“Help me!” Part II

HELP ME (Part II) !!!
Sure, “I” (God) can help “you”
If that’s what you need.
You be “you” and I’ll be “I”
And I’ll talk to you and
You’ll heed My voice.

But soon’s you’re ready
Let’s get Us back to pure
Unencumbered reality
Where there are no longer
Two of us talking and
Listening and heeding,
Ofttimes missing the mark.

Let’s try another mindset:
What exactly is God?
All-presence, All-power,
Everywhere at once. All.
Spirit, Substance, Mind,
Principle, Soul, Love, Life.

When You truly put Me first
That frightening possibility
Of going off again and
Imagining your worldly whims
Bursting, nourishing, satiating,
Collapsing, spent and lost …

No longer looms large
On the horizon of your hope.
Who was it you were listening to
And why are you so scattered?
The “I” that you wanted to pray To
Is the “I” of you, Me and all Life.

Now we see that “help me”
Becomes a fait accompli
No further action is ever
Required. All IS unqualified
Movement and you, yes you
Are resting atop glorious victory!