How to view the Bible

The idea that there is one, singular biblical view of *anything, is simply a fairy tale we tell ourselves to prevent us from feeling the responsibility God places on our shoulders to sift through the variety of ideas present, using our brains, and following Jesus and his Spirit. If God were to give us a book that kept us from ever having to think, or ask questions of his Spirit and of the world, he would absolutely ruin and destroy us. In giving us a guide of that sort, he would aid in turning our brains to mush, and changing us into zombies, who merely regurgitate memorized answers and passages that we took little to no time to actually think through for ourselves.

The bible is an amazing, inspired collection of writings, but it is not the Encyclopedia Godtannica, that we can consult on any number of issues, and get a precise and exact answer. No, sometimes the scriptures are simply goading us on to ask questions. Sometimes its authors do attempt to give us answers, while other authors come along and contradict them with their own answers. It is a book that stimulates creativity, not one that stifles it. When you approach it as though it thinks for you, you are slowly, but surely, sacrificing the beautiful mind God has given you, and being horribly dumbed down.