Just simply be free! -RAdams

It takes a simple mind to awaken. When your mind is too complicated, when you’re filled with theoretical knowledge, abstract knowledge, psychological knowledge any kind of knowledge, this is what keeps you bound to maya [illusion]. Yet you keep holding on to this knowledge because you feel that if you let go of it you’ll be a fool or a vegetable. Nothing is further from the truth. The truth is that the more you give up, the greater the happiness and peace that comes to you. For your very nature is happiness and peace.
Do not be concerned about what anyone else is doing. Leave everyone alone, leave people alone, leave things alone. Always realize you are in your right place. Do not strive to be in somebody else’s place. You have nothing to fight, nothing to fear. Everything is on your side. There is no thing that wants to hurt you. Keep your life simple. Do not make this teaching complicated. Do not calculate the reason behind this teaching. Leave everything alone. Awaken and be free. All is well.
~ Robert Adams