Monthly Archives: October 2019

Evicting error

E V I C T I N G . E R R O R

A choice exists between two general approaches of ridding oneself of major errors – recognized but not yet realized – that endlessly assault one’s thinking. Let the ‘thoughts’ pass on by with no reaction on your part OR face them down – one by one – until they give up the ghost!

Actually these two approaches – if assiduously adhered to – can work in concert, proving quite compatible. The temporary – but future – goal is discernment.

You see, recurring thoughts that have had years of refinement, when finally rooted out, leave evidence of major healing – a time for great celebration! No less important is putting the ‘lesser’ errors on notice that they’re being accorded one last showcasing on the movie screen of your mind while you usher them out sans the fanfare or mental comment.

Either approach works perfectly if chosen deliberately and decisively. But the greatest approach of all is yet to come, whose function is to upstage the former two while supplanting them altogether, and here it is:

Start with the answer: focus on the Absolute and stay there. There is no material universe to begin with, to be tormented by or to give any thought to regarding the future. All is Spirit and spiritual. It’s not only possible but it’s incumbent upon you to see the infinite ever-presence of the Only Universe that exists: the Supreme Conscious Awareness in all and through all and instead of every illusion.


Carnal mind quits

if you have been “in the Work” for quite some time now and you’re getting unwanted feelings of doubt and fear – that’s a good thing. That’s right, a good thing!

The carnal mind does not like what you’ve been doing: you’re a threat to its existence! Would you want to have something hanging around that is a threat to your existence?

So hold to your guns and don’t back down. You have the mind of Christ – not religion, but love and power. You’ll soon learn to laugh at the nutty insinuations that the human mind throws at you and watch them evaporate!


Many quotes of Joel JSG

Quotes from Joel
“Pillar of Clouds”

Matt 6:33
33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness;
and all these things shall be added unto you.

~ ~ ~~~

“The object of The Infinite Way is to develop spiritual consciousness, not primarily to produce health out of sickness or wealth out of lack. Those are the added things, and those who catch even a grain of spiritual perception are showing forth health, prosperity, and happiness, and thus they are living more useful lives.

But this is not the goal. The goal is attaining the spiritual vision so that we can behold God’s universe and can commune with Him walk and talk with Him, live with Him, and learn to live with one another, not merely humanly because our most joyous human companionships are much more worthwhile when we have attained a measure of spiritual companionship.”

~ ~ ~~~

“The development of spiritual consciousness is the greatest attainment there is. Only in the degree of this attained consciousness are we able to see the spiritual forms of God’s creating. This has nothing to do with the development of the mind or with any intellectual powers; it is not attaining the feeling of knowing more than we knew before: it is a matter of attaining a depth of inner awareness, an awareness that expresses itself not so much in words as in feelings.”

~ ~ ~~~

“We cannot adopt new ideas while still clinging to the outworn beliefs of the past: we must be willing to relinquish our old concepts. That is where the courage comes in, and the daring. It takes courage to leave behind that which has proved to be unsatisfactory in our experience. It takes courage to look at ourselves objectively and ask: Have I sincerely worshiped God? Have I in some measure lived up to my convictions about God?”

~ ~ ~~~

“We must understand that the message of The Infinite Way is not to give the world a new teaching, but to give the world an experience. The Infinite Way is actually a God-experience, a Christ-experience. The Infinite Way is not its writings, lectures, or classes. These are the instruments leading us to The Infinite Way, but The Infinite Way itself is the God-experience.” ~Joel

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“…the only way that the message of The Infinite Way can be kept pure is for every individual to be responsible to himself or herself in God, and to be sure that their authority reaches nowhere at all outside of their own being.”

~ ~ ~~~

“…there must never be an Infinite Way organization, because the moment there is, there is either an individual, or a board of trustees, or a board of directors, and then they become the deciding factor as to where you shall live, and when, and what you shall do.”

~ ~ ~~~

“The Infinite Way begins with the revelation that there is a transcendental consciousness, which in Christian mysticism is called Christ-consciousness and in Buddhism is called the Buddha-mind. In either case, what is meant is that there is a consciousness higher than the human mind. This is not a matter of general knowledge. True, there may be those who accept the idea that Buddha had that spiritual consciousness and that Jesus had the mind that was in Christ, but there are not many who understand that this Christ-mind, or consciousness, is universal to all men, and that it is just as much yours and mine as it was that of Jesus or Buddha. As long as you believe there is a God out there separate and apart from your being, just so long do you personalize God and set up the picture of an entity, identity, or a being outside of you. God is being, but not a being. God is being you and being me so to set up a God separate from that Being produces the sense of separation that keeps us in ignorance. That personalizing of God, personalizing I, is the ‘veil’ that brings about man’s sense of separation from God. Personalizing God by accepting Jesus as the only Christ also pulls down the “veil.” In fact, the personalization of Spirit is the ‘veil.'”

~ ~ ~~~

“The Master had great difficulty in imparting this idea to the Hebrews who had observed ceremonies, rituals, and holy days, but who had been given little or no spiritual enlightenment. All their instruction had been in the realm of the mind and in the observance of outward rites, and that is not sufficient. Spiritual teaching must enter the heart; it must be in the Soul: it must be felt rather than reasoned or thought; it must be intuitively understood. Only then can we take the word I into the sacred and secret place of the most High and dwell there with It. If we dwell in the secret place of the most High and abide with that I, let the I abide in us, let that I flood our consciousness, It will impart Itself to us and say: ‘Know ye not that I am God? ‘Be still, and know that I am God’; I in the midst of thee am mighty. I will never leave you, nor forsake you.'”

~ ~ ~~~

“Be assured that if I made any rule that would in any wise stop the progress of any one of our teachers, that teacher would go right on developing, if not inside The Infinite Way, then outside it, because no one can control consciousness. No one can make rules for consciousness. An individual will break out of any rule the moment his consciousness it prepared for it…”

~~ ~ ~~~

“There is a tremendous power in the consciousness of any individual who so attains this inner union as to receive these impartations of scriptural promises. And by bringing ourselves to those who have attained some measure of that, we partake in a measure of their Grace. ‘I if I be lifted up shall draw all men’ unto that same level of consciousness. We benefit by each other’s realized Grace. Whatever degree of Grace you and I attain, we share with each other and find it multiplied among ourselves.

‘Where two or more are gathered together’ in the same consciousness there is this power felt on even a greater degree. And that’s why it is that so much must be kept out of our consciousness of the world’s loves and hates, of the world’s fears and doubts in order that as we come together, this inflow of the Spirit can find Itself multiplied on earth. Then not only are we, individually and collectively, a blessing to all around us but to all those in far places who in some way or other have been led to reach and touch our consciousness.

Never think for a moment that these people find our consciousness by any human means. They don’t. They are spiritually directed from within, and they reach out all over the world just as we reach out all over the world to those who have illumination, and we find ourselves one with God once again. “

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“Now, it is for this reason that whatever of truth is revealed to us is something that we must work with within ourselves up to the point of realization; in other words, not try to share it, not try to heal somebody with it, not try to teach somebody it, except what we do silently. Rather, work with it within your own consciousness until you have achieved a measure of that light or experience, and then from there on, you will be directed how, when, and where, and under what circumstances to share, to impart, to reveal. And ultimately you will have a part in God’s unfoldment to human consciousness and you will play that part as practitioner, as healer, as teacher or lecturer or writer – in whatever way God chooses.”

~ ~ ~~~

“The answer, the solution to all problems, is the realized Christ”

~ ~ ~~~

“Prayer is our contact with God. It is the means through which God’s grace performs Its miracles in our experience. But prayer must be a listening attitude. It must be a willingness that the Spirit of God fill us and perform Its functions in us and through us.”

~ ~ ~~~

“More and more we must become the spectator or witness. We must become the beholder of Life and Its harmonies. Each morning we should awaken with eagerness to watch the new day unfolding and revealing each hour new joys and victories. Several times each day we should consciously realize that we are witnessing the revelation of Life eternal, the unfolding of Consciousness and Its infinite expression, the activity of Spirit and Its grand formations. In every situation of our daily experience, let us learn to stand back of ourselves and see God at work, witness the play of Love upon our affairs, and watch God reveal Himself in all those about us.

Every night we should realize that our rest does not bring to a close God’s activity in our experience, but that Love is the protecting influence and substance of our rest, that Consciousness is imparting Its ideas to us even in sleep, that Principle is the guiding law throughout the night. Nothing from without can enter consciousness to defile, and this truth stands guard at our mental portals to admit only reality and its harmonies.

Be a beholder, a witness. Watch the unveiling of the Christ in your consciousness.

~ ~ ~~~

“The student of spiritual wisdom cannot go through his day, satisfied that he has read some truth in the morning, or that he is going to hear some truth in the afternoon or evening. There must be a conscious activity of truth going on all the time. That does not mean that we neglect our human duties and activities; it means that we train ourselves to have some area in consciousness always active in truth. Whether we look out at forms of nature such as trees, flowers, or oceans, or whether we are meeting people, we find some measure of God in each experience. We train ourselves to behold the presence and activity of God in everything around us and to abide in the Word.”

~ ~ ~~~

“‘I have meat to eat that ye know not of. . . .’ I have bread, wine, water. . . . I am the resurrection. All the power of healing, redemption, and regeneration is within me.

This is the Master’s transcendental teaching.

As human beings, we place our reliance on persons and things in the outer world, on education, money, bonds, or investments. That man who has his being in Christ places his entire reliance on Spirit and trusts it to bring forth all that is necessary in the outer realm. Whenever faced with some need or desire, let us realize Spirit as the source of its fulfillment; let us realize Spirit as the law unto it, even the law of multiplication should that be necessary. Then let us go about our business, whatever it may be, taking such human footsteps as may be necessary at the moment. This is living a normal, natural life, but letting the Spirit, the Infinite Invisible, be the law of it, the substance of it, the cause of it, and the harmonious maintainer and sustainer of it. In short, we make no change in our present mode of living, except as the Spirit, Itself, may pick us up and direct us into new activity.”

~ ~ ~~~

“Through the use of scriptural passages, we build such a consciousness of the ever-presence of the Infinite Invisible that although we continue to enjoy and appreciate everything in the world of form, everything that exists as effect, yet never again do we have the feeling that we need or require anything. Inasmuch as God’s grace is our sufficiency, we do not live by effect alone, but by every word of truth that has been embodied in our consciousness and by every passage of truth that we have made our own. Every word of truth must be learned and made a part of our consciousness so that it becomes flesh of our flesh and bone of our bone, until the past, present, and future are all bound up in the conscious realization of God’s grace as our sufficiency. In other words, our consciousness of truth is the source, substance, activity, and law of our daily experience.”

~ ~ ~~~

“We, who are practicing the Presence, are of the few who know what ultimately will save the world. It is above all things the acknowledgment that no man on earth is our father: There is one universal Father within us, and united with Him, we are united with every spiritual child of God throughout the world. Our love for God constitutes our love for the people of the world. We no longer hate; we no longer fear. We need not punish; we need not seek vengeance: We need only withdraw into ourselves and contemplate our oneness with God and with one another.”

~ ~ ~~~

“As we go into the healing work, the first calls will be for what the world calls ‘lesser claims,’ and in a short time we may begin to think, ‘Oh, I have some understanding,’ or ‘I am getting results through my understanding.’ If we do, we shall never become successful practitioners or teachers, because we can never heal through our understanding, God forbid that God’s presence and power should be dependent upon our understanding!

Healing is an activity of the Christ; it is an activity of God’s understanding. We have been thinking in terms of my life, my health, my supply, my worthiness, my understanding, and these are not involved at all: It is God’s life, God’s health, God’s supply, God’s worthiness, God’s understanding. The Master made that very clear when he said that of his own self he could do nothing; it was the Father within; therefore, it was the Father’s understanding. The moment we open our consciousness to the flow of God and stop all this nonsense about our understanding and our good or bad behavior, we can be assured of this: The flow of God will erase and purify whatever of error or deed is in our thought today and will wipe out all penalty for past infractions. We must come into the realization that it is not our understanding that does this, but God’s, and we must come out from the old Judaic ideas and beliefs of a God of punishment and reward. God is not a God of punishment and reward. God is love. God is life.”

God’s Work is never copyrighted. Freely ye have received, freely give.

John 1:17
17 For the law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ.


N O N – E X I S T E N C E . O F . M A T T E R

Having been raised with the below conviction of Joel S. Goldsmith, I had to “learn” about certain ‘errors’ in order to appreciate their ‘absolute’ unreality. One of those errors was reincarnation. It seemed like the strangest gosh-darned thing but at least I could see how consistent that belief was with the belief that there was life in matter!

Now I find those entire issues quite compelling as they prompt me to want to get my understanding and awareness crystal clear lest I find myself believing in the vagaries of life in matter and all its hideous complexities. After all, the belief in disease and death is not unlike the belief in reincarnation and karmic debt. Joel Goldsmith and his protegé Herb Fitch have devoted their lives to freeing us from both.

Imagine healing all thoughts


Imagine if everything you hear, especially every negative thing, caused you to correct the less-than-perfect thought and to realize that you are literally putting healing out there for anyone in the mental or physical vicinity! If that’s you, may I say on behalf of everyone on the planet, Thank you very much!!!


Flipping stops with HF

L O V E . Y O U R . C O M P R O M I S I N G . L I F E ?

You can get away with flipping back-and-forth supposedly between differing “approaches” ….
until you meet Herb Fitch
and then all the flipping ceases.
Truth is simple.
Truth is consistent.
Truth is Absolute.
A life of pure Spirit, all questions answered,
Petty concerns of this world evaporate,
Can you handle it yet?


Healings! Healings! Healings!

H E A L I N G S !! . H E A L I N G S !! . H E A L I N G S !!

I have found so many times in my life that I’ve lost count: when I finally – I mean FINALLY – stopped torturing myself over the details of the latest crisis that I was in and declared with my whole being that I didn’t care about anything else in the whole world but the fact that GOD IS ALL, and really really meant it like never before, suddenly a tremendous sense of peace and confidence would set in.Then miracles started happening, one after another!

The most amazing thing to look back upon in every case was the fact that the extremely challenging situation I had been facing and the Truths that I employed seemed to have had nothing in common whatsoever.


Bicknell Young

Bicknell Young Collection #2

None of our work depends on whether or not the patient understands. None of our work has anything to do with mental suggestion. It has to do with only one thing – and that is realization in the consciousness of the one calling himself, or herself, the practitioner. Most practitioners-at some time or another, are so lifted up in consciousness, that when people come to them, the error simply drops away, without their having conscious thought about anything. The practitioner elevates himself to such a state of spiritual consciousness that he is no longer conscious of what is presented to him. It is not necessary for you to always make the statement, “Oh, this is hypnotism and it is neither person, place, nor thing or some similar remark. Get it into your consciousness that any form of error is only a suggestion, and stop giving treatments to people and conditions. Then it does not make any difference if you never think of it again. but train yourself that you will never have a sick or sinning person to deal with. You will never have a disease to deal with. All you may have are the universal beliefs to deal with ….. Do not try to reform the outer picture. With your inner God-given spiritual sense, look at the heart and see the Christ. You will find the Christ. You will find the most wonderful healing force there is in the world.

Agree with your adversary

A G R E E . W I T H . Y O U R . A D V E R S A R Y

“How? They’re only thoughts. Watch them on the screen of your mind.

When the mind is jittery and jumpy and fearful it can think of a million and one things just now. What of it? If you can’t overcome your thought in your mind when you know that’s all that it is, you’ve got to stay there till you do coz you’re not ready for the bigger.

Now suppose you could watch that thought on the screen of your mind – till one of you loses: the thought or you – till you conquer it, till you overcome it, until the thought subsides and says “I give up!” That’s wrestling with your adversary and that’s also agreeing with your adversary. You’re not reacting to the point that you run out and do something. You’re staring it down. You’re looking straight at it with no resistance. You’re even determined that it’s going to bless you.

Finally you find that you have the power. It might take longer than you had wanted to devote to it but you have the power to overcome the thought; and once you do you feel that great vacuum within, and you know “I have won! The thought is dead!” It might come back tomorrow or an hour from now but right now you know “I have won!” I’m in a silence [what I was striving for before the intruding thought came]; the prize is too big to lose.

The prize is so great that we’re told to sell all that we have just to attain the recognition of our own Soul. Now we are lifted beyond human limit. We can know understand how a Jesus can bring real food – that’s real food – to fill a need. How? that’s Soul power!”

So spake Herb Fitch in 1967 in his ‘Rising from Sense’ seminar.

You can actually have a lot of fun staring down those reoccurring thoughts and explaining to them: “You don’t even have the right to plant unwanted feelings in my gut. You wanna know why? I’ll tell you why. For starters I don’t have a gut coz I’m not a mortal being. Secondly, you’re just a thought and I am my own Soul. So nothing further needs to be said. Try talking to my Soul. Good luck with that – you’ll need it.”

Can you imagine your immortal Soul being pushed around by an intriguing thought or feeling?


The Inner Experience – Kari Carwile

The “inner experience” has been called many different things. In India it is called Yoga, and in Buddhism Nirvana, in Taoism it’s called Tao, and Aristotle referred to it as Being, Plato referred to it as The Good and The Beautiful, Judaism is Ein Sof, and in Christianity it is called The Kingdom of God. This is truly a UNIVERSAL EXPERIENCE. Source IS Source – Universally! We are ALL ONE.

Go into our “INNER CHAMBER”, shut the door, and shut out everything and awaken to consciousness, where we find all that was ever ‘perceived’ that we needed.

The “inner chamber” in the brain is the place of MEDITATION, and it’s merely a matter of realizing we ALREADY ARE in the “inner chamber.” In that inner chamber/consciousness we realize our own true self, beyond all space and time, limitless & infinite.

The inner chamber is not a location, but it is levels of consciousness called dimensions. Each dimension vibrates at higher rates than the one below, and the higher the vibration the purer the consciousness, and the purer the consciousness, the greater the experience of KNOWING.

For YEARS AND YEARS AND YEARS we have been in the 3D Dimension which is very restricting and limiting, and is the consciousness of fear and chaos and separation. Many are already transitioning and experiencing what is called the 5th Dimension. Our bodies and our cells are already vibrating in the 5th Dimension, but our minds are catching up to or realizing (becoming aware of) our ONENESS.

In the 5th Dimension there are still things in form, but they’re no longer dense, and are more light filled. The 5th Dimension has been described by some as the dimension of LOVE, or living totally from the HEART. In the 5th Dimension manifestation is instant; just a thought and it’s there. In the 5th Dimension and greater dimensions is this “Consciousness” – there is no lack, no disease or sickness, no mental health issues, no accidents, no death. Only DIVINE LIFE, DIVINE MIND, DIVINE LOVE, DIVINE POWER, JOY, PEACE AND CONTENTMENT AND HARMONY.

In order to enter these new dimensions, we must leave all the OLD thought patterns behind, and realize this; OUR BODY/HEART ARE ALREADY THERE and we must also realize that our body is also VERY INTELLIGENT, and wants to teach our mind that there is NO SEPARATION! Everything in this body is ONE and works together as ONE. The brain and all its functions, our eyes, ears, glands, lungs, the heart, the gut, our entire body and even our flesh and so on, ALL work AS ONE!

In meditation we can observe any thought of lack of any kind, (which actually comes from the 3rd Dimension), and just let it go, in others words don’t give that thought a second thought, and then we can redirect our thoughts to “everything we need is ALREADY here, because Source/I are ONE.” Our mind then begins to realize that Oneness and all the OLD is gone.

We can all experience this new dimension/dimensions for ourselves; it’s no longer just for a few, but its already here for ALL of us! It’s in the ocean of endless consciousness of infinite possibilities!

~ Kari Carwile

Stepping out of matter

S T E P P I N G . O U T . O F . M A T T E R

Do you struggle a bit to stay on track? I think I may have a little help in that area. For starters I believe it’s imperative that we do stay on track, let’s be clear about that! When we go off, we give a lot of credence to that which has no reality and no right taking over our consciousness. But what to do about it? We do some things that seem to bring us to conscious awareness but the moment we go away from what we were doing the cares of the world come rushing in!

We need permanent markers that we can grab to stay where we need to be. When I become aware of confusion and fear – if I don’t confront it immediately, it festers and grows. Then in my turmoil I often remember a rather silly single step I can take – almost physically – that makes me so happy that I feel giddy. It’s actually a partial or attempted step.

I see myself stepping OUT OF the material realm and INTO my Soul. It’s so funny because as I’m “stepping” I see nothing to step into – nothing at all. It’s most disconcerting! Why nothing?

Try it, you’ll see … there’s nothing of matter to hang onto at all. It’s your Soul taking over for you, showing you exactly what perfection looks like and how it is your actual life in the here and now! It always was: right where you saw matter, it being entirely spiritual was your real identity all along.

Now aware of your Soul, you are free to discover your spiritual body, your limitless omnipresence, your being as Spirit itself and your being as Christ itself.

I just don’t know where I’d be without the amazing recordings of Herb Fitch. I listen to them all the time and urge people who are fairly advanced in their spiritual search to do likewise.
