In my experience and observation

In my experience and in my observations of others, I find that enlightenment comes incrementally. Yes, we get a sudden huge awakening that changes everything in our lives and feels like ‘the final one’!

Then we settle into it and enjoy its effulgence and glory for quite awhile. Little by little we get faint glimmerings of more unfoldment up ahead.

We turn to our vehicle – our human life – once again to make more necessary adjustments out of the world where flesh once reigned. We either (1) get pulled back into the illusion and its concomitant hypnotism or (2) see through more and more of the deceptive nature of the human life.

Choosing the latter (which precious few of us do) we are ready to soar far beyond our selves of 5 years ago. 10 years ago. 50 years ago. We can literally see the markings (like trees have) on our soul which indicate our preparedness.