Are you right where you want to be?

Seeking a breakthrough?
Wanting fullness of God?
Got some clues but
Don’t know where to begin?
Start anywhere – smack dab
In the middle’ll do!!
Set your focus on Oneness
And Love will carry you through!

Suddenly everything is happy
Everyone is divine & lovable
You’re in exactly the most
Perfect place to be.

All the junk is gone now –
‘member that old adage “Gee, have I
Just died and gone to heaven?”
The answer’s a resounding “Yes!!
That’s exactly what you just did!
Died to all – all means all – the junk
Old memories that vexed you
New fears, new dread never again!”

Are you here yet? If not,
Keep . forging . ahead
Willing to relinquish
Willing to receive
And most of all
Willing to live.

(In that last refrain above
I tried to type “willing to love”
But it came out differently:
“Willing to live.” I determined
That “IT” was right!)