Go beyond the mind -RAdams

If you really want to awaken you must put this first in your life.
How do you put this first in your life?
By learning to be calm and peaceful under all conditions.
By observing everything in your life and leaving it alone.
By allowing people to live their own lives and not judging or condemning.
By beginning to see that the person you dislike, that the condition that you do not like, is only yourself.
Whatever transpires is yourself.
There is only yourself.
If you realize there is only yourself, whatever you do for others or to others you’re doing to yourself.
In other words, where you are coming from in consciousness that is what you see.
If you believe you’re a body, you’re a mind, if you believe in the things of this world
then you see them everywhere you look. You see other bodies.
If you believe in suffering, you will see other people suffer.
If you believe in crying you will see crying wherever you look.
Whatever you believe in your mind you are creating in your life.
But if you go beyond the mind where there is absolutely nothing going on,
you will be in a place that cannot be described.
~Robert Adams -T.232: The Ground Upon Which I Stand
Is Holy Ground.