Live without people

T H E . L A R G E R . S T E P

Not everyone is ready for this step and yet Joel is very definite about its significance. He writes:

“Unless you can keep yourself separate from the world, you, yourself, will be a part of this world hypnotism. You cannot permit yourself to indulge in world-hypnotism and at the same time claim it is not there. The day will come when you will decide to live your life separate and apart from people, except that you go among them to reveal this truth, but not to live in their lives.”
Joel S. Goldsmith
A Message for the Ages
Chapter 9

It only seems unbearably austere to persons with little more than a mild curiosity about the realm of pure Spirit. They’ve been told to “simply rest” without knowing what to do when resting rings hollow. My advice? Reread Joel’s stern denunciation of lackadaisical dealing with world hypnotism (above)!
