Realize everything is nothing -RAdams


“You all strike me as very funny,
because you believe you are the body;

You believe you are your mind,
You believe you are your experiences.

No matter how many times I tell you – you’re ‘Nothing’! – you won’t believe me!

You want to be some’thing’.
Why won’t you be Nothing?!
It’s fun being Nothing!

When you’re Nothing – there’s no world, there’s no God to pray to;
There are no ‘others’; Who can do anything to you?!

There’s no death,
There’s no rebirth;
There’s just ‘Nothing’!

Yet, the ‘Nothing’ is ‘Everything’!

Be ‘Nothing’.
You’ll Love being ‘Nothing’.

You don’t believe me, do you?
You think you have to be ‘something’.

What a group!

You think you’re ‘personal’; that you are an ‘ego’; you’re always wrapped up in ‘me’, ‘me’, ‘me’, ‘me’, ‘me’. True?

You’re always thinking about yourself;
… ‘I need this’.
… ‘I want that’.
… ‘This is wrong’.
… ‘This is right’;

There’s always something!

Nothing is the way it appears;
No ‘thing’ that exists – is, as it appears!

Whether it’s the world, or The Universe, or other people – other situations, or conditions, No ‘thing’ IS, the way it appears!

And as long as you identify with the things that appear, and are not Real, you suffer accordingly.

Anything that you think about – anything that your senses tell you is Real.., is only ‘an appearance’!

It is only ‘an appearance’ – and there’s absolutely nothing wrong!

If it were a Real Entity,
If the world were Real,
If the universe were Real, you would have something to worry about, for everything is subject to the law of change.

Everything changes constantly.

You become frustrated, you become confused, you become confounded – when you have faith in the world, because the world is always changing.

It tells you something one day, The next day, it tells you something else!

Even science agrees with this;
Science tells us that everything is composed of atoms and energy. And when the atoms spin at a certain rate of speed, this determines what the object is.

Science tells us that our eyes see a reflection of light, and the reflection of light causes the image to appear before us; as a tree, as a person, as a mountain, as an ocean, as the moon.

In other words, science is beginning to see that no ‘thing’ exists, the way it appears to exist!
It only exists, because ‘you’ exist!

If you weren’t around to see it, there would be no existence. It is only because you are around and awake, so-to-speak; you awaken the ego, and things appear as they appear to you; yet, no ‘thing’ appears the way it looks!

They say that the sun – millions of years ago, exploded, and caused our planets to be the way they are today; and everything is evolving:
…’The Big Bang Theory’.

That’s all well and good;
But where does the sun come from? They say that there is a Central Sun;

All of the galaxies in the universe revolve around The Great Central Sun, and it takes 24,000 years for a galaxy to revolve around that Central Sun;

The closer the galaxy gets to the sun, the more evolved the planet becomes. The farther away the galaxy goes from the sun, the greater the dark ages on that planet.

They say it takes approximately 12,000 years to go as close to The Central Sun as you’re going to get, and 12,000 years to pull away from it.

In other words, the planet is 12,000 years in ‘The Dark Ages’ – coming out of it, and 12,000 years in ‘The Golden Age, going back to The Dark Ages.

That’s what they say.

Where did The Central Sun come from? Who gave it birth?

Since the beginning of time, there have been individuals who have pondered this question.

Where did IT ALL come from?
Where did Creation come from?
Out of what did IT evolve?

Great Rishis in India, great seers in Japan, in Egypt, thousands of years ago, sat beneath trees, pondering these questions.

If God created everything, where did the God come from? Who created the God?

There is always a something – and a somebody, that appears to be responsible for this creation.

So these olden day Rishis – Seers, pondered these questions, and something very interesting happened; as they pondered – externally, the cause of creation, all of a sudden they found themselves becoming ‘introverted’; They began to look within themselves.

They began to Realize ‘I AM’, and – inadvertently, they posed the question:
… ‘Who am I?’
… ‘Who am I?’
Without knowing what they were doing.

They didn’t even voice it verbally.
They just felt it: ‘Who am I?’

And as they did this, sincerely – religiously, day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year.., something happened!

And it came to them; ‘I am ‘That’!
… They were amazed!

Remember, these great thinkers from the past, did not know each other; they did this independently; in Egypt, in Africa, in India, Japan.

They all came up with the same answer: ‘I Am That!’

In other words, there is no external world. There is no thing, but mind.

And because there is mind;
… There is a Universe.

Therefore, ‘I Am’ The Creator of The Universe. Everything exists, because the mind exists; and they believed, they were the mind!

They came a long way, for they now Realized that everything was an emanation of the mind.

When they had this Revelation, they didn’t stop there!

They pondered: ‘What is mind?’
‘Where did mind come from?’

‘If my mind is the cause of creation’, they pondered, ‘where did the mind come from?’

Again, they pondered this for days – weeks, months, years.., until again something happened.

This time they Realized; that mind is the cause of ‘the relative world’, and ‘the relative world’ is false!

So, the mind that I think is so important, must also be false!

In other words – there is no mind! If there’s no mind – then, ‘who am I’?

It took a long time to discover that they were mind, and everything came from the mind.

Now they were Realizing that they are Not the mind.

They inquired:
… ‘Then who am I?’
… ‘Who am I?’

And they abided in themSelf.
… They became ‘The Self’!

They lost track of the body,
… The Universe,
… The mind.

They were not in a state of Samadhi, because they were Awake.

During their Awakened State:
They became Nothing.
There was ‘no mind’.
There was ‘no universe’.

There was ‘no God’!

There was ‘no body’.
There were ‘no others’.

There was just Absolute Nothingness; and they Realized – this is The Self!

Not ‘myself’ – but, ‘The Self’!
… And they were absorbed in The Silence.

From that moment on, the world still appeared to them, but they were able to see right through it.

All pain disappeared, worry, fear, desire; it all disappeared. It was ‘transmuted’.

Now these ancient Rishis were unable to share this with devotees – or disciples, because IT’s a ‘personal experience’.

Since IT’s beyond words, IT’s beyond mind, and beyond thoughts.., how can one actually share ‘This’?!

Therefore, these ancient Rishis became Silent. They never spoke.

Yet, there was such power emanating from them, that if the right devotees came to them, and just sat with them: doing nothing, saying nothing, wanting nothing, desiring nothing; they too achieved the same results.

It was amazing!

This technique was passed down through the ages. It was commonly called Advaita Vedanta or Jnana, and it is still The Supreme Truth.”

~ Robert Adams ~