Monthly Archives: February 2019

Names for God

For those who struggle with the word God (and I most certainly did/do), God is the Life Force which makes everything we experience possible. It is a power greater than our little ego self, yet we are absolutely connected to, and interwoven into it. Without “God,” no-thing is possible. God is primary and comes first (before), and will be the last to remain, eternally. We come from and we return to God. When we become aware that all things come to, and shall pass from God, we have broken through the illusion that we are separate from the Divine. We merge with God and know that despite appearances, all is well.
*Always feel free to replace the word God with a word that makes you feel more comfortable, for God is beyond all words or description:
The Divine
The Great Spirit
The Tao
The Brahman
The Universe
The Ultimate Reality
Every Single Thing


What is “I” ? MB

I does not differ across time and space. I refers to the spaciousness of being which does not take on the qualities of thought and does not change as our experience changes.
When we say I we are always referring to that spaciousness.
It is as I that we are one. The I is indivisible, non dual.
Isn’t it amazing that we all share this one I? That we all are this one I?
What a wonder. That is what love đź’— is. This wholeness.
Indivisible oneness.

Magdi Badawy

Be an empty page

An empty page is synonymous to an empty mind, no-mind, still mind, absolutely free from thoughts, words. In this state, the mind is still, unmoveable with uncontaminated, absolute purity. Lots of happenings will be experienced beyond words of description. From this state, when you think, it manifests; when you speak, it manifests; when you act, a miracle happens.
Jeremy Ju Huang

Christian myths Fr & Eng – Udy

There’s no supernatural being called ‘Satan’.
There’s no original sin to be saved from.
There is nothing like ‘Church’.
You never needed a Messiah/Savior.
There is no ‘hell’ or lake of fire.
There is no Great Tribulation coming in the future.
There is no rapture.
There is no end of the world.
There is no ressurection of dead bodies.
Your pastor is lying to you,the same way he was lied to.
You can continue swimming in Christianity’s cesspool of lies or you can wake up and read for yourself.

De Udy Akan

Il n’y a aucun ĂŞtre surnaturel appelĂ© “Satan”.
Il n’y a pas de pĂ©chĂ© originel dont il faut ĂŞtre sauvĂ© (e).
Il n’y a rien de tel que l”Église’ hors de l’IsraĂ«l tribale.
Tu n’as jamais eu besoin d’un Messie / Sauveur.
Il n’y a pas d’enfer ou d’Ă©tang de feu.
Il n’y a pas de grande tribulation dans le futur.
Il n’y a pas d’enlèvement.
Il n’y a pas de fin du monde.
Il n’y a pas de rĂ©surrection des morts.
Ton pasteur te ment, de la mĂŞme façon qu’on lui a menti.
Tu peux continuer à patauger dans le cloaque du mensonge du christianisme ou tu peux te réveiller et lire la Bible par toi-même.

Go back to Oneness HF

“Whenever you’re weary, whenever you’re confused, whenever there’s something you’ve searched to find an answer to,
That’s all there is to it!
Be one with the ONE. Give yourself the luxury of Oneness and you’ll discover from the farthermost ends of what is called the earth, the One is ever-present, responding and functioning and being and doing and maintaining the infinite harmony of his own nature.
From your shoulders goes every thought and worry and every weight because all there is is the pure Immaculate one. There is no other. You really are that one. Your mind may try to overcome the sense of body, but it’s only the absence of the mind that overcomes the sense of body.
Herb Fitch
Boulder Creek, Series 3
Continuous God Contact
Part II, [transcribed by rjs]

Spiritual healing JSG

The biggest factor in spiritual healing is to resist the temptation to turn to God to bring about a healing. Instead we must acknowledge that God, Spirit, alone is the cause, the law, and the substance of all form, and that regardless of any appearance to the contrary, we will stand on this truth: “Judge not according to the appearance.” Appearances may testify to a sin or a disease; appearances may testify to something or other not of God, but if we judge by appearances, we are going to be a slave to appearances. To be free means to acknowledge that all that God made is good, and anything that does not conform to that standard is not God-ordained and has no law of God to enforce it.
To discipline ourselves not to turn to God expecting God to do something for us, is itself an indication of the difficulty of embracing the spiritual life, because the very idea of expecting God to do something for us suggests the idea that God is not doing it for us now. That is a denial of the truth that God is the same yesterday, today, and forever. It is a denial of omnipotence, omnipresence, and omniscience. To believe for a minute that God can do something for us after we have given a treatment or been given a treatment is a denial of God. The treatment should consist of the understanding of omnipresence, even before we pray.
“Before they call, I will answer.” Before they call! If we believe that God is going to operate after we have prayed, we have misunderstood the nature of God and have cut ourselves off from God. God is not going to act in the future. In God there is no time: no past, no present, and no future. There is only now. Now is the only time God is, and all that God is, God is now. All that God is ever going to be, God is being now; all that God ever was, God is now. All that God was in Galilee two thousand years ago, God is here and now this minute. All that God did in the Holy Land two thousand years ago through Jesus Christ, God is doing at this very moment, in this room, through us. Just as “God is no respecter of persons,” God is no respecter of time. God did not pick two thousand years ago as the time to do healing work and leave all the people before that and all the people who have lived since then out in the cold. There is no such God.
Everything is an activity of consciousness and, therefore, we consciously, sometimes even unconsciously, cut ourselves off from God by accepting the opinions of the world. But we can stop that nonsense any time we choose and realize:

‘What God was, God is, and what God is, God ever will be. God is omnipresence; God is omnipotence; and God is omniscience. God is, and that is enough. God is here and now where I am. “The place whereon thou standest is holy ground.” Here where I am is holy ground, for I and the Father are one. There is no separation between God and man! God shows Himself forth as man. God shows forth His whole glory as man, and that man is here and now, the man I am.’

We open our consciousness to this truth and, as we embrace it, we embrace the whole of the Godhead. If we do not open ourselves to the truth, we are closing our consciousness to God, but that does not prevent somebody else’s embracing it. “A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand; but it shall not come nigh thee,” if we open our consciousness to the truth of omnipresence.

J. S. Goldsmith: The Art of Spiritual Living. Chapter Six; Demands of The Spiritual Life; Resist The Temptation to Turn to God; Kindle location: page 102-104

Substance of appearances MB

The world of form
Thus it is an appearance
Like all appearances
It disappears

What is the substance of that which appears and disappears?

Like all night dreams
Like the weather
The substance of the world body mind
Is its dreamer.

We have never known a world
Outside of ourself.

Magdi Badawy

The home of the world is the mind.
The home of the mind is consciousness.

Magdi Badawy

What we refer to as the body is an open borderless space of awareness that embraces everything.
Within this space of being/presence, awareness is everything, without any separate doer or observer.
The breath, thought, the swinging branches of the trees, the song of the birds in the distance intermingle as one seamless fabric.

Magdi Badawy

This moment Now

Look into this very moment
Sink into it
Breathe into it
Invite yourself to dissolve
In this moment of not knowing

What am I?
What is it that is right now?

The depth of it
The breadth of it
Not knowing
Pure being, deepening
This very moment
Of stillness and silence

Magdi Badawy

Reward or punish JSG

To go to bed at night with the final few minutes before sleep filled with God is, in itself, enough to give us a restful night and a peaceful
moming. Always, we are thinking something: we are either knowing the truth or not knowing the truth; we are either thinking spiritual
thoughts or carnal thoughts. Always, we are either placing our faith, hope, and trust in the Infinite Invisible that is within our very own
being or in something covered with silver and gold, or of a fleshly nature. In one way or another, we are setting in motion the law that
in the end either rewards or punishes us.

Joel S. Goldsmith
A Parenthesis in Eternity, p.61