Become totally honest -RAdams

Only you can make yourself free. And it is simply by letting go. Letting go of everything mentally. Remember I’m not saying you have to leave your family or leave your job or leave your house or leave anything. I am saying that you mentally have to become disattached to these things. You may say, “How can I love my family if I become disattached?” What becomes disattached is your ego, the mind. When the ego and mind become weaker, love becomes stronger. Therefore you can love your enemies. Love everything in this world, in this universe and yet not be attached to anything.

This love comes by itself. You do not have to develop it. It only comes when you let go of the other. As you let go of everything else. Things like love, bliss, joy, peace come by themselves.

You have to become totally honest with yourself. You cannot have a secret life and on top of this want freedom and liberation. There are no secrets in the Self. It’s an open book. As long as you’re leading two lives then this teaching becomes entertainment for you.

Robert Adams