Quotables -RAdams

“Expect nothing, do nothing, be nothing and you will discover that you are everything.
Nothing exists. The only reason the world exist is because you think you are the body.
You have created God in your own image and you worship that God. The truth is that God should worship you.
The universe is a big lie. And if you believe in the universe then you’re a bigger liar.
There is absolutely nothing for you to do to become self-realized, except shut up!
There is no one who can do anything for you and you can do nothing for yourself. It is better therefore to keep quiet and do nothing.
There is no teacher that can set you free and there is no teaching that can set you free. Just knowing this, you will already be free.
No one can save and you cannot save yourself. Knowing this, be still!.”
“If you only knew who you were then all the Gods and Goddesses that you have been praying to would fall at your feet.”

~ Robert Adams (20th century American Advaita mystic)