Always blissful is your natural state -RAdams

“When the mind has been transcended there is no longer a world that you see like it was before. You see the world as images, appearances on the screen of life and you become blissful. You become more blissful than anything this earth can offer you. This world, this universe cannot offer you anything as good as this bliss that you already are.

… And we want to have this bliss because it’s our natural state. This bliss is peace, happiness, joy. Can you ever imagine being in eternal happiness, eternal peace, eternal joy? When nothing bothers you any longer. Nothing comes into your mind any longer. Nothing disturbs you any longer. Yet the so-called disturbances are still going on. They’re still going on as it was before but not for you.

For you no longer have a mind to comprehend these things. The mind has been totally annihilated, totally destroyed. The body will continue what it does yet you will understand that you are not the body. You are not the doer. You are free. You are total freedom. You are effortless, choiceless, pure awareness. This happens by itself.”

~ Robert Adams (20th century American Advaita mystic)