God’s repositioning – Not!

E A R L Y . R U M B L I N G S

As a lonely little child, I developed a very close, personal and intimate relationship with God – not as a male figure but as an ever-present friend who guided, protected and loved me. I would literally go off by myself just to spend hours alone with God.

For whatever it was worth, I referred to him/her/it as “God”. We effected many, many healings, miracles and other spiritual demonstrations.

Having had such a close connection with God all my life, newer revelation came to me, not so much out of discontent but more as a maturing process. God was a loving companion who had always been very near. Then God moved to the inside of me – wow, that was really close!

More and more, little by little, God would literally do the things that I was supposed to be doing, AS me! Yes, my hands and mind were engaged but it felt like a thrilling and beautiful ride!

Now God, who had never repositioned anywhere, is no longer AS me: God IS me. Truth be told, this “now” commenced some 40 or so years ago. I recall telling my bro, Michael, “You wanna know what God looks like? You’re lookin’ at her!”
