Monthly Archives: August 2017

Can God help the military?

Many years ago a close, personal friend, Marvin J. Charwat, told me about a first-hand experience he had in the military. He was stationed where bombs were dropping right and left.
“One day,” he said, “You wouldn’t believe what I did, Robin. For no apparent reason I ran through the building I was staying in – up and down the stairs – screaming ‘Get out! Get out! Right now! Get out!'”
“No sooner did everyone – for no seeming reason – vacate the building, when a bomb hit and the whole building blew up!”
Marvin had saved the lives of countless people that day and I can tell you it had everything to do with his being so consistently at one with spiritual consciousness.

Keep your healing


I’ve had people say to me, “Brother
Hagin, when you laid hands on me, I felt the power go through me just like electricity. It went all over me. For days I was perfectly all right, but now every symptom has come back on me, and I’m worse than I ever was. Can you help me? “Thank God, I can. Thank God, I can,”I tell them. “You see, you were healed on somebody else’s faith, or by a manifestation of the Spirit of God. You didn’t have any foundation of the Word of God in you to help you keep your healing. “You were like the man who built his house on the sand. The storm came and destroyed it. The symptoms came—the devil bluffed you with symptoms—you accepted them, and he put the sickness back on you.”I tell people, “The thing you must do is get to know the Lord through His Word.”
Kenneth E. Hagin
How to Keep Your Healing

Stop canceling your healings!*

Promise yourself one thing: not to cancel your own good efforts!
● I am created in the likeness of God.
□ I NEED money, health, favor, etc.
● Jesus’ work is entirely finished.
□ I missed out on that somehow.
● Man is the righteousness of God.
□ Whatever does that mean?
● Healings are happening all the time.
□ Just not for me!
You’re canceling out your own healing!

Revelation needs time to breathe

SOMETIMES A SPIRITUAL REVELATION NEEDS TIME TO “BREATHE” IN OUR CONSCIOUSNESS. This I know to be the case because I’ve been only too keenly aware that I was unable to adequately answer certain questions re. I AM. It entails a new level of awareness wherein all descriptions cease; all concepts and definitions of God drop by the wayside.

This awareness doesn’t come all at once. I understood it almost perfectly and then it escaped me – several times!! Finally I “got it” and discovered that nothing in all the world could ever be as simple. It leaves no room for the slightest ambiguity or misappropriation.

Impersonalize evil

By recognizing that the “world” contains an unlimited number of hypnotic influences which have nothing to do with God and His kingdom. If you could have been fooled by them for a season – until you realigned your thinking with God’s – so much more could another innocent bystander who doesn’t seek to keep their consciousness clear.

You need to have your mind still in order to stay aware of who you really are: it mustn’t be harboring its own private subconscious warfare with its mental and physical surroundings.

How do you attain that stillness amidst your pressing needs for accomplishment? By insisting upon it above all else! SILENCE ALL MENTAL ACTIVITY TO REAWAKEN TO SPIRIT.

When God characterized Himself as I AM, that was it! Not I am this or I am that, but when you remove the “this” and “that” I AM remains. All struggling ceases in the face of “I AM”.

The kingdom of God is truly within you. All searching is over. You are everything that you were seeking! Your being I AM precludes the necessity for fighting evil. Impersonal evil doesn’t have a leg to stand on in the great allness and infinitude of I AM.

You are the Light of the world: right where false impersonal evil may seem to be, you’re part of I AM, aren’t you?

Timelessness becomes time-fullness*

It’s wonderful to know that God is where we’re ultimately going and we will hang with him through all eternity. But when the notion of timelessness becomes part of the deal, it all sounds so dull and meaningless – to say nothing of lifeless.
In God’s multi-dimensional realm, we can enjoy glories heretofore unknown.
And we get to do that forever in what we may now wistfully dub “multiple time dimensions”.

Collapsing time in a library!

Years ago I had a Bible reading project to do; all the passages were written down, so I went to a library of sorts to get started. The librarian said they were closing in a few minutes – and, sure enough, the clock confirmed it. I was so “into it” that I sat down and began my 30-45 minute reading. Next thing I knew the librarian was ushering me out the door. I thanked her profusely for having kept the place open late just for me. But she insisted that she didn’t and that I should look at the clock. I couldn’t believe my eyes! I had finished the entire reading project in less than five minutes! Time had collapsed – or expanded – in an inexplicable miracle!