Category Archives: Advanced spirituality

Balloon expanding – prick

Y O U ‘R E . B E Y O N D . A M A Z I N G !!

You are like a great big balloon.

You’re expanding and expanding.

By now you’re filling up the whole room.

Expanding more and more and more,

You now contain the whole building.

The city, the country … now you’re
as big as the world and beyond –

Way, way beyond, when a little prick

pierces your container, leaving only you.




He says to see through the thoughts [that come when you would have silence]. Yes, let’s not jam them up but let them keep moving along. In that way our real being takes over and we see through our apparatus as Spirit which sees through and as everyone else. Adyashanti says:

“When we really start to take a look at who we think we are, we become very grace prone. We start to see that while we may have various thoughts, beliefs, and identities, they do not individually or collectively tell us who we are. A mystery presents itself: we realize that when we really look at ourselves clearly and carefully, it is actually astounding how completely we humans define ourselves by the content of our minds, feelings, and history. Many forms of spirituality try to get rid of thoughts, feelings, and memories—to make the mind blank, as if that were a desirable or spiritual state. But to have the mind blank is not necessarily wise. Instead, it is more helpful to see through thoughts and to recognize that a thought is just a thought, a belief, a memory. Then we can stop binding consciousness or spirit to our thoughts and mental states. With that first step, when I realized that what was looking through my eyes and senses was awakeness or spirit rather than conditioning or memory, I saw that the same spirit was actually looking through all the other pairs of eyes. It didn’t matter if it was looking through other conditioning; it was the exact same thing. It was seeing itself everywhere, not only in the eyes, but also in the trees, the rocks, and the floor.

“It is paradoxical that the more this spirit or consciousness starts to taste itself, not as a thought or idea or belief, but as just a simple presence of awakeness, the more this awakeness is reflected everywhere. The more we wake up out of bodies and minds and identities, the more we see that bodies and minds are actually just manifestations of that same spirit, that same presence. The more we realize that who we are is totally outside of time, outside of the world, and outside of everything that happens, the more we realize that this same presence is the world—all that is happening and all that exists. It is like two sides of a coin.

“The biggest barrier to awakening is the belief that it is something rare. When this barrier is dropped, or at least you start to tell yourself, “I really don’t know if my belief that awakening is difficult is true or not,” then everything becomes instantly available to you. Since this is all that exists, it can’t be rare and difficult unless we insist it is. The basis of all this is not theoretical, it is experiential. No one taught it to me, and no one can teach it to you. What is so beautiful about awakening is that when you are no longer functioning through your conditioning, then the sense of “me” who was living that life is no longer there. Most people are familiar with the sense of a me living this life. But when this is seen through, the experience is that what really runs and operates this life is love, and this same love is in everybody all the time. When it is working its way through your personal stuff, it gets dissipated, but it is still there. Nobody owns this love. Everybody is essentially the manifestation of this love.

“You have experienced moments in your life, whether or not you are aware of them, when you momentarily forgot the “I” with which you have been identified. It can happen spontaneously at a beautiful sight, or it can occur from egoic forgetfulness. People usually discount these moments. After experiencing the “nice moment,” you then reconstitute your familiar sense of identity. But actually these opportunities are like little peepholes through which the truth is experienced.”


Just as naturally as Adyashanti sees awakening – a non-rare event, so we can also continue to find our cherished goal of two minutes of total silence, as it will come much more readily with his stress-free approach to living his life.


Live life defiantly

L I V E . L I F E . D E F I A N T L Y !

This so matches my personality – my “enlightened” personality (Lol) when it comes to dealing with the insidious machinations of the world mind and its hold on innocent people everywhere! Give IT the attitude it deserves: Indifferent Defiance!

Joe Murawski very skillfully disarmed every conceivable potential attack on our journey Spirit-ward. All we have to do is practice the below as outlined by JSM:

Defy the odds,
Defy every sense of limitation,
Defy every doubt about your worth,
Defy every notion that you are not enough,
Defy the idea that there is any lack of abundance or possibility available to you in each moment,
Defy every fear that you can’t do what you’ve intended in your heart to do,
Defy the gravity of everything that would hold you in the orbit of reliving past pain or repeating habitual patterns,
Defy the boundaries that others have set for you,
Defy every perception you cling to in thought which is not aligned with the highest truth you intuitively know about yourself,
Defy every belief you have about yourself or others that diminishes the infinite potential and creativity we all possess,
Defy every impulse to respond to any person or circumstance with anything less than Unconditional Love and Peace,
Defy every action that would bring harm rather than inspire freedom, encouragement and hope.”
Joseph S. Murawski

Think you can get an attitude going that will pull the plug on the carnal world mind? Just be sure to do it defiantly!


Indifferent defiance JSM & rjs

L I V E . L I F E . D E F I A N T L Y !

This so matches my personality – my “enlightened” personality (!) when it comes to dealing with the insidious machinations of the world mind and its hold on innocent people everywhere! Give IT the attitude it deserves: Indifferent Defiance!

Joseph S. Murawski very skillfully disarmed every conceivable potential attack on our journey Spirit-ward. All we have to do is the below as outlined by him:

Defy the odds,
Defy every sense of limitation,
Defy every doubt about your worth,
Defy every notion that you are not enough,
Defy the idea that there is any lack of abundance or possibility available to you in each moment,
Defy every fear that you can’t do what you’ve intended in your heart to do,
Defy the gravity of everything that would hold you in the orbit of reliving past pain or repeating habitual patterns,
Defy the boundaries that others have set for you,
Defy every perception you cling to in thought which is not aligned with the highest truth you intuitively know about yourself,
Defy every belief you have about yourself or others that diminishes the infinite potential and creativity we all possess,
Defy every impulse to respond to any person or circumstance with anything less than Unconditional Love and Peace,
Defy every action that would bring harm rather than inspire freedom, encouragement and hope.”
Joseph S. Murawski

Think you can get an attitude going that will pull the plug on the carnal world mind? Just be sure to do it defiantly!


Evicting error

E V I C T I N G . E R R O R

A choice exists between two general approaches of ridding oneself of major errors – recognized but not yet realized – that endlessly assault one’s thinking. Let the ‘thoughts’ pass on by with no reaction on your part OR face them down – one by one – until they give up the ghost!

Actually these two approaches – if assiduously adhered to – can work in concert, proving quite compatible. The temporary – but future – goal is discernment.

You see, recurring thoughts that have had years of refinement, when finally rooted out, leave evidence of major healing – a time for great celebration! No less important is putting the ‘lesser’ errors on notice that they’re being accorded one last showcasing on the movie screen of your mind while you usher them out sans the fanfare or mental comment.

Either approach works perfectly if chosen deliberately and decisively. But the greatest approach of all is yet to come, whose function is to upstage the former two while supplanting them altogether, and here it is:

Start with the answer: focus on the Absolute and stay there. There is no material universe to begin with, to be tormented by or to give any thought to regarding the future. All is Spirit and spiritual. It’s not only possible but it’s incumbent upon you to see the infinite ever-presence of the Only Universe that exists: the Supreme Conscious Awareness in all and through all and instead of every illusion.


No shift

N O . S H I F T !!

In meditation I was bombarded by thoughts, thoughts and more thoughts until finally I beseeched Christ-consciousness to take over. I was quiet and expectant. And then in the space of a few moments something emerged that kind of startled me. It was the absence of a shifting out of the mind and into Consciousness.

There was no shifting! For a nanosecond I felt a letdown – just for a nanosecond – and then came the full realization that there was no mortal mind that had to go! There was nothing that had to come in and take its place.

Realization means just that! You finally realize that you were always right there! No bugles blowing, no fanfare, no nothing! Just the unspeakable, most humbling realization that what I am IS consciousness.


Severely smitten

I’ve been so severely smitten by the power and love of God that I want everyone to know some hard, cold facts. While the Truth of God is true across the board, precious few will ever real-ize (make real) it. People have been lulled to sleep by the notion that everything will be alright.

Not in this world!

In this world where you have trees and grass and animals and people … especially people!… you have discord, disease, death. The inevitable nature of people is to put off any serious undertaking until … in most cases … it’s too late. Every person that you see in your mind’s eye is capable of awakening but very few do in their present lifetime; then they have to come back and try again and again – maybe for thousands of years – when all they ever needed was to wake up. I don’t know how to say this more clearly: NO EFFORT IS REQUIRED TO BECOME WHAT YOU ALREADY ARE – THE IMAGE AND LIKENESS (THE SUBSTANCE, LIFE, BE-ING) OF OMNIPRESENT SPIRIT, GOD. BUT FOR MOST PEOPLE A GINORMOUS EFFORT IS NEEDED TO ACTUALLY WANT TO WAKE UP SUFFICIENTLY.