Monthly Archives: November 2017

Happiness beyond!

I kept silently repeating “I’m so happy! I’m so happy!” Finally Papa interjected “Did you notice how calm and serene your joy is this time, Robin? It isn’t hyper-emotionalism that robs one of much-needed repose. Just a gentle embrace, more restful than a nightful of zzzzz’s!

Breaking spell of hypnotism

Was just about to roll over and catch some Zzzźz’s when Papa nudged me and said to tell you this about the world-mind: it’s HYPNOTISM, pure and simple! Once you REALLY REALIZE this and want no part of it, grab ahold of an expression that will break the hypnotic spell each and every time you encounter it. Doing so becomes easier and easier with practice. For many, many years I’ve found “It Never Happened!” breaks the mesmeric hold and my mind is FREE AGAIN !!!

Hypnotism met with non-resistance

It always boggles my mind how quickly Spirit takes over and completes my good efforts. Father God wants me to learn of Him – just enough to know He exists and is ever-present within me. My awareness of Self gets firmed up big time and the dastardly hypnotism of the world is met with NON-resistance on my part. That’s right – you don’t need to bring out heavy artillery to combat an enemy that doesn’t hold any threat because it’s a mere figment of your imagination! Maintain your true identity in Christ and stand tall, knowing He’s here INSTEAD of any appearance to the contrary.

Heal your problem

like to apply healing principles to it?
You could start by recognizing that neither this problem nor any other
could happen to the Son of God
and you are that very Son of God.

Then where, pray tell, is the problem?
It exists exclusively in the world-mind.
You by virtue of human conditioning
have bought into it; so now you may
choose to un-accept it and awaken
to the realm of Spirit where problems are unknown.

It’s not quite as simple as that
if you have no genuine interest in the
Healer of all the ills that man is heir to.
That would be God, of course.
God and His indescribably beautiful
perfect realm of pure Spirit.

It never happened!

When we’re talking about Spirit
we don’t need to be dragged down
to the infernal realm of the flesh-
always churning, turning, burning.
Never learning.

God is in the stillness
In the shining and the knowing.
In the laughing eyes of a little child,
squealing “Mommy, Mommy, the pain’s all gone!”

You see, the spiritual realm of God
knows no sorrow, pain or fear
Every atrocity, disease, even death
in Spirit never happened.
And the conscious awareness of
this most amazing spiritual fact
is what heals us!

Write your revelation

When you’ve just realized something brand new
Or something clicks for you that you’ve always kinda ‘known’
Try describing the experience.
That’s right – set it to words for the rest of us.
The reason?
There was a little bridge you just crossed
That we’re not yet privy to
And you might be inclined to assume we know
What you’re referring to.
Your describing what just came
Clear as a bell
Could be just that link that someone else needs.
‘Sides Papa’ll be prompting you on
And the outpouring of love is sometimes wonderfully overwhelming!
As an example,
the world needs to know
That when we’re discussing spiritual things
We’re not subject to the dreamy limitations of the flesh.
Put your whole heart into it and tell us
What the Spirit is enabling you to see.
Oh dear! I guess I should also say
that there are times when a revelation
Is so fresh and so sacred
That even God will tell you
“Let it marinate a while first, My Scribe,
Capture it in writing and check with Me before sending.”

This so touched my heart and brought tears to my eyes; it’s so full of Life and true hope. <3

I hope you don’t mind, Robin, that I’m coming here to your wall and reading through as much as I can as often as I can for I find Life here and encounter with Truth. When this happens, then God’s vision on some very difficult issues that I’ve heard God on but have been having troubling seeing as God sees, I can see and words of agreement flow. God’s presence manifests here from the words of many of your posts.

I’ve been doing my best to not click much on your older posts so I don’t weird you out but sometimes I do click and sometimes a post like this one just touches me deeply. Thank you for all you share and again I’ll try to go through as quietly and unobtrusively as possible.
Eileen Brennan

Another wow moment when others realize what we have been sharing, is absolutely true.. Keep focused, keep sharing truth Robin!!
Ken Etter


It works!! It really, really works!! If you want healing, affirm God. God is in you and you are in God. Just keep affirming and affirming and affirming. God is in me and I am in God. God is in my stomach, in my lungs in my nostrils. He is in that person whom I have trouble with, and all that I can see when I think of them is God. No ungodly thought had better even try to enter this perfect mind. I am God’s. All around me everything I see, everything I think about is God. This is the new heaven and new earth. This is God’s kingdom here and now with everything and everyone in it perfect. We get to see this as we open our eyes, our spiritual eyes. God is in our stuff, our perfectly healed computers and phones, TVs, everything. Whatever I can see is God. Whatever I can think about is God. Anyone who can see me with their eyes or in their minds can see only God because God is all that there is. There is not a single issue out there that cannot be completely healed, thoroughly loved, wonderfully adored because it is all God. God is my Papa and my brother and my sister and my child. There is absolutely nothing that God cannot heal instantaneously. Absolutely nothing!! God IS Love.

Since listening to darling Herb my life has turned upside down and inside out. I’m following you like a tracker dog Robin!!!
Thank you 💝 Thank you 💝Thank you 💝
Valerie O’Donovan

Been 4 years of healing in quiet. And Robin Starbuck popped up in my life with truth after truth and now listening to Joel. And herb.
Catherine Miller Kendrick

I have no mind to quiet


* * * Keep Quiet * * *

When I speak about quietness –
when I tell you to keep quiet –
it is not easy for everyone to follow.

Most people here are from different
backgrounds, practices, sadhanas;
and therefore feel they need to do something,
to put something into practice.

When I say, “Keep quiet.” it is not a practice.
There is nothing to be done and nothing to be undone.
This cannot be followed.
There is nothing to think about,
no need to make any kind of effort.
This is an indication of the quietness I am speaking about.
Truth always exists. Existence alone is.
It is called satyam.

We speak about enlightenment,
but first we have created bondage.
Bondage does not exist.

How can you remove that which does not exist?

First, teachers impose a concept of bondage
and then various practices are prescribed.

There may be millions of books in the world,
thousands more are published every day.
Nowhere does it say, “Be quiet”.
When you simply say “Keep quiet,”
what is the rest of the book to be about?

There is no ignorance at all;
there is only existence – there is only satyam.
If you simply keep quiet you will know that only this exists.

Before the sun rises early in the morning
it does not first try to remove the darkness of the night.
The sun does not say, “Let me brush away the darkness
and only then, in the daytime, I will rise.”

For the sun there is no night,
there is no darkness to be removed.
The sun does not even know that such a thing as night exists. What practice is needed to remove darkness,
where is this darkness?

All practices imply the reality of darkness, of ignorance,
when in fact they do not exist.
The river in the sand is a mirage;
it does not exist, it never existed.
If you go closer and closer the sand not even is wet;
it is only a belief that makes us run after a mirage, nothing else.

There is only satyam; there is only Truth.
What need is there of practice?
It is only practice which is concealing the truth.

~ Sri Papaji

* * *

How to stop thinking?

Papaji: By Being!
When you think that you are an object, a person, a body, or
some other idea, but by Being there is nothing!
Just Being.
And Being is already there.
You are always Being.
To become something you must meditate and perform some mantra, ritual, practice.
Just to Be is simple.

Without Being you can’t do any practice.
So don’t think of anything else.
Just Be!
It is so easy to Be.

Question: But when I try to just be, so much thinking happens.
I am sure everyone has this problem.

Papaji: Thinking happens when you want to become something.
Then you must think.
But to not become something what is there to do?
Stay as you are!

Be as you are in whatever circumstances,
just always Be, It doesn’t need any practice.
Whatever you get by practice you will lose,
but Being will never be lost because you will not get it by any experience or practice.
It simply is, Simply Be.

Don’t stir your mind in Being,
don’t think and don’t make effort.

I will tell you how to be Being itself.
No effort, no thinking.

Avoid thinking and avoid not thinking.
What is between these two?

~ Sri Papaji

* * * Try it for one week & See what happens * * *

Just sit still at home in Silence
and stop the mind from thinking.
That’s the easiest way, the best way, the simplest way.

For one week, I would like you to experiment.
I don’t want you to read any book.
Don’t look at any spiritual literature.
Just sit by yourself as much as you can.
And watch your mind, watch your mind.

Do whatever you have to do to slow down the mind,
and then you’re going to be amazed.

You will laugh at yourself.
For when the mind becomes quiescent,
Reality will rush in.
And you will see it so simple, it’s so simple.

~Robert Adams


When you enter the silence you enter a profound peace, bliss consciousness, pure awareness.
That’s what the silence is.
It’s not being quiet.
It’s beyond that.

It’s not just quieting your mind, like I say all the time.

It’s understanding that there’s no mind to quiet.

When you realize there’s no mind,
you automatically become silent.

When you still think you’ve got a mind,
you make every effort to quiet the mind, and you can’t.

How many of you believe you can quiet the mind through effort?
You can’t do that.
It’s not the effort that makes you quiet your mind.

It’s the intelligent understanding that
you have no mind to begin with.

Then you just keep still and everything takes care of itself.

~ Robert Adams