You are sat-chit-ananda [existence-consciousness-bliss] -RAdams

[Once you awaken], what you call your body will take care of itself. It knows what to do and how to do it. As a matter of fact, if you get yourself out of the way the body will achieve much more freedom, much more happiness then you can ever have while you’re thinking. Do not concern yourself with the body. Leave the body alone.

It’s hard to understand how you can leave the body alone and it will take of itself. All these years you think you’ve been taking care of it. But look at nature. Look at the leaves on the tree, grass, the food that grows; there is a power that takes care of everything in this universe.

The same power that takes care of everything takes care of what you call your body. It will lead you to the right path. It will guide you to the right place you’re supposed to be. It takes care of you. But this only happens when you surrender your body, your ego, everything to the Self. The way you surrender is by not reacting to life. Not reacting to person, place or thing.

When you stop reacting, that is surrender. And the power that knows the way will take care of your body. But you are not your body. You have absolutely nothing to do with your body. You are that consciousness, that joy, that happiness, that peace, that bliss. This is your real nature. You are sat-chit-ananda [existence-consciousness-bliss], Brahman, the absolute reality, this is you.

Robert Adams