Why are we so loathe to say “I am God?”

” I AM GOD ” ?

Who decided to assault the English language by querying mockingly “Did you create everything?” Why not say instead: “Yes, and so am I. And so is he. And so is she”.

When we can finally, at long last, get over our aversion to claiming our rightful identity, we can put so many issues, that people fight over, to rest and get on with really seeing one another for their own unique expression of the perfection of God.

Can you think of someone who irks you? See them as God. Don’t be afraid to do it – that very act on your part could heal a long-standing ailment that you’ve been tolerating.

Do you feel that embracing your God-identity will make you look proud and arrogant? Just make a point of not acting proud and arrogant: let yourself love everyone more than you’ve ever been able to love before.

That’s what God is.
