Human good&bad = illusion -RAdams

Remember all the human goodness is also an illusion. So if you have a good life, it is only temporary. If you do not find yourself you will have to come back to this earth again and again and again and have other experiences. You may come back again when the earth is in the dark ages once more and they’re having the Spanish inquisition and you’re hanging by your thumbs while your eyes are being gorged out. And then you may come back in a different life when you are a multimillionaire and you live in a castle and you’re in control of thousands of people.

They are two sides of the same coin. Therefore wake up. Do not try to exchange bad for good. Do not believe that if I become a multimillionaire I’ll be happy or if I get rid of my disease I’ll be happier or if I live in a better home I’ll be happier or if I have a new mate I’ll be happier or if I have no mate I’ll be happier, or if I have this I’ll be happier. It’s all illusion.

Robert Adams

T74: That Divine Moment Is Now!