Being by Yourself, Satsang RAdams

Stop looking for scraps of fulfilment outside (your) Self.

(How to change milk into butter;)
We see no hope. We think it’s the end. Nobody loves us. We have incurable diseases. We have no job. The world looks like it!s coming to an end. There are wars. Mans inhumanity to man, and we don!t know where it!s going to end. But for whom it this ~ for YOU? Find out for whom is al the destruction. For whom is the negative conditions ~ NOT FOR YOU. Because You are not your body. AS long as You believe that You are your body, then the world becomes very real to You. As long You believe You are your mind, then the thoughts will frighten You, scare You, and make you do strange things. It will make you hate people, be suspicious, be doubtful and have all kind of problems; But when You inquire; “For whom is the mind, for whom is the body?” EVERYTHING STOPS. You see ~ the substratum of All existence is BLISS.That’s the bottom line, simply speaking.THE SUBSTRATUM OF ALL EXISTENCE IS BLISS.You come from Bliss, and You go to Bliss. It’s Your Real Nature.It’s like watching a movie. And in the movie there are good people, bad people, all kinds of people… Yet ~ You watch, you do not get involved in the movie. Even tho You know you’re watching a movie You know it’ll have an end. And You’ll awaken, get up and go home. It’s like that. Life is a cosmic movie.. Things begin, things has a middle and things has an end. Everything changes, and changes and changes continuously. NOTHING is ever the same. And it pulls You in. It pulls You into what we call maya, the grand illusion. It makes you believe that life is virtuous, and interesting. It gets You enmeshed in the things of this world. Until You become totally involved, and when you become totally involved, You see it turns out what you didn’t expect. It’s different than you thought.
Then you go after something else, and you go after something else and it never ends. Until you become so discouraged ~ You don’t know what to do with yourself.
This is true with every human being, EVERYBODY. So what to do?
Take time out by yourself. Think about these things.
That’s the first vessel; BE ALONE. BE HAPPY TO BE BY YOURSELF,that you can think about these things, and take control of Your mind and Your body. Spend lots of time by yourself. Being by Yourself is not loneliness, when You know what you are doing. Begin to love to be by your Self. You can’t wait for the time to be alone.
Number two, the second vessel; is the LOVE TO BE IN SATSANG. Satsang literally means to sit at the feet of the master. With an empty mind. Not with preconceived ideas, not with doubts, not with the fighting spirit., but with an open Heart. LOVE FOR SATSANG LEADS TO ENLIGHTENMENT. But you have to be careful, to whom you go, where you go. There are so many movements, so many organisations, so many so called spiritual groups, that’s hard to decide where to go. The best way to know is to ask your Self. Be by yourSelf. If you are sincere, if you have been working on yourself diligently, something in You will lead you a right place. Where you can grow and unfold beautifully.
Vehicle number three; YOU HAVE TO HAVE A DESIRE, TO ASSOCIATE WITH PEOPLE ON THE PATH LIKE YOURSELF, your friends, to associate WITH SAGES, with people think like you, who are trying to unfold. It’s easy for the world to pull You down and associate with the wrong people. and they look very interesting to you. But they pull you down into maya. And than you have to start all over again to work your way up. You gotta be careful, AWARE where you go, with whom you hang around. LET YOUR HEART TELL YOU.
❤ Robert Adams ~ How to change milk into butter. SATSANG ~ audiorecording