOURSELF TO HAVE A DESIRE NEVER TO HELP OR HEAL ANYONE. REFUSE TO AFFIRM OR DENY ANYTHING AND YOU’LL BE THE BEST HEALER ON EARTH. YOU’LL HAVE PROVEN THERE’S NOTHING TO HEAL OR DENY. Bring yourself to that state of consciousness and you will have anything you want because that’s the Christ consciousness. It’s when you no longer love hate or fear error in any form whatsoever. When you no longer hate it or fear it that’s Christ consciousness. WHEN YOU NO LONGER HATE IT OR FEAR IT THAT’S WHEN CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS HAS BEEN DEVELOPED. From Joel’s article at the end of this video: Rubbing Aladdin’s lamp is metaphorical or symbolic to hide spiritual truth from those who are not ready for it. You can rub Aladdin’s lamp Not through thinking but through rising above the human mind. Aladdin’s lamp is the Christ, the Father within, signifying how we don’t have to lift a finger. That which comes to us from the seeming outside is subject to being lost or worse but that which comes from within is grace and it is permanent.