Monthly Archives: June 2020

Just don’t believe the dream -NM

Just as the dream is not apart from the dreamer,
so is knowing not apart from being.

You cannot know the knower, for you are the knower.
The fact of knowing proves the knower. You need no other proof.

The knower of the known is not knowable. The knower is known in Knowledge.

~ Guru Nisargadatta Maharaj

In this body is the subtle principle “I Am”; that principle witnesses all this. You are not the words. Words are the expression of space, they are not yours. Still further, you are not that “I Am”.

~Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

Happiness is your true nature -RAdams

“Happiness is your swarrupa [true nature], your reality. … When you go through the day, you go through various situations and you go through the vicissitudes of the day, catch yourself and see how you react to things. See how many times a day you become angry, mad, upset over something. It’s all going to change in any event, no matter what you do.

Everything must change, yet you are going along with the way things are in this world. As if the world were real. You keep forgetting it’s a dream. You keep forgetting it’s all maya [illusion]. You keep forgetting it’s God’s leela. It’s all cosmic joke. Yet you take it seriously. And I tell you, you can never awaken when you take this world seriously, it’s impossible.”

~ Robert Adams (20th century American Advaita mystic)

I Am That -NM

Q: On my old business of making myself safe and happy. I confess I have not been too successful. I am neither safe nor
happy. Therefore, you find me here. This place is new to me, but my reason for coming here is old: the search for safe happiness, happy safety. So far I did not find it. Can you help me?

M: What was never lost can never be found. Your very search for safety and joy keeps you away from them.
Stop searching, cease losing.
The disease is simple and the remedy equally simple. It is your mind only that makes you insecure and unhappy. Anticipation makes you insecure, memory — unhappy.
Stop misusing your mind and all will be well with you. You need not set it right — it will set itself right, as soon as you give up all concern with the past and the future and live entirely in the now.

Q: But the now has no dimension. I shall become a nobody, a nothing!

M: Exactly. As nothing and nobody you are safe and happy.
You can have the experience for the asking. Just try.
But let us go back to what is accidental and what is spontaneous, or natural. You said nature is orderly while accident is a sign of chaos. I denied the difference and said that we call an event accidental when its causes are untraceable. There is no place for chaos in nature. Only in the mind of man there is chaos. The mind does not grasp the whole — its focus is very narrow. It sees fragments only and fails to perceive the picture.

Just as a man who hears sounds, but does not understand the language, may accuse the speaker of meaningless jabbering,
and be altogether wrong.
What to one is a chaotic stream of sounds is a beautiful poem to another.

King Janaka once dreamt that he was a beggar. On waking up he asked his Guru — Vasishta: Am I a king dreaming of being a beggar, or a beggar dreaming of being a king? The Guru answered: You are neither, you are both. You are, and yet you are not what you think yourself to be. You are because you behave accordingly; you are not because it does not last. Can you be a king or a beggar for ever? All must change. You are what does not change. What are you?
Janaka said: Yes, I am neither king nor beggar, I am the dispassionate witness. The Guru said.
This is your last illusion that you are a gnani, that you are different from, and superior to, the common man. Again you identify yourself with your mind, in this case a well-behaved and in every way an exemplary mind. As long as you see the least difference, you are a stranger to reality. You are on the level of the mind.

When the ‘I am myself’ goes, the ‘I am all’ comes.
When the ‘I am all’ goes, ‘I am’ comes. When even ‘I am’ goes, reality alone is and in it every ‘I am’ is preserved and glorified.

Diversity without separateness is the Ultimate that the mind can touch. Beyond that all activity ceases, because in it all goals are reached and all purposes fulfilled.

Q: Once the Supreme State is reached, can it be shared with others?

M: The Supreme State is universal, here and now; everybody already shares in it. It is the state of being — knowing and liking.
Who does not like to be, or does not know his own existence?
But we take no advantage of this joy of being conscious, we do not go into it and purify it of all that is foreign to it. This work of mental self-purification, the cleansing of the psyche, is essential.

Just as a speck in the eye, by causing inflammation, may wipe out the world, so the mistaken idea: ‘I am the body-mind’
causes the self-concern, which obscures the universe. It is useless to fight the sense of being a limited and separate person unless the roots of it are laid bare.

Selfishness is rooted in the mistaken ideas of oneself. Clarification of the mind is Yoga.

~ Guru Nisargadatta Maharaj

Have to be aware all the time -RAdams

“You have to be aware of these points all of the time:

Point number one: This world is a dream, just like the dream I dream at night. Everything in this world is karmic. Nothing is real. So I will never again allow this world to dictate to me what is right, what is wrong, what is good, what is bad.

Point number two: My nature is divine. I am not the body nor this world nor have I got anything to do with this world or this body. The body goes through its own karma, it takes care of itself, does whatever it’s supposed to do. It has absolutely nothing to do with me.

Point number three: Everything I observe in this world is myself, nothing else. I only see myself wherever I look. Whatever I’m involved in. I see myself and nothing else.

Point number four: In order to transcend this world and become totally free, I have to somehow awaken from this mortal dream. And I can only do this by becoming non-judgmental, peaceful within myself, looking at this world like a moving picture, in all kinds of scenes in a movie. I know I’m not affected by these things, by the things of this world or any other world.

Point number five: I-am the substratum of all existence. I-am the screen in which the movie is being shown. I-am the director and producer of the movie. I-am also the actor. I play all of the parts. Therefore I will never again become confused by the picture or the screen.”

~ Robert Adams (20th century American Advaita mystic)

Key is no judgementalism -RAdams

“A question that I’m most often asked, ‘How can I tell if I’m making spiritual progress? Is there a sign? How can I know if I’m making spiritual progress on this path?’ The answer is very simple. When you look at the world what do you see? Do you see the same world you saw five years ago? If so your habits haven’t changed.

[If] your judgmental-ism hasn’t changed, your ego hasn’t changed, your anger hasn’t changed, this really means you’re not doing anything … and you will see the things that you are, outside of yourself. But, if you’re feeling more peace, more harmony, when there is strife going on, so-to-speak, you look right through it and you see harmony.

You no longer are judgmental towards anybody or anything. Right and wrong, good and bad, up and down, forward and backward are all illusory to you, then you know you’re making progress, things are happening.”

~ Robert Adams (20th century American Advaita mystic)

Don’t get mixed up in world -RAdams

“If you get mixed up in this world and you think of worldly things, what do think happens to you? You become a worldly person that worries, upsets herself, himself, who gets into all types of mischief, troubles. The choice is always yours. There is one reality, one Self, one principle, one consciousness and you are that. Why will you not accept this? Open your heart to it.”

~ Robert Adams (20th century American Advaita mystic)

Unwanted/ Junk thoughts -rjs


Walking down the street, I saw a spot on the pavement – must’ve been someone’s piece of gum. A little further were a few pebbles and then a torn piece of paper. Walked a ways further and noticed a big stain, coffee or something.

You know what those things reminded me of? Thoughts. Mostly unwanted thoughts. Silly, stupid, careless thoughts.

Wanna know what I did with the junk on the sidewalk? Absolutely nothing.

What ought we do with unwanted thoughts? Absolutely … you got it! Nothing!


Conversation with Rupert Spira. What Unseparated is All About -RSpira


Not changing, but looking deeply at this experience….
AWARENESS IS FIRST AND ONLY. IT IS INFINITE. FIRST IS CONSCIOUSNESS: DEEP SLEEP, DREAMING, WAKING STATE. Deep sleep is pure awareness so I Am always in deep sleep. The space between 2 thoughts is deep sleep because it hs no duration. It is Awareness.