Live life defiantly

L I V E . L I F E . D E F I A N T L Y !

This so matches my personality – my “enlightened” personality (Lol) when it comes to dealing with the insidious machinations of the world mind and its hold on innocent people everywhere! Give IT the attitude it deserves: Indifferent Defiance!

Joe Murawski very skillfully disarmed every conceivable potential attack on our journey Spirit-ward. All we have to do is practice the below as outlined by JSM:

Defy the odds,
Defy every sense of limitation,
Defy every doubt about your worth,
Defy every notion that you are not enough,
Defy the idea that there is any lack of abundance or possibility available to you in each moment,
Defy every fear that you can’t do what you’ve intended in your heart to do,
Defy the gravity of everything that would hold you in the orbit of reliving past pain or repeating habitual patterns,
Defy the boundaries that others have set for you,
Defy every perception you cling to in thought which is not aligned with the highest truth you intuitively know about yourself,
Defy every belief you have about yourself or others that diminishes the infinite potential and creativity we all possess,
Defy every impulse to respond to any person or circumstance with anything less than Unconditional Love and Peace,
Defy every action that would bring harm rather than inspire freedom, encouragement and hope.”
Joseph S. Murawski

Think you can get an attitude going that will pull the plug on the carnal world mind? Just be sure to do it defiantly!
