Revisiting unbelief (re. healing, not salvation)

I know this is not exactly fun and games but could we revisit the concept of unbelief? It’s one of those words that, when linked to salvation, has become a highly debated hot topic.
Let’s take it out of the salvation paradigm for a moment and look at it as it applies to the subject of healing. God is always ready for healing, quite frankly, because healing emanates from His very Substance – from the fact that He always was, in all His perfection, pure Spirit.
No! No! No, that does not distance us one iota: He’s right here – right where you are – whether you like it, recognize it, or not!
So how in the world do you make contact? With the exception of “in the world” that’s an excellent question! The primary need is to establish a connection and that is not done in the world!
The good news is that He lives on the inside of us – in us, through us and AS us! Pretty nifty indeed! But believing it sufficiently for it to make a difference – now that’s a whole ‘nother thing. That’s where we’d want to do a little delving into the literature, videos, blogs – whatever will teach us about the very nature and essence of our precious Father, God.
We need to finally know beyond a shadow of doubt that we have been wrong about God for a very long time. We harbored many, many, many thoughts about other ‘powers that be’ never knowing that they ‘be not’!! We’ve been looking for answers from just about any imaginable place except Him for years and years, oblivious to the fact that these places vie for absence of God in every way conceivable.
So, we can’t just change our mind and protest the omnipotence, omnipresence and omniscience of God right now? Well, we can, but how much do we mean it?