Monthly Archives: October 2020

Qualities of God are yours -JSG

Spiritual sonship is your true identity, Spiritual sonship with all the fullness of its meaning is your true identity. In spite of any appearances that may now engulf you, you must know the truth of your relationship to God. You must know the truth of your true identity as God manifest, God revealed, God individualized, God expressed. That is your true identity. The qualities of God, therefore, are the qualities of your individual being.

Joel Goldsmith, Chapter 10, ‘Start the Flow to God’, from SHOWING FORTH THE PRESENCE OF GOD.

Same beliefs years later? -rjs

IS YOUR ENTIRE BELIEF SYSTEM pretty much the same now as it was five years ago?
And do you really think that’s a good thing?
Don’t you know the Holy Spirit has been imparting tons of fresh revelation?
Can’t you see there are things He can tell us now that He couldn’t tell Peter, James and John?
God never intended for the Bible to become itself a religion.
Hey, He never intended for religion to become a religion.

when Separate Self has been put to rest.
What unspeakable freedom to explore
the highways and byways of God’s inexplicable Kingdom!

But that gosh-darned ego-maniacal self,
generated by the genius of mortal man
will not … no, cannot … loose its hold
coz it was never more than pure illusion.

We will never, ever see that
Glorious Day of awakening if we
first consult with our Rule Master, our
pre-programmed robotic Separate Self.

Get yourself indignant!
Stand for it no more! Say – and mean it –
“I Am (the image and likeness of) God
with the never separated mind of Christ!”

DrRobinStarbuck 2017

To feel feel feel, or not -rjs

I feel angry, I feel jealous, I feel lonely,
I feel hurt, I feel afraid, I feel abandoned, …
Who is this “I” that feels all these things?

Human Psychology saith:
“It’s all you. Feel your emotions, dear.
Let them flo-o-ow through you.”

They fail to conclude however
that they’re telling you to let negativity
do its maximum damage on your psyche.

Would that these well-meaning gurus
had a little more Godlike wisdom.
Your separated self is pure unadulterated delusion.

The “I” that pops up
and obliges these multifarious attacks
seemingly from one’s own soul . . .

… shows you one thing only: a presence.
Your separated self is delusional:
Your Christ-self is there instead.