Category Archives: Ego

Ego and I: clarification

अहमेकोsपि सूक्ष्मश्च ज्ञाता साक्षी सदव्ययः।

तदहं नात्र सन्देहो विचारः सोsयमीदृशः।।
As I am also the One, the Subtle,the Knower [the Supreme Knowerwho is ever present in all ourperceptions as consciousness,and who perceives even the ego],the Witness, the Ever-Existent andthe Unchanging, so there is no doubtthat I am “That” [i.e. Brahman].Such is this enquiry.
Adi Sankara[Aparokshanubhuti]

When I say, “I know that I exist,” the “I”of the clause ‘that I exist’ forms a partof the predicate and as such it cannotbe the same “I” which is the subject.This predictive ‘I’ is the ego, the object.The subjective ‘I’ is the Supreme Knower.
I, the ego, when stripped of all its limitingadjuncts, such as the body and the like,becomes one with “That,” the SupremeEgo, i.e., Brahman. In fact, it is alwaysBrahman; Its limitation being but thecreation of ignorance.
Swami Vimuktananda

Ego can’t be sacrificed: it doesn’t exist

Question : “Osho,
How to sacrifice the ego?”

Osho : “It is impossible. The ego cannot be sacrificed because the ego exists not. The ego is just all idea: it has no substance in it. It is not something – it is just pure nothing. You give it reality by believing in it. You can withdraw belief and the reality disappears, evaporates.

The ego is a kind of absence. Because you don’t know yourself, hence the ego. The moment you know yourself, no ego is found. The ego is like darkness; darkness has no positive existence of its own; it is simply the absence of light. You cannot fight with darkness, or can you? You cannot throw darkness out of the room; you cannot take it out, you cannot take it in. You cannot do anything with darkness directly. If you want to do anything with darkness, you will have to do something with light. If you put the light on, there is no darkness; if you put the light off, there is darkness.

Darkness is only the absence of light, so is ego: absence of self-knowledge. You cannot sacrifice it.
It has been told to you again and again: “Sacrifice your ego” – and the statement is patently absurd, because something that does not exist cannot be sacrificed. And if you try to sacrifice it, something which is not there in the first place at all, you will be creating a new ego – the ego of the humble, the ego of the egoless, the ego of the person who thinks he has sacrificed his ego. It will be a new kind of darkness again.

No, I don’t say to you sacrifice the ego. On the contrary, I say try to see where the ego is. Look deep into it; try to locate it, where it exists, whether it exists at all or not. Before one can sacrifice anything one must be certain about its existence.

But don’t be against it from the very beginning. If you are against it, you cannot look deep into it. There is no need to be against anything. The ego is your experience – maybe it is just apparent, but it is still your experience. Your whole life moves around the phenomenon of the ego. It may be a dream, but to you it is so true.

There is no need to be against it. Dive deep into it, go into it. Going into it means bringing awareness into your house, bringing light into darkness. Be alert, watchful. Watch the ways of the ego, how it functions, how it manages at all. And you will be surprised: the deeper you go into it, the less it is found. And when you have penetrated to the very core of your being, you will find something totally different which is not ego, which is egolessness. It is self, supreme self – it is godliness. You have disappeared as a separate entity; you are no more an island. Now you are part of the whole.”

Osho, The Fish in the Sea is Not Thirsty, Talk #12




those who are telling people


For a huge portion of humanity, a good, strong, diligent, unyielding effort is needed to AWAKEN to this glorious fact (as all true spiritual leaders know).


Ego vs higher level

E G O . V S . “H I G H E R . L E V E L”

“Once you say ‘higher level’ (regarding one’s level of spirituality), you appeal to the ego, and all the wrong instincts in people.”
-Fr. Richard Rohr

• • • • • • • • HOWEVER • • • • • • • •

Another example of egotism as relates to the pursuit of greater awareness is that of a person who just discovered that it was a lucrative and very popular topic which could bring financial benefit to anyone who claims to be a way-shower (without knowing squat). If he exudes much charisma and amasses a following, wouldn’t it be good to hold him accountable for how much he DOESN’T know and how much he HASN’T experienced (and probably never will)? And if so, wouldn’t we need some kind of language that can also serve as a kind of measure?

Ego Transformation

Ego Transformation ~ The Return of the Divine Masculine

Since January 1, we are experiencing an acceleration of the energies. The fast moving, direct, sharp and “merciless” Divine Masculine has arrived. This energy is really something to get used to. The days of just going our own speed and floating around are over. Free will based on ego needs has no chance to resist this energy. We are confronted with the old immature masculine patterns. The triggers are intense, yet different to how we experienced it when we were healing the old feminine wounds. We are preparing for full embodiment of the sacred union within.

Frustration, anger, disappointment and a feeling of inner resistance are common these days. We might not like the idea, but they are blame and judgment in disguise. This is how the immature masculine WITHIN US reacts to what we see happening around us. The old masculine patterns of aggression, control, protection, manipulation and “needing to solve it all” are all called out now. The triggers we receive now are mainly dealing with guilt and shame and missing boundaries. It is the masculine part of the fear of not being good enough. It asks a lot of honesty towards ourselves to see where we still carry those fears played out by our ego. We need to become our best careful observer.

Honesty with ourselves

Where do I still feel I need to solve problems for others or myself? Where do I push myself onto others with my own methods and truth without them asking for help or support? Where do I still feel I need to save others or myself? Where do I make myself small and compromise myself to protect others from pain and myself from feeling guilty? Where do I still judge and blame others or myself for the situation I am in? Where am I still trying to manipulate others or myself to react in a way I want? Where am I still feeling I need to convince others or myself? Where do I still get frustrated or annoyed when someone or myself is “not getting it”? Where do I still make outside circumstances responsible for my own situation? Where do I still have expectations towards others or myself? Where do I still try to control the flow instead of trusting it? Where am I still impatient and want to put things into action before they are ready? Where am I still dividing the world into right and wrong, black and white, spiritually correct or not? Where do I still judge others or myself to be not ready and still having to reach something? Where do I still create a certain dogma or belief of “this is the only way to do it right”? Where do I still support the system of fear, victimhood and duality? Where am I still going against my truth, not expressing what I truly want and instead make it right for others? Where do I still compromise with myself? Where do I still feel others or myself have to reach something to be enlightened/whole/awakened etc.? Where do I get impatient with myself and others?

“Going against our essence becomes downright unbearable and painful.”

All of these questions lead us to the unhealthy masculine programming still running in our own body and system. It is uncomfortable to have to face another round of releasing. But this energy is relentless, and we have no choice but to surrender at some point. Simply because going against our essence becomes downright unbearable and painful. Empowerment is where we are taken into. That does not only mean to empower ourselves, it also means to learn to stop to take the power away from others. Whether we are trying to solve someone else’s problems, to avoid someone’s pain, to control or manipulate to reach a certain outcome etc. WE AND EVERYONE AROUND US IS PUSHED INTO OWNERSHIP OF THE OWN ENERGIES. Being responsible for our own experience and journey. All of these questions above help us to find what wants attention within. The beauty of this new energy is that transformation goes really fast once we see the mirror. We have the power of choice. What is still serving our experience, and what can we just shift our focus away from to release and delete it from our reality field.

Letting go of the “have to reach”

A lot of us are facing situations now where we have to deal with guilt and shame and the fear of being a failure and the fear of being used. The feeling of not being able to take this any longer and not being able to do the job we came here for. Becoming impatient with humanity, becoming frustrated with all these masculine still going in circles and not seeing the new way yet, being annoyed of the momentary chaos and feeling it is all stuck, including us.

And that is exactly the mirror to look into and the pattern to let go of. We don’t have to reach anything. We can only feel stuck and impatient, when we feel we have to get somewhere. When we still experience lack. We are exactly where we need to be and we are always ready and whole. We don’t have to save the world. ALL WE HAVE TO DO IS FIND OUR OWN INNER BALANCE AND ACCESS TO LOVE AND LIGHT THAT IS ALWAYS AVAILABLE. It is a question of being connected and aligned or not. We are here to shine our light for those that are ready to come into it. Again… lighthouses don’t run around trying to save ships.

The immature masculine can only come out of this vicious cycle when we are transforming that energy and are no longer reacting in old masculine ways. We need to accept in ourselves what we see in those around us. That is what shifts it. And there is no need to push. The triggers and the releases come exactly at the right time. We don’t have to force ourselves to dissolve or transform something. Awareness of an imbalance and the mirror is enough. The rest will follow.

The new Earthly Masculine

Welcoming these triggers and the thoughts and emotions that come with it is supporting us in transforming the old masculine patterns into the new strong Divine masculine. The new earthly masculine, that commits, is courageous and rebellious, unconditionally from the heart, without any expectation of a certain outcome or a need to control or fight. The healthy masculine that sets boundaries out of self-love, not borders from fear. The one that knows exactly what he wants, expressing it with clear intentions. The strong new earthly masculine, that knows exactly when it is time to change and let go of old ways of working and relating. Also in our spiritual work we are asked to check whether we are still aligned with the new energies in terms of our mission and work. The Divine Earthly Masculine is not afraid to look into the mirror and through the mask into the core of authenticity. He is not afraid to share that with others.

“Although the Divine Masculine is a fast energy with focus and action, he respects the Divine Feminine and her balancing part of patience and nurturing.”

The two are now preparing to dance the perfect dance WITHIN ALL OF US. In this time of outer turmoil, where everything is accelerating, stillness and slowing down is key to check in with our deepest core essence. What are our own body, mind and soul giving us in terms of impulses to follow? Where do we still feel resistance? That is exactly where we need to look into, accept and experience it to find our answers and relief.

It is not easy to admit, and to see the patterns in the mirror presented to us. We need to be downright honest with ourselves. We are the ones we are waiting for. Once more, we are asked to drop the protective masks we are still wearing that had served to hide our vulnerability, which we mistakenly had been defining as our biggest weakness. Now we are learning that it is our biggest strength and once we drop that mask, once we accept ourselves and everyone else the way they are and where they are in their journey, once we share our true authentic vulnerable self, including our shadows, we discover the immense connecting and co-creative power of vulnerability. We are now establishing the missing link to allow the perfect divine, sacred dance WITHIN US and sharing and connecting it with those around us: The embodiment of sacred union.


– Vera Ingeborg
[Jacobi Padua]

The ego must have conflict – Stan Tyra

Every ego contains a “victim mentality.” Some have such a strong victim image of themselves, it has become the core of their identity. Resentment and anger are never far away from their thoughts.

Complaining and reactivity are favorite mind patterns through which the ego strengthens itself. By doing this you make others, or a situation “wrong” and yourself “right.” We are addicted to being “right” as it makes us feel superior which only strengthens the illusion of ego.

The ego must have conflict because it must have something to be against or fight against, demonstrating this is “me” and that is not “me.” Without the “unbeliever,” who would the “believer” be? Sadly, most of us have no idea. Collective identity is created and strengthened by having a group or tribe with the same enemy. Remember, the ego must have a conflict as it only exist through comparison and it will grasp at anything.

Lastly for today, envy is a by-product of the ego, which feels diminished if something good happens to someone they don’t approve of. It’s impossible to celebrate another’s victory or good fortune, which I believe, holds a key to breaking out of this self-constructed prison. Your victory may well be discovered in the celebration of someone else’s victory. What you long for may well be embedded in someone else’s wounds, (like Thomas and Jesus), or in someone else’s victory. Pay attention to how you feel when someone fails and someone succeeds. Is there any feeling of justification in their failure or any sense of resentment in their success? Noticing this could well help you see the illusionary fraud you have called “you,” for to long.
~Stan Tyra

No longer teachable?

Are you no longer teachable?
Are you so far above all the rest?
Have you a special title and position?
Are the rest of them unenlightened?
Are you gathering them all around you?
Do you never entertain selfish thoughts?
Have you forgotten the infallible key?
Just asking.

To help or not to help

A Question that’s burning in my mind:
Sometimes those who are suffering say
It’s Not Helpful to hear of others
Who’ve overcome the malady.
They assume the one trying to help
Is gloating or self-promoting.
But how can one help them
If they’ve had no experience
That proves their claim? Besides,
Bending over backwards to be super
Tactful, their entire message is lost.