Monthly Archives: February 2020

I AM meditation & self-inquiry RA


HAVE YOU BEEN TRYING AND TRYING to calm your zillions of runaway thoughts and fears, but somehow find yourself assaulted yet again? This guy, Robert Adams, knows what he’s talking about when it comes to going deep and staying there! Hint: he even allows a moment or two of self-inquiry to stare down [my words] any particularly obstreperous unwanted thoughts. Here, I’ll let him tell you himself. Remember the key word is SIMPLE :

“I Am is the first name of God. When you want to think of God, you think of I Am with your respiration. I Am is the first name of God. Close your eyes and try. Inhale and say, “I.” Exhale and say, “Am.” Doesn’t that make you feel good? Just by saying I Am to yourself, it lifts you up. So the thing to do is this: Whenever you have a problem, I don’t care what it is, I don’t care how serious you think it is, whether it’s worldly or personal, wherever it came from, the secret is to forget yourself. For the moment, forget about the problem for as long as you can, and do the I Am meditation. If your mind wanders, bring it back again, and do the I Am meditation.
“When I explain this to some people they say, Robert, but you tell us we have to get rid of our minds. We have to annihilate the mind, not think with it. This is true. This is the highest truth. But most people cannot do this. Remember Advaita Vedanta is really for mature souls, people who have practiced sadhana in previous lives. It’s like going to school. Self-inquiry, Advaita Vedanta, is like the university of spiritual life. You cannot fool yourself.
“There are so many people who try to practice Self-inquiry and they give it up. Then I tell them to surrender, surrender completely. That’s the other way. Again this becomes difficult. They try it for a while and they always revert back to themselves, your personal self. So, I give them the I Am meditation.
“Everybody can do that. When nothing seems to work, go back to the I Am. It’s really powerful. Do not take it as simple. I can guarantee you this: if you practice I Am for one day, all of your troubles will be transcended. You will feel happiness like you have never felt before. You will feel a peace that you never even knew existed.
“As you keep practicing the I Am, your thoughts will become less and less. Your personal self will go into the background and you will feel an inner bliss. You will begin to feel that it no longer matters what I’m going through. It makes no difference, because it is God that is going through this, not me. And God has no problems. You automatically become happy, just by using the I Am meditation.
“In the Bhagavad Gita it says, “Out of a million people, one searches for God. And out of a million people who search, one finds Him.[“] It’s sort of difficult. That’s how it appears. But, if you begin to use I Am as a meditation and you allow the I Am to go deeper and deeper, your bodily consciousness will disappear, and the I Am will take over.
If you want to mix Self-inquiry, Atma Vichara, with I Am, that’s permissible. You can use them both together. I’ll explain how. Say you’re using the I Am meditation. In between, thoughts keep popping up. Whether they’re good thoughts or bad thoughts makes no difference, but thoughts keep interfering. You can now inquire “To whom come these thoughts?” Just observe and watch.
“When your mind becomes silent again, you go back to the I Am meditation with your respiration. When thoughts come again you inquire, “To whom do they come?” As you progress in this method, you complete the question. “The thoughts come to me. What is the source of me? Who am I? What is the source of I?”
“You begin to feel and see that the “I” that seems to have the problem is not you. You begin to feel “I” have a problem. “I” am sick. “I” am angry. “I” have no peace of mind. And you begin to laugh. For the realization tells you, “I” has all these things, I don’t. “I” is the culprit. “I” appears to want this and need that. So it is with wants, desires and self-aggrandizement. All of this belongs to the “I.” Who is this I? Where does it come from? If the “I” isn’t really me, then who am I? And you keep still.
“Now you may go back to the I Am with respiration. You inhale and you say I. You exhale and say Am. As you progress this way, you’re going to find out something interesting happens to your life. You’re going to find there’s more space between I Am. It will happen by itself. You will inhale and you will say I, and all of a sudden, nothing will come out of that. Then you will exhale with Am. You will inhale again and say I. Remember you’re not putting this on, you’re not making this happen. It’s happening all by itself and the space between I Am is the fourth dimension of consciousness. After waking, sleeping, dreaming. It is the state of the Jnani. It is your freedom. It is Pure Awareness. And when you keep practicing, “Who am I?” alternating with both of them, there will be a greater space before you say, “Who am I?” again.
“That space is bliss. You’ll feel something you’ve never felt before. An inner joy. An inner delight. You will just know that the whole universe is the Self, and I Am That. As the months progress, the words become less and less. You may start off with I Am, and then you will be in the Silence. You will not say another word. You will just experience the Silence. That Silence is Nirvana, Emptiness. It is no thing. It is the nothing I was talking about. You will just sit in the Silence.”

I AM Meditation
Silence of the Heart
pages 101-104

No world outside your Self

Take a look at your life right now. Think what’s going on in your life. Are you happy, are you miserable, are you healthy, are you sick, are you rich, are you poor? Doesn’t matter. The only thing that matters is everything you are is what you have identified with, somewhere, somehow. There is no power outside of your Self. There is no world outside of your Self. There is no creation outside of your Self. There is no universe outside of your Self. There is no God outside of your Self. You have given birth to all of these things. You are playing a game with yourself. You’re putting on an act. Why? Ask yourself.

Robert Adams

Spirit is our Escape from hypnotism


“Matter as such does not exist” – so spake Einstein and Planck. Think about it: the floor or ground beneath you does not exist. Now where are you? Are you ready to explore what being entirely Spirit means? There’s an awful lot of really good news tied to that courageous step.

It’s not a matter of going into a kind of la-la land: in fact it’s coming out of the la-la land known as world hypnotism.

The bad news is you can’t wake up from hypnotism until you recognize that you are under its spell. The good news is once you realize you’ve been hypnotized like billions of others have been, you instantaneously awaken from it.

Why are we so loathe to say “I am God?”

” I AM GOD ” ?

Who decided to assault the English language by querying mockingly “Did you create everything?” Why not say instead: “Yes, and so am I. And so is he. And so is she”.

When we can finally, at long last, get over our aversion to claiming our rightful identity, we can put so many issues, that people fight over, to rest and get on with really seeing one another for their own unique expression of the perfection of God.

Can you think of someone who irks you? See them as God. Don’t be afraid to do it – that very act on your part could heal a long-standing ailment that you’ve been tolerating.

Do you feel that embracing your God-identity will make you look proud and arrogant? Just make a point of not acting proud and arrogant: let yourself love everyone more than you’ve ever been able to love before.

That’s what God is.


Still my companion and friend


When I was a wee child, I had more real problems than anyone I ever knew, but for one thing: I also had God. Not specifically masculine and never punitive, God was (and is) my constant companion.

The discovery that this self-same Companion was my very own being, my true Self, was astronomical! And then to come into the realization that God was 100% the Self of every single person who ever trod the globe – past, present and future, was utterly life-changing, again at a very young age.

Maturing in this mind-boggling Truth, I see God absolutely everywhere – but not without concerted effort in terms of focusing deliberately and with determination that refuses to quit! My companion, my love, my Self!

THE REASON FOR THIS MESSAGE is to let you know that I still have my childhood Companion – who saved my very life on numerous occasions. I even ask for things – of a spiritual nature, of course. By the time I fully remember that God and I and everyone are ONE … by that moment, my wish is a-l-w-a-y-s granted!

Direct or Progressive path? FJ

The path we travel in life depends largely on the instruction we have been given. Strangely, after the Buddha had died, there was an eventual split among his followers. One side advocated for a spontaneous enlightenment, while the other group said it was a process. Can you image a split in such an amazing community, when in truth, both sides were right.

In my own case, it took a good portion of lifetime of searching for some presumed key… only to realize that all that time, I was searching for “me”. (The Eye that sees is the “I” that “I am”.) Yet, another person could have just as easily awakened in a second, rather than having taken a lifetime. For many, however, it does take time to discover that the religious doctrine we’re so committed to, bears no resemblance to the reality or internal truth that we are so desperately seeking.

Frank Johnson

Direct or Progressive paths

Unalloyed happiness -RSp & RA

When you really understand who you are, you will experience unalloyed happiness. Happiness that you only dreamed about, happiness in the Silence, when nothing is happening but you’re happy. Always happy, always at peace. All of the Gods that you have been praying to all your life, all of the Buddha’s you’ve taken refuge in, the Krishnas, the Kalmias, the Shivahs, the Christ, Allah, they’re all within you. You are that. There is only the one Self and you are That. Ponder this.

The knowledge of this brings you eternally infinite happiness instantly. When you begin to understand who you are, your Divine nature, that you are not the body, you’re not the mind, once you understand your Infinite nature, who you really are and there’s nothing else, you immediately become instantly happy. For happiness is your very nature. Happiness, the Self are synonymous. Consciousness, Absolute Reality, Pure Awareness, are all synonymous. There is only One. It has many names, but the One pervades all of space and time. And it is the only existence and you are That. There is no other existence. Awaken to this truth. You are the only One that does exist. And you are Consciousness.
~Robert Adams


And this ‘knowing’ is our self, aware presence. In other words, all that is ever experienced is our self knowing itself, awareness aware of awareness.
~Rupert Spira

Convoluted path

A very common and justifiable question in the Third dimension is “Why in the world are we here, having to go along such a convoluted path to get to where we never wanted to leave?”
The answer, although irritating, is “We aren’t.”

Answer to Convoluted Path

What if this world were never intended to be changed into a spiritual one?
What if we’re intended to wake up, one by one, and see only perfection
right where the perennial earthling sees all manner of evil
forever rearing its hydra head?