Category Archives: Quantum world

Quantum catching up -rjs

QUANTUM PHYSICS IS FAST DISCOVERING THAT all around us right now, is a Kingdom where death does not exist, where there is not a single problem, where there is nothing as we know it with our human mind. There is a completely different universe present here now, in which none of the physical or mental images that we entertain are present.


Quantum physics background for Self-enquiry

In Quantum Physics, Even Humans Act As Waves

Ethan SiegelSenior ContributorStarts With A BangContributor GroupScienceThe Universe is out there, waiting for you to discover it.

“Is it a wave or is it a particle?” Never has such a simple question had such a complicated answer as in the quantum realm. The answer, perhaps frighteningly, depends on how you ask the question. Pass a beam of light through two slits, and it acts like a wave. Fire that same beam of light into a conducting plate of metal, and it acts like a particle. Under appropriate conditions, we can measure either wave-like or particle-like behavior for photons — the fundamental quantum of light — confirming the dual, and very weird, nature of reality.

This dual nature of reality isn’t just restricted to light, either, but has been observed to apply to all quantum particles: electrons, protons, neutrons, even significantly large collections of atoms. In fact, if we can define it, we can quantify just how “wave-like” a particle or set of particles is. Even an entire human being, under the right conditions, can act like a quantum wave. (Although, good luck with measuring that.) Here’s the science behind what that all means

The debate over whether light behaves as a wave or a particle goes all the way back to the 17th century, when two titanic figures in physics history took opposite sides on the issue. On the one hand, Isaac Newton put forth a “corpuscular” theory of light, where it behaved the same way that particles did: moving in straight lines (rays) and refracting, reflecting, and carrying momentum just as any other kind of material would. Newton was able to predict many phenomena this way, and could explain how white light was composed of many other colors.

On the other hand, Christiaan Huygens favored the wave theory of light, noting features like interference and diffraction, which are inherently wave-like. Huygens’ work on waves couldn’t explain some of the phenomena that Newton’s corpuscular theory could, and vice versa. Things started to get more interesting in the early 1800s, however, as novel experiments began to truly reveal the ways in which light was intrinsically wave-like.

Screen People


…Imagine a plethora of debates among screen people who saw dots, lines (of different configurations), circles and ellipses (of different sizes), staying still or moving, appearing or disappearing, enlarging or shrinking. At some point, one group might band together to found the Church of the Three Circles, while another group launches the Ellipsoid Society; another, the Two Circle Fellowship; another, the Science of Lines; and yet another, the Church of the One True Ellipse. These groups might divide up through time, of course, and new groups begin as new interpretations of the revelations arise. The teachings of each group might be similar in some points, but for the most part sharply divergent. We can imagine the ensuing conflicts that might arise should attempts be made to overlook differences and to unite against big social problems. We can even imagine the cynicism of some screen people who say all this talk of higher beings means nothing; all that has appeared is some amazing but explicable (with enough research) screen phenomenon that, once understood, will usher in a new age of screen people consciousness. The great irony of the disagreement about the higher being is that none of these groups and individuals has more than a tiny clue about who that being is and what that being can do. All have an incredibly limited perspective on the attributes of the being, especially on the powers available to him or her.


Was Einstein wrong?

NASA stunned: Scientist asks ‘was Einstein wrong?’ after object breaks laws of physics

A NASA scientist has questioned whether Albert Einstein’s theories over space were inaccurate after the Hubble telescope recorded an object travelling five times the speed of light.

Einstein was the theoretical physicist behind the theory of relativity, one of the two key pillars for the foundation of modern physics. Within his special relativity theory, the German-born genius set the speed of light at 186,000 miles per second, of which nothing can travel faster. However, scientists are now questioning this after it was revealed NASA’s Hubble telescope had spotted thousands of objects travelling over five times this speed in a distant galaxy.

The phenomenon, which was captured by scientists Robert Williams in 1995, was spotted in the galaxy known as Messier 87.
The astronomer, who served as the Director of Space Telescope Science Institute from 1993 to 1998 laid bare the details of the encounter during “NASA’s Unexplained Files” series.
He said in 2014: “There were no bright stars, no known radio sources, I was just trying to pick out a random area of the sky that we knew nothing about.
“It wasn’t until we added them all up that it was apparent that there were 2500 galaxies.
NASA spotted activity in Messier 87 “Most of them were really faint.”
Dr David Brin chipped in: “They seemed to be going away from us faster than the speed of light.”
Then, Dr Seth Shostak, who is currently the Senior Astronomer for SETI Institute, explained why this breaks the laws of physics.
He said: “You just can’t send physical objects or even information faster than the speed of light.The speed of light is the ultimate speed limit.”

Schrodinger’s cat

M O V E . O V E R . S C H R Ö D I N G E R’ S . C A T

In a Quantum First, Physicists Put 2,000 Atoms in Two Places at Once
OCTOBER 05, 2019
You might be familiar with the Schrödinger’s cat thought experiment, where the eponymous feline in a box can be both alive or dead at the same time, often used to illustrate the multi-state paradox of quantum mechanics.

Well, now scientists have managed to apply that theory to huge molecules made up of 2,000 atoms.
Quantum superposition has been tested countless times on smaller systems, with physicists successfully showing that individual particles can be in two places at one time. But this type of experiment hasn’t been carried out at this scale before.
What the experiment does is allow scientists to refine the hypotheses of quantum mechanics and understand more about how this particularly mind-bending branch of physics actually works – and how the laws of quantum mechanics join up with the more traditional, larger scale, classical laws of physics.
“Our results show excellent agreement with quantum theory and cannot be explained classically,” state the researchers in their published paper.
In particular, the new study involves the Schrödinger equation (yes, him again), which describes how even single particles can also act as waves in multiple places at once, interfering with each other just like ripples on a pond.
To test this, the scientists set up a double-slit experiment – an experiment that’s very familiar to quantum physicists.
Traditionally, it involves projecting individual particles of lights (photons) through two slits. If the photons acted simply as particles, the resulting projection of light on the other side would simply show one band. But in reality, the light projected on the other side shows an interference pattern – multiple bands that interact, showing that light particles can also act as waves.

(Johannes Kalliauer/Wikimedia, CC-BY-SA 3.0)
It effectively seem as if the photons are in two places at once, just like Schrödinger’s cat. But as most of us are aware, the cat is only in two states while it remains unobserved. As soon as the box is open, it’s either confirmed as being alive or dead, not both.
It’s the same with photons. As soon as the light is measured or observed directly, this superposition disappears and the state of the photon is locked in. This is one of the conundrums at the heart of quantum mechanics.

This same double-slit experiment has been done with electrons, atoms, and smaller molecules. And now physicists show it applies to massive molecules, too.
In this take on the double-slit experiment, the team was able to use these heavy molecules, made up of as many as 2,000 atoms, to create quantum interference patterns, as if they were behaving as waves and being in more than one place.
The molecules were known as “oligo-tetraphenylporphyrins enriched with fluoroalkylsulfanyl chains”, and some were more than 25,000 times the mass of a hydrogen atom.
But as molecules get bigger, they also get less stable, and the scientists were only able to get them interfering for seven milliseconds at a time, using a newly designed piece of equipment called a matter-wave interferometer (designed to measure atoms along different paths).
Even factors like the Earth’s rotation and gravitational pull had to be factored in. It was worth the effort though – we now know these giant molecules can be in two places at once, as well as much smaller atoms.
As quantum mechanics traditionally comes into play on very small scales, and classical physics on larger scales, the bigger the molecules we can get working with the double slit experiment, the closer we get to that quantum-classical boundary line. A previous record for this kind of study involved molecules up to 800 atoms in size.
“Our experiments show that quantum mechanics, with all its weirdness, is also amazingly robust, and I’m optimistic that future experiments will test it on an even more massive scale,” says physicist Yaakov Fein, from the University of Vienna in Austria.

Still vacillating

S T I L L . V A C I L L A T I N G
Between perfect listening
And all the noise of people,
Politics, society, deadlines.
Dis-ease, fear, pain, death?

Quit your mind altogether!
“Think with your heart.”
Not the blood-pumping organ:
Be in your Soul, Spirit, God.

You’ll no longer have to strive
To eliminate errors of thinking,
Feeling, acting, lulling to sleep,
Dastardly, hypnotic, hate-filled
Mesmeric meanderings from…

“Matter as such does not exist,”
Quantum physics laboriously
Proved repeatedly. But the whole
World scurries around to learn
All it can about “That which isn’t”!


Quantum for Pandiculation JSM


There are questions that many are afraid to ask, but which most of us have eventually discovered are an integral part of stretching ourselves. For contained within every question, especially those which may seem the most difficult to ask, there is a doorway to depths that are yet unexplored.

Somewhere around the 12th century the development of an idea was proceeded by what Great Teachers called the questio (Latin: “to seek”) from which we derive our modern word “quest” and by extension the word “quest-ion”.

While most religions begin in this “seeking” stage of development, history has demonstrated that eventually they become dogmatic, unyielding and more concerned with preserving and defending a favored stance of being right (orthodox – “right opinion”) instead of exemplifying the core precepts of the belief system they purport to uphold. (i.e. “Love your neighbor AS yourself”).

This has become the earmark of all fundamentalist religion; It inherently grows stagnant through a failure to continue asking the (hard) questions. Questions which would allow it to evolve, expand and grow beyond its current state by exposing many of the archaic, magic and mythic beliefs it still clings to. Teachings, ideas and concepts which have been handed down through traditions (many that may have served it at one time) but which have ultimately made the “word of God of NO effect.” The truths underlying these traditions are Timeless, but the doctrines themselves have become static in both their understanding of, and application to, present realities.

Why? …..Because, just like Hebrews trying to stockpile “manna in the wilderness,” it is no longer fresh but has begun to breed worms. This happens whenever what is “known” is no longer an “ever-proceeding word from the mouth of God.” The “Present Truth” is subsequently substituted for a “belief system” when the “rivers of living water” cease to flow from your Innermost Being. Truth cannot be defined by some rigid doctrine or teaching, just as an Infinite God can never be reduced to a mere formula.

“Fundamentalism suffers from the same false seeing. It is basically a love affair with words and ideas about God instead of God himself or herself. But you cannot really love words; you can only think them. You cannot really love reality with the judgmental mind, because you’ll always try to control it, fix it, or understand it before you give yourself to it……The fact that some form of loving must precede true knowing helps us appreciate why the prophets used the intimate word for carnal knowledge or sexual intimacy when they spoke of “knowing” God…….So many of the Mystics had to make use of sexual images to describe the relationship of the soul with God. From inside experience, you know God’s Love is a tender dance of give-and-take, rescue and holding. We see what we are ready to see, expect to see , and even desire to see. There is some kind of mutual influence between subject and object, says the Heisenberg Principle….” – Richard Rohr from The Naked Now: Learning to See As the Mystics See

●●●In quantum mechanics, Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle asserts that there is a limit to the exactness or precision with which anyone can know the complementary variables (i.e. position, momentum) of the physical properties related to atomic particles simultaneously. Heisenberg later proposed that the “observer effect” at the quantum level could explain the uncertainty related to those variables.■

When we apply the ●●●”uncertainty principle” to our subjective experience of God, it becomes apparent that no matter how precise our definition of the Divine, we can never simultaneously explain it while also maintaining a complete Awareness of Its Reality.■ Hence the profound revelation of Lao Tzu in the Tao, “He that says does not Know, and he that Knows does not say.”

We must realize that what is REAL in our Experience can never be threatened by the beliefs of another. We must become Masters of Pandiculation (“the art of stretching oneself”). It is time that we learn from the past mistakes of religion and truly begin to practice the non-judgment of the Mystics who in essence taught us that it is better to be kind and loving than it is to be right. For the only way we can truly and honestly ask the questions that challenge our beliefs (and allow us to grow) is if we are willing to let go of our preconceived ideas and judgments in order to acknowledge that, no matter how refined our mental understanding of Truth may be, it will never be The Truth; Just as the highest ideas, thoughts and notions we have ABOUT God are NOT God.

Those who truly “Know” have learned to be comfortable living with the Paradox of “not knowing”, in the sense that, they recognize that the Mystery of Divinity is not something “to be grasped” (i.e. apprehended by a mental understanding), BUT that Truth IS a Living Reality which is fresh, flowing and perpetually new in each Present Moment of Awareness.

May Love Be the Truth of Our Journey and the Essence of Our Quest!

Joe Murawski

Multiple Time Dimensions*

It’s wonderful to know that God is where we’re ultimately going and we will hang with him through all eternity. But when the notion of timelessness becomes part of the deal, it all sounds so dull and meaningless – to say nothing of lifeless.
In God’s multi-dimensional realm, we can enjoy glories heretofore unknown.
And we get to do that forever in what we may now wistfully dub “multiple time dimensions”.