Monthly Archives: September 2019

Don’t hate the brother/sister

“I wish I had known 40-50 years ago some very simple truths that could have put me on track for a powerful love journey, dismissing world hypnotism and inspiring others through my example many years ago.”

So many people have said this to me. Regret serves no good purpose but it does point to the fact that people want to be told the truth. Back then my popularity level soared as I made sure to always consider human feelings and ego-stroking.

Now I only wish to be used by the Christ to communicate with those few people who are ready to unlock themselves from an hypnotic complacency in which ear-tickling is valued over the simplest course of effecting a permanent awakening.

People are like sheep, dubbed ‘sheeple’! But nobody needs to stay that way if they’ll only come out from this extremely tempting mindset. Any person – no matter what their walk in life, no matter what their education, reading and writing skills, economic level, etc. – can determine to take the plunge now, and be a huge blessing to countless others.

Your attachments to this world – if you have the courage to identify them – will cease controlling you. You’ll stop making excuses and discover your unique way, your ever- present teacher and guide FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER!

You thought you had it before: THAT’S the hypnotism. Miracles will happen with such regularity that you’ll know just how to be able to expect them as the norm. You’ll defend your friends when they are under attack and surprise yourself with new-found integrity.

Please don’t ever hate the brother or sister who loves you so much as to stick their neck out to include you among the truly awakened. If they don’t want your money, your allegiance, even your following but just to see you truly strong and free in Spirit, God, simply graciously receive the gift!

Baby child

The baby child sets out on their path to Nirvana, the Christ consciousness, sat/chit/ananda but finds many baubles and shiny things along the Way. Their pace is greatly retarded – to a near standstill most of the ‘time’.

The sages tell the traveler you’re too good for all this nasty mesmeric illusion, but to no avail. Now a corporate CEO, they want more and more of what will soon be less and less.

Suddenly things turn for the worse and the not- so- wide-eyed traveler is in serious trouble. Remembering the path they started on many lifetimes ago, they set out again to rediscover that unity they once knew as “Baby Child.”

Reincarnation vs realization

If you believe in this world and its natural life cycles of birth, decay, death, how can you deny its concomitant belief in reincarnation? And how about the law of karma? It’s all quite logical, as far as logic goes.

When you begin to wake up to the absolute allness of Spirit, you can cancel out the entire illusion that has dogged you for hundreds if not thousands of years.

Realization of the allness of Spirit necessitates the recognition of the nothingness of matter and its myriad of hypnotic seductions that comprise the world. This deserves to be thoroughly studied out until a major change takes place.
Dr. Robin Starbuck

You need to do your own work

N O . T E A C H E R . CAN . EVER . DO . FOR . YOU what you need to do for yourself. The very act of doing the work is what strengthens and establishes you. Reading, listening, meditating, communing, silencing UNTIL THE WORK IS DONE will put you where YOU need to be. Thinking that someone else can or will carry you will truly result in great disappointment again and again. This message is for you and me and has nothing whatsoever to do with me. The “WORK” that I’m referring to is this:
Nobody can do it for you.

Want miracles?

  • Want to experience miracles in your life?
  • Refuse to have a preconceived notion how they should manifest.
  • Open your mind very, very wide and then drop down out of it.
  • Once you’ve exited your never-satiated physical body, that right there is your soul and it’s pure love.
  • Enjoy it! Love it! Listen to it – it’s the Christ.

Only as long as God needs me

I only want to be here as long as God can use me here – I’m under contract. That doesn’t mean that anybody else should have that same conviction: it’s simply where I’m at in this particular life span. When I was younger I had many other interests, but very few of the “normal” amenities of family life. I have a huge message for anyone who is ready to go much, much deeper in their spirituality. Knowing that I’ve helped some who are yearning and struggling gives me more joy than you can imagine. But it’s not about telling people what their bodies’ minds are aching to hear – it’s about realizing there is an accessible place beyond where they’re presently at and where their bodies’ feelings are resisting with all their might.

What do you treasure the most in this world?

WHAT DO YOU TREASURE MOST in this world? Yes, it is a trick question! Remember Abraham … I used to pretty much hate that Bible story when I was much younger coz I didn’t have a clue …

What do you treasure the most in this world? Now I get it. Everything in this world dies. But we can exit this world long before we have to contend with that. Then “that” will no longer hold any sway over us. So,

What do you treasure the most in this world? You’ve got to be willing to give it up. Is it your good looks? Your power over others? Your money, your spouse, your puppy?

What do you treasure the most in this world? You’ve got to be HONESTLY WILLING to give it up. I think I’ve said enough.

Dr. Robin Starbuck

Jealousy? for 2 seconds

I heard the sweetest singing voice a while ago and had the unique opportunity of being brutally honest with myself as I observed my body’s mind and feelings. I was not happy with my initial reaction: jealousy! Ugh! It was only for a fleeting second or two – but, owing to my self- pledge, I detected it! Ugh! Ugh!

He (the singer) has his unique gift that some of us can simply enjoy. I truly did, and with the added benefit of knowing that a little more carnal mind karma had disintegrated in me!

It was hallelujah-time!

Dr. Robin Starbuck

Working for God

WORKING FOR GOD is the greatest, most rewarding, “work” one can ever do. There’s no image to be kept up and no competitors to beat down. You’re free to travel with God without a moment’s hesitation as there’s no clock (or pillow) to punch! You get to live in your soul 24/7 until the very notion of a 24/7 is but a faint speck of a memory.