Category Archives: Advanced spirituality

Unmistakable shift in you -SPT

When something has unmistakably shifted in you, your no longer at peace in your current understanding and you find yourself reaching…for you don’t know what! The veil is being lifted, the unfolding has begun. It would be useless at this point to say, “Stop seeking and searching”…for you already are THAT that you seek. For there seems in almost every case to be a process where we frantically search for what we perceive is “missing” and will surely be found with with the accumulation of more “knowledge.”
At that point, we are trying to “understand” with the “mind.” However one day you will see clearly that this is Beyond mind, and only as you stop trying to understand…begin to “Relax” and sink-back into the unfathomable depths of your true Self…do you finally realize what it was all about, all along.

Truly, the Kingdom is within us. We just had a distorted concept of what that really meant. ❤️

Sharon Palmer Tucker

Very, very committed East & West

Fixing the mind firmly on Brahman [God],
the point of concentration,
restraining the sense organs in their respective centers,
holding the body steady and giving up all thoughts for its maintenance,
attaining identity with Brahman [God] and being One with it,
continuously drink the bliss of Brahman in your own Self.
Of what use are other things?
They are entirely false, empty illusions.

— Adi Shankaracharya. Vivekachudamani

Go deep w/o personal promotion rjs

If you already know that matter is unreal
Even though it appears as ubiquitous as the sky,
Go very deep with what you know to be true.
Your very seeing through the seeming
Can bring untold awakening to an heavily hypnotized world –
While acts of personal self-promotion confuse and confound every attempt
To reveal No Thing to those who are finally ready to hear.

It’s too late for you to back out -Adya

Excerpted from: A talk in Mountain View, California
‘Enlightenment is effortless’

When you realize the truth, then you know that this truth is not fooling around. This truth wants you, and it wants your life, and it’s going to devour you and eat you up for dinner. The truth is not playing games. I’ve had more than one person say, “Adya, how do I turn this off? How do I back out of this deal? This isn’t what I signed up for.” And the only answer is, “Sorry, it’s too late, you can’t back out. You can walk away from me and from all teachers, and from spirituality altogether. You can go to the end of the earth and play some other game, but it’s too late. You can’t unrealize what you realize.” It’s a game until it’s not, but by the time you realize that it’s not a game, you can’t back out.

By and large, people want liberation, freedom, bliss, peace, love, and total release from fear. They want all the accoutrements of enlightenment without having to pay the price. They don’t want to pay the price of a total love affair, a total commitment. I’m not speaking of anything that is separate or different from your life. This doesn’t have anything to do with the monastery or leaving your day-to-day existence. The truth is here in every single moment of your life. That’s the truth. It’s not separate from your life. You can’t run away from yourself and your life in order to awaken to reality. Your life is your path to awakening. Stop and open your eyes: You were free from the very beginning.

Please understand that it’s not you that wakes up; it’s reality that wakes up, the truth wakes up. You are not enlightened; enlightenment is enlightened. Ultimately this realization doesn’t have anything to do with individuals, since there aren’t any separate individuals. That is the whole illusion, that there is something separate from the ultimate reality. When it’s clear that there’s nothing going on other than the ultimate reality, it’s a done deal — enlightenment is effortless.


It’s too late for you to back out now. You can’t unrealize something that you have realized.

Feel for real -rjs/RA

Isn’t the real goal – after all is said and done – to be so intimately connected to our Source that we’re actually able to handle the fact that we are IT?

Empirical, ill-begotten knowledge will never take us there – not to that sacred precious place where we once hailed from. It’s just too mind-boggling for our mortal minds to grasp.

And yet, we’re still, already there. We glimpse this phenomenal truth and run away – far too frightened of what more may be revealed to our pulsating hearts.

“Be not afraid” all the good books say; and we’d do well to heed them. For it’s from the very stepping out courageously, ready to listen with our every breath that we feel as we’ve been unable to previously. Feel an Alaskan snowstorm in midsummer and a sun-drenched tropical island in February. Feel as a happy little bluebird or a hippopotamus. Let us be all that we are.

You are there, and there and here ten thousand years ago and anon. Try to feel what your Soul is yearning to draw you into. Neither book nor video will ever, ever teach you all the glorious things that you already know.

So unspeakably wonderful

S O . U N S P E A K A B L Y . W O N D E R F U L

“There’s [something] beyond the creation, which is ultimate oneness, total peace, pure awareness, sat-chit-ananda [existence, consciousness, bliss], nirvana—and when you experience that, you will not have anything to say. It’s difficult for a materialistic person to know anything beyond their materialism, but what if they surrender and give up everything?

“Something more beautiful than you can ever imagine takes over and you live in total bliss from there on in. Total happiness, that’s the fourth state, total bliss happiness, total oneness, omnipresence.”

Robert Adams, 20th century
American Advaita mystic

Imagine the ramifications as this goes viral. People who are just beginning to wake up … Wow! … imagine! Imagine!

Imagine three mega-pastors, Joseph Prince, Joyce Meyer and Joel Osteen (I call them ‘Jo-Jo-Jo’) suddenly waking up to the glorious gift they could give the world: teach all their sycophants and other sheeple that, guess what, the rewards for overhauling their entire materialistic lifestyle and teaching style are phenomenal. But first they’d have to actually learn for themselves what life really IS all about.


Reclaim your gain

O N . T H E . A T T A I N M E N T . O F . H I G H E R . C O N S C I O U S N E S S

Have you experienced what felt like
a complete final breakthrough
in which immense spiritual love
pretty nearly overwhelmed you?
Were you quite sure in the face of
such ineffable joy that the cares of
the world had had their last hurrah?

And then, finally, you “needed to”
come back and “face the world”
again at which time you “had to”
assume your “usual place” in it?
And all too swiftly the cherished
position, the pinnacle, evaporated?

I defy you to look again.
Look right at the point you had attained.
You see, it’s still there!!!
It’s gonna need some nurturing now
to bring it fully back and maintain it.
But be sure of this: it is still there.


As if – final breakthrough

F I N A L . B R E A K T H R O U G H : . ” A S . I F “

Two little words “as if” – when recognized – can accord you the greatest breakthrough you’ve ever known! For some, a courageous reach in their thinking processes brought healings and miracles beyond their wildest dreams while others are still struggling to grasp this phenomenal spiritual truth:


The profoundest of thinkers across the globe want with their whole hearts to mitigate the shock experienced by would-be healers and other scientists and so they make that all-too-popular mistake of watering down the above glorious fact.

Let’s take a good long look at it, shall we? Its bottom line is that matter is entirely non-existent. Quantum physics tells us so, and yet its adherents will dance around that astronomical fact till the cows come home – and then milk them!

That which is at once a wave … and then a particle … is not matter being unreal. Ask Hiroshima. The absolute unreality of matter alone ushers into our Consciousness the realm of pure Spirit from which what translates to healing and other miracles in the so-called physical realm emanate.

How is the world we see an illusion? We see matter: it isn’t there. Now we’re just starting to grapple with the nitty-gritty of a statement that can – and perhaps will – change (heal) the entire world.

When we poke around at matter and squeeze our brains trying to figure out how to lay things out for enormously flawed mortal man to devise an explanation that is palatable to the sheeple, we go further and further down the rabbit’s hole: the answers ain’t there!


So, what do I see out there? You see Spirit if your Consciousness has been awakened. You see illusion, if not.

That’s about as close as a discussion of Enlightenment ever approaches matter: to dismiss it. You see Spirit or you see nothing.


You’ve been looking into the Fifth Dimension where matter is entirely unknown. We’re here, talking together, recognizing one another and anyone else we summon. We see “what appears to be” a blind man, a cripple, a dead person, but we’re seeing right through them to spiritual reality. We see the world as it really is.

On terra-firma, instead of seeing Spirit “as if” it were here where grievous suffering seems to be, we see Spirit alone as we see right through every lie of the flesh. Instead of seeing matter “as if’ it were Spirit or imagining Spirit “as if” it were material, for the first time ever



Live without people

T H E . L A R G E R . S T E P

Not everyone is ready for this step and yet Joel is very definite about its significance. He writes:

“Unless you can keep yourself separate from the world, you, yourself, will be a part of this world hypnotism. You cannot permit yourself to indulge in world-hypnotism and at the same time claim it is not there. The day will come when you will decide to live your life separate and apart from people, except that you go among them to reveal this truth, but not to live in their lives.”
Joel S. Goldsmith
A Message for the Ages
Chapter 9

It only seems unbearably austere to persons with little more than a mild curiosity about the realm of pure Spirit. They’ve been told to “simply rest” without knowing what to do when resting rings hollow. My advice? Reread Joel’s stern denunciation of lackadaisical dealing with world hypnotism (above)!
