Category Archives: Answered Prayer!

Houston flooding

If you want to pray
About the flooding in Houston
Wouldn’t it be more godlike to
Pray for all of Houston?
And more effective to want to
Know Who and What
God really is?
We miss out on so much
When we keep pulling God down
(As if we could!)
To our extremely limited view
Where checking against
Our expectations is the norm.
Instead let’s lift ourselves up
To full Spiritual awareness
And stay there.

Timelessness becomes time-fullness*

It’s wonderful to know that God is where we’re ultimately going and we will hang with him through all eternity. But when the notion of timelessness becomes part of the deal, it all sounds so dull and meaningless – to say nothing of lifeless.
In God’s multi-dimensional realm, we can enjoy glories heretofore unknown.
And we get to do that forever in what we may now wistfully dub “multiple time dimensions”.

Real laws vs. disease

Real laws cannot be broken.
You won’t find grapefruit
In a pear tree.
Electricity, thermodynamics,
And gravity, too
Have their inviolable laws.
But disease has no such
Law to protect it.
Jesus knew that as
Sure as we’re sittin’ here.
He smashed false laws
To smithereens!
And you can too.
MESSAGE: When you check
Back to see how much
Progress you’ve made,
You’ve proven (hopefully
To yourself)
That you really don’t see
The spiritual realm at all!
Good News: the culprit
Has been uncovered.
With no further adieu,
Right here is the realm
Of Spirit, God, and of course,

Realm of the real is here instead

Are you seeing
A-N-D evil?
Lift up your seeing.
Choose the spiritual
Realm instead.
Because healing
Takes place there.
Where is ‘there’?
Okay ya got me now!
‘There’ is right here.
When you “go to”
Or “turn to” or “listen to”
What you’re really doing is
Choosing the spiritual
Realm of the Real
Which is right here
In place of the seeming.
This glorious Truth
Heals the sick:
Sick minds, sick bodies,
Sick nations, sick world.
This glorious Truth is
What Jesus came to

A testimony explained

Late last night I started with chills then a fever for about 3 hours. Its been about 34 years since I had something like that. After about 3 hours I said ok, wait a minute, I don’t have to take this. So I decided to listen for Gods voice, what many say is a still small voice, although it has never been still nor small for me. After about 15 minutes I gave up and started to thank God for all He has done for me whether I understood it all or not. After another 15 minutes of praising God and thanking Him, I finally heard His voice. He said, “now you are getting it. Now You understand that it makes no differance whether it’s My voice or your voice, they are the same! We are one!” “It is no longer I that live, but Christ that lives in me” as Paul said! What I spoke caused what I desired to come into the visible realm from the invisible realm. I was speaking my own healing, or rather He was, or we were together! You see The Mind of Christ in me together with the faith of Christ showed me how to create or preceive what always was in the spiritual realm and speak it, or manifest it in my body! Now that is revelation! Jesus Rocks!
RJS: I was especially blessed, Tim, by this part: “He said, “now you are getting it. Now You understand that it makes no differance whether it’s My voice or your voice, they are the same! We are one!” “It is no longer I that live, but Christ that lives in me” as Paul said!”
It comes to me like that occasionally but not nearly often enough. I’ve been finding myself more and more willing to let go of more and more junk to make room for a fuller demonstration of the “REST” of God. Your testimony has truly encouraged me. Tysm

Oneness wins

Getting all mixed up?
Some say do your level best.
Others say do nothing, just rest.
Some say Jesus is coming soon.
Others say he’s already here.
Some say press on, press on.
Others say that engenders fear.
And then the devil needs rebuking.
Or was it 2000 years ago.

You’ve got a bucket full of problems.
Feeling guilty for self-indulgence.
Mind is racing, answers not.
Seems like things are getting hot.

There’s no need for any mix up.
When you know God’s in you.
Living through you, AS you.
Every single issue fades away.
With You loving, You living.
You telling everyone in your mind.
Just how unspeakably amazing.
God’s ONENESS really is.

Impersonalizing evil

There is only one power
One mind
One reality.
All that is real is included
In one infinite God, good.
So-called evil
In order to clearly see
It’s nothingness.
And nowhere-ness.
God is all in all
In you, in me, in the person
You used to find
So hard to forgive.
Will go a long, long way
To wake up this slumbering world.

Our new-old dimension

Every single protest
That they wish to offer up
To prove the power of
Their little gods
Falls flat in the face of
Infinite God
Whose realm is perfection.
We’re not relegated to
A place apart where
Falls away.
The Dimension of God
IS the Kingdom already come
Where we and all God’s
Spiritual creatures
Romp and play!!

A Difficult Question

A Difficult Question
We need brutal honesty here – are you up to it? If not, please move on.
What if you got a very reliable communication from ‘above’ telling you that – in this here and now realm – this is as good as it gets? Cease and desist from all petitions for human, material improvement? No more visits with the Lord to discuss your agenda – at all? Would you stomp your feet, scream and shout, weep and wail: “If this is my only container and environment, what do I need God for?” If so, you’ve found the SOURCE OF ALL YOUR TROUBLES !! Think on it.