About you -RAdams

Now let’s talk about you. ●●Where are you on the spiritual path? Be honest with yourself. When you get together with your friends what do you chat about? Other people? You gossip about others? You talk about your troubles. You talk about how you’ve been wronged. How your wife left you for another person. How your husband divorced you. How your boss hates you. How this is wrong and how that’s wrong. Do you realize what you’re doing if you’re doing this? You’re exacerbating the condition.

Things will become worse and worse. You’re ●● using the power of thoughts to increase the condition that you want to get rid of. Always realize that everything is karmic and ●●everything is preordained. You have absolutely nothing to worry about and ●● nothing to concern yourself about. When you can become calm mentally and your thoughts have subsided a little bit then you can go to the higher teachings. Then you can understand what I mean when I say, ●●”The world is but a dream. It’s maya.” Then you can understand what I mean when I say, “All is well. No matter how things look. ●● All is well and everything is unfolding as it should.” Then you can understand what I mean when I say, ●●”All this is the Self and I am That.” There is ●● only consciousness, absolute reality, pure awareness and you are That!

When your mind is calm you can accept this. When your mind is disturbed, full of your own thoughts, thinking about problems. When I say, “All is well,” you feel funny. When I say you are consciousness, you are not your body, you are not the doer, you are not your mind, you think I’m crazy or you don’t believe me or you feel hurt because you are enmeshed in your so-called belief of problems. And even those of you who are experiencing the good life so-to-speak, you say to your- self, “I don’t have to be consciousness, I don’t have to be the Self, I’m having fun.”

…the ●●world has nothing for you. You will function. ●●God knows what it is you have to do. It has nothing to do with you. If you begin to ●● act spontaneously, if you begin to live in the present and take it a day at a time you will be amazed at how this mysterious power called God will maintain and sustain you and give you untold happiness. Even in the relative world. But never outline what this happiness is supposed to be. Do not believe or think that it has to be this way or that way or it has to be this thing or that thing or you have to live in this state or that state and live with this person or that person. Forget about those things. What we call God will take care of you when you think about God. When you think about I-am. Do it! Find out for yourself and see what happens.

SK: Robert, this is my first time here and two things occur to me, when I hear you say the words “I-am,” all it does is like make me think of I as a separate ego because the language is not inspiring at all to me, it’s just like words are dropping back on me as a special self-centered thing so it’s not the kind of words that make me think in any special way.

The second thing that occurs to me is that I can relate pretty much to what you’re saying about the karmic thing. Except for the aspect on the relative level you seem to apply such a total passivity. For instance like if someone is addicted to cigarettes to kind of like there is nothing to really think about or we’re kind of like we have to have food in order to survive even karmically we have to have nutritious food so there’s decisions to be made to be getting those kinds of things. Those are only the two things that arose in me as you were speaking.

R: Thank you. ●● You’re coming from the standpoint of the ajnani. Which means the standpoint of spiritual ignorance. Which is no insult. You’re speaking of the ●●relative world. When you begin to ●● turn within, the I-am becomes stronger and stronger for you. You begin to realize ●●that I-am is your Self. The more you practice I-am in the silence without thinking about it the stronger you will become and will reveal itself to you.

Now as far as you’re concerned you have been brought up to ●●believe that you have to make all the decisions or else they will not be done. ●● This is the maya, this is the ego that makes you think this and it’s very strong in most people. But from personal experience I can tell you that ●●you are not the ego. You are not the person that needs to make a decision or needs to do anything like that at all. There is a ●●purpose why your body is here on this earth. If you get yourself out of the way it will fulfill it’s purpose. It will know when and how for you to stop smoking, it will know how to make decisions.

I know it sounds unusual for you because you’re here for the first time and you’re hearing these things for the first time. It ●● seems that there are two of you but no there’s one. ●●You have to transcend the thoughts, the mind and the body. You have to ●● become still. You have to ●●stop your thoughts. Then ●●something else takes over that will be able to take better care for you or of you than you could ever do for yourself. ●●Your mind will be on I-am and yet your body will know what to do, in order to maintain and sustain it.

Robert Adams
Satsang : The world is but a dream. It’s maya.