Category Archives: Family

God’s repositioning – Not!

E A R L Y . R U M B L I N G S

As a lonely little child, I developed a very close, personal and intimate relationship with God – not as a male figure but as an ever-present friend who guided, protected and loved me. I would literally go off by myself just to spend hours alone with God.

For whatever it was worth, I referred to him/her/it as “God”. We effected many, many healings, miracles and other spiritual demonstrations.

Having had such a close connection with God all my life, newer revelation came to me, not so much out of discontent but more as a maturing process. God was a loving companion who had always been very near. Then God moved to the inside of me – wow, that was really close!

More and more, little by little, God would literally do the things that I was supposed to be doing, AS me! Yes, my hands and mind were engaged but it felt like a thrilling and beautiful ride!

Now God, who had never repositioned anywhere, is no longer AS me: God IS me. Truth be told, this “now” commenced some 40 or so years ago. I recall telling my bro, Michael, “You wanna know what God looks like? You’re lookin’ at her!”


April story again w/comments

Most of my friends know I lost my younger sister – a major tragedy (light of my life) – over 40 years ago.
Mama said – and I took her LITERALLY : “We must remember Life is eternal.”
I swear to God (okay to say? ) I was FOREVER HEALED of the worst grief I could imagine … healed!!!
I still feel April’s presence 40 years later and I still rejoice.
Hope this is encouraging to someone.

Beautiful Robin – your Moms words were/are TRUTH, LIFE, & ETERNAL. ♥️
Carolyn Smith

This whole story is so healing & beautiful! What a wonderful mom! ❤️ Thanks for sharing such a gem!!
Jennifer Clawson

Betrayal Zone – Rutherford

My head is still spinning
My heart is still reeling
I know I will never
Get past all the feelings
That come when you see
How their “final hand’s” played
Great is the pain when a man is betrayed
You could try and explain things
But, it falls on deaf ears
They’ve already decided which parts they will hear
And the 99% of the great things you’ve done
Disappear in the poison they pour on the “one.”
It doesn’t take much to rub the wrong way
What you DO or DON’T DO…. SAY or DON’T SAY!
Are all matters of little when minds are Infected
And every last thing you have done gets inspected.
If there could be ONE simple “sit down” to try
You could point out the truths and dispel all the lies
But, instead you are left simply “holding the bag”
With your righteousness dirtier than old filthy rags.
So you pack up your dreams and you trust what will be
Will somehow be better than what you could see
And you rub on the salve in the wound in your soul
and you picture a future that looks less than whole
and you make up your mind that the reasons and rhymes
Will, somehow be cleared up in Love’s perfect time.
You pick up your crown and you dust off your throne
And you try to convince yourself “you’re good, alone”
And you give thanks for, through this, the light that has shone
And you make up your mind to move on.
LIFE sucks…….in the BETRAYAL ZONE!
~ Robert Rutherford

Well, It’s official my birthday.
This year, I declare on 5 the number of grace, 17 the number of victory and 18 means alive Life
I won’t give darkness one drop of attention still, I will praise Him. I believe the numbers of my birthday confirm this day to be a day where I step into a new season of grace multiplied with a great victory that will result in a life alive!
~Linda Barnett – birthday = April&Michal anniversary
5/17/72, 5/17/89, 5/17/91 R&A
89+17=06(?) +17=23