Monthly Archives: March 2018

Is healing passé? I think not! ●○● HF

“If you look with dead senses you are going to see death. But suppose you look with Life. Suppose you look with that Vision which is of the Spirit. Suppose you first, see the I, of your own Being before you try to find the I of another. And so what stood before this bedside? What stood before this girl that was different than everyone else who stood there looking at her? I stood there looking at her, not a dead physical being, but I the living Spirit of God stood there in a form. A form that appeared to people as Jesus, but it was I, The Christ standing looking at this girl. And what does I, The Christ see, the Immortal I, the Immortal Christ can only behold it’s Self. The Immortal I saw the Immortal I. And she awakened and asked for food. Now this Immortal I in her, awakened by the recognition of It, by one who stood in the Immortal I, now awakened not only that I but that I awakened the dead senses. Now those senses were not being governed by chance. Now those senses were not being murdered by the cosmic or the unconscious mind. Now this girl was not a channel for the lie about Immortality. The Immortal I of her own Being was recognized and It became the law of her Being. And It now animated the senses. It gave her a desire for food. And she was twelve. And so we know that, as Jesus himself speaking in the temple at twelve was able to educate the elders. She had gone through the transition of rebirth, and The Christ in the form of Jesus, and The Christ within her, being one and the same. The Immortal Self now, which had ever been present through centuries of human time was emerging to take dominion over the false human mind. Now before Jesus brought us this resurrection of the girl, he very carefully laid the groundwork to show us that where we see through a glass darkly with a mortal mind, with a mortal consciousness, with mortal senses, there is an invisible Life present which is not mortal, which is not subject to chance, which is not subject to human powers, which is not at the discretion of one individual or a nation or a body of material laws.”
~Herb Fitch
The Infinite Way Book Study
Transcripts of the 1969 Class
from San Francisco

The Infinite Way – last paragraph

I am breaking the sense of limitation for you as an evidence of My presence and of My influence in your experience. I – the I of you – am in the midst of you revealing the harmony and infinity of spiritual existence. I – the I of you – never a personal sense of “I” – never a person – but the I of you – am ever with you. Look up.
~Joel S. Goldsmith
The Infinite Way
(The New Horizon)

Comfortable and complacent?

To those on the way, harmony in human affairs often is a lack of spiritual awakening; and, therefore, when the battle, leading to the overcoming of “this world” is on, the initiate will remain as quiet as possible under the adverse circumstances, endeavoring to refrain from fighting erroneous conditions and insofar as possible “letting” the warfare go on until the moment of transition arrives. When your spiritual study is sincere, the breaking-up of your material world – the desertion of friends, students, or family, a change of health or other outer activity – often ushers in the spiritual transition, or rebirth. This is the attainment of that which you have sought. A tremendous movement is taking place as the initiate discerns the difference between physical harmony and spiritual wholeness. Retire often into the center of Being, my Son. Let divine Love engulf you; be at peace in “My peace.”

That LIFE-saving stumbling block


‘As long as there remains concern for personal good – security, health, or peace of mind – there is that which must “die daily” in order that one may be “reborn of the Spirit” into the realization of immortality here and now.’

Rising in consciousness – jsg

It is a mistake to believe that human desire and prayer will bring God to your side. There must be a rising in consciousness until His presence is attained – and there rest. Here truly is a perennial rest from care, concern, doubt, and fear.
~Joel Solomon Goldsmith
The Infinite Way
(Wisdoms of the Infinite Way)


O Students! Do not strive or seek for heavenly riches in human consciousness. Wait! Wait! Seek a HIGHER LEVEL OF CONSCIOUSNESS (caps mine): There the Father’s treasures are as free as air. JSG:TIW

Why is religion so despicable? cc

I was walking across a bridge one day, and I saw a man standing
on the edge, about to jump off. So I ran over and said “Stop!
don’t do it!”
“Why shouldn’t I?” he said.

I said, “Well, there’s so much to live for!”
He said, “Like what?”

I said, “Well…are you religious or atheist?”
He said, “Religious.”

I said, “Me too! Are you christian or buddhist?”
He said,”Christian.”

I said, “Me too! Are you catholic or protestant?”
He said, “Protestant.”

I said, “Me too! Are you episcopalian or baptist?”
He said, “Baptist!”

I said,”Wow! Me too! Are you baptist church of God or baptist church of the Lord?”

He said, “Baptist church of God!”

I said, “Me too! Are you original baptist church of God, or are you reformed baptist church of God?”

He said,”Reformed Baptist church of God!”

I said, “Me too! Are you reformed baptist church of God, reformation of 1879, or reformed baptist church of God, reformation of 1915?”

He said, “Reformed baptist church of God, reformation of 1915!”

I said, “Die, heretic scum”, and pushed him off.

cc posted

Advanced spirituality – jsg

Or, are you still asking Him for guidance?

“Seeking guidance from God at this stage of your unfoldment will set up a sense of separation from God: It gives a sense of God and someone needing help, direction, or wisdom. Actually, you need to let God be your life – then It lives, acts, performs, and IS your very being.
“In our beginning days of meditation, we pondered or contemplated God, the qualities and nature of God, as we understood Him. As we rose higher in consciousness, we learned that any idea of God that we could entertain was not God Himself, but was only a concept of God. Thus we entered the stillness of mind leading to the deep silence of My peace – and experienced God.” JSG

Non-incarnation IS eternal life!

The closest thing that the “WORLD” (I’m being facetious) has to say about eternal life is ‘reincarnation’.
As one who doesn’t even believe in incarnation, may I say they’ve made a noble attempt (facetious!) at explaining it away.
But hey let’s take hope – at least The World is allowing for the possibility of eternal life. Would that they got an inkling of what, when and where Spirit IS !!!

Religion is a trap – muzi

One of my friends …
Well okay I’ll tell you his name
It’s Muzi Joint Heir Spirit …
Anyway he said something
really negative about religion.
Got me to wondering if maybe
we’re being too hard on it?
Doesn’t religion have good features too?
Doesn’t it spread the good word?
Doesn’t it do good things for communities?
Four honest questions –
Four honest answers: no no no & no.
Religion per se does nothing good.
It’s man-made, designed to control and extort.
Religion discourages honest cognition.
It makes people afraid to trust God.
Instilling a general milieu of
doubt, fear and complacency,
religion has as its inherent goal
to rule and punish its adherents
Forbidding genuine inquiry into the
unfortunate direction it’s headed.
So, I have to acknowledge categorically
that Muzi is right after all.

Consciousness, meditation & true prayer JSG

Spiritual consciousness lifts us above every human form of limitation and permits us to enter a larger sense of life, health, and freedom. Where there is spiritual consciousness, there is no bondage to person, place, or thing, and there are no limitations to our accomplishments.

Meditation is the door to the realm of the Soul, and inspiration is the way. As we learn to take five or ten minutes each morning, noon, and night to sit quietly with a “listening” ear, as we turn within ourselves and learn to wait for the “still small voice,” we acquire the habit of meditation and develop skill in its technique until inspiration possesses us and leads us to the haven of our Soul. This is the beginning of our new birth, and here we learn the new tongue of Spirit. Life begins to have a new meaning.
Rightly speaking, there is not God and you, but God is ever manifest as you, and this is the oneness which assures you of infinite good. God is the life, mind, body, and substance of individual being; therefore, nothing can be added to any individual, and true prayer is the constant recognition of this truth.

~Joel S. Goldsmith
The Infinite Way

Immortality – JSG

Immortality is attained in proportion as personal sense is overcome, whether here or hereafter. As we put off the personal ego and attain the consciousness of our real Self – the Reality of us, divine Consciousness – we attain immortality. And that can be achieved here and now.
~Joel S. Goldsmith
The Infinite Way
(Putting on Immortality)