Most important msg

A MOST IMPORTANT MESSAGE FOR YOU: If you’re truly on a path leading yourself and everyone who might follow you out of the chaos of the world (hypnotism) you’ll be shocked by the “dropping away” of all materialism! It will jar you at first. It will hurt … until you realize “silly me! – that’s the dropping away that’s alluded to repeatedly in all our holy books!” Stay with your path and trust it. Keep separating others’ fearful reactions from whom they really are – so that You can continue to see clearly. People will disappoint … until disappointment is no longer in your spiritual vocabulary. Keep plodding forward right out of the miasma that was your life (with a small ‘l’). People will require coddling: don’t give it to them – give them divine Love instead. Let them know that there is nothing on earth or in heaven that supercedes eternal life right now. Let them know there’s an effort to be made – an angst to be grappled with – before they can begin to see the Light.
Then bid them adieu.