D E A L I N G . W I T H . O U R . O W N . H Y P N O T I S M

The first step for every single one of us is to own up to our own state of hypnotism and be willing to see it subside at last. Joel Goldsmith offers great encouragement to our endeavor:
“Every human being is hypnotized into accepting appearances as reality. It is only as a person learns to abide in the Word that he becomes less human and more divine and eventually is able to subordinate his humanness and live more and more and more in the divinity of his being.
“No one can yet claim that he is abiding twenty-four hours of every day in the full and complete realization of his spiritual identity, but forgetting most of the earth’s problems of the past and even of the present, he can look forward to a greater attainment of spiritual awareness than he has now. It never will be attained, however, except in proportion to what takes place in his consciousness now. The spiritualizing of consciousness cannot be put off until an hour from now. That has to be done in this instant.
“When you are busy about your own affairs and this awareness has dropped from your conscious thinking and all of a sudden it comes back, you cannot say, “Ah, tonight I will spend an hour in divine consciousness.” No, the moment that push comes, regardless of what else you are doing, regardless of what your body or your mind is doing, somewhere in your consciousness there must be a return to this realization: “I and the Father are one; therefore, I have meat.” Then you are ready to go on about your work again. You have fulfilled yourself.
“It takes only a few seconds of anyone’s time to return to the Father’s house. This is not accomplished in time or space; it is not anything that takes a long time. It takes only the willingness to remember any moment of now this truth:
“‘I have meat. Silver and gold I may have none, but I have meat, and wine, and water, and bread. I have the spiritual staff of life. In fact, all that the Father has is mine: all of the Spirit, all of spiritual truth, all of spiritual reality.'”
Joel S. GoldsmithLiving By The WordChapter Nine
