Monthly Archives: April 2019

Protect teaching of HF

His teacher, Joel S. Goldsmith is well-known and oft-quoted, for the most part, correctly.
But Herb Fitch, who has an amazingly unique and powerful vision of where Joel’s teachings can take us, is often mis-quoted, mis-transcribed and deliberately tampered with. I’m guessing that this is why Bill Skiles, in an effort to protect Herb’s texts from compromise, no longer offers Herb’s printed teaching except in books and PDF where the reader has to wade through an entire text to find the paragraph or two we’d like to share.
What should have been done and still should be done is when quoting Herb: TELL EXACTLY – BUT SIMPLY – WHERE IT CAN BE FOUND. For example: “HF, LaJolla, side A.”
I wish we could be trusted again to quote Herb accurately and identify correctly where it’s from so that we might quote him freely, giving credit where due. Knowing the real source of a Teacher’s material leads the student to a rich background for study, including others of his time. It doesn’t offer a brand new teacher as a replacement for Herb.
I hear Herb quoted all the time by our “now” teachers who never give a thought to citing him as they would more famous authors. But the great benefit that might be gleaned by doing so is shedding light on Herb and Joel’s whole area of enlightenment.